Chapter 518 

Granny Rebecca asked Are you guys thinking of putting off having kids for a while, or are you planning to be like those couples who choose not to have kids at all?Granny I do plan to have kids, just not right now I want to wait a few more years, until my career is more stable and we’re in a better financial situation. I don’t want my kid to be at a disadvantage Cornelia wasn’t one of those women who chose not to have kids. She actually liked children

She’d just bought a house and her career was on the upswing. If she had a kid now, she wouldn’t be able to go on business trips with Marcus like she used to, which would definitely mean quitting her job

She’d fought tooth and nail to get her job as the personal assistant to the president of the Hartley Group. She didn’t want to quit because of a baby

Granny Rebecca said, This is the perfect age for you guys to have kids. If you wait a few more years, you might be in a better financial situation, but you’ll also be of advanced maternal age, which carries risks.” 

Cornelia’s eyes went wide. Granny, I’m still young! How did I suddenly age a decade or more? You know how sensitive girls are about their age. You can’t just make me sound old.” 

Granny Rebecca laughed out loud at Cornelia’s dramatic reaction. Of course. In my eyes, you’ll always be a child. Even when you’re an old lady, you’ll still be a childNo matter what, I feel like I’ve been wronged. You owe me a present,” Cornelia said

Granny Rebecca immediately pulled cash from her pocket. Tve had your Christmas gifts ready for a while. I’ve been waiting for you to come get them. Take Jay’s too.Granny Rebecca had been giving her cash every Christmas for years

Granny. I’m sorry!Cornelia said

Even when Cornelia hadn’t gone home to Rosenberg for Christmas, Granny Rebecca’s gifts had always been there. They’d always been sent through a bank transfer This year, Granny Rebecca had come to Riverton for Christmas. She must’ve been hoping to spend the holiday with Cornelia, so she’d prepared cash ahead of time. But Comella had gone abroad

Comelia could hardly imagine how Granny Rebecca had spent the past few months. She must’ve missed Comelia terribly

Why are you suddenly apologizing?Granny Rebecca asked

I’ve been busy with work and left you alone at Southern Peak for Christmas. Granny, I won’t leave you alone for Christmas ever again,Cornelia said, hugging Granny Rebecca tight

I was alone? I had plenty of company. Your Granny Luisa was there, and a lot of people I didn’t know. It was lively” 

The most important part of Christmas is being with family. No matter how many people are there, it’s not as meaningful as being with family

I’ve finished renovating my house in Riverton Wait one more month, and I’ll bring you to live with me in Riverton, Cornelia said

Alright Granny Rebecca agreed, but she didn’t dare get her hopes up. Her health was deteriorating rapidly, and she didn’t know how much longer she could hang on. Nelly

Hmm?Cornelia asked

“When Jeremy comes back, come to Southern Peak to see me. I haven’t seen him in a while. I have a lot I want to tell him.Granny Rebecca was worried that if she didn’t speak up soon, she might never get the chance

Cornelia answered, Jeremy will be back in Riverton by early next month at the latest. Before our second wedding anniversary, I’ll bring him to Southern Peak to see youAlright, it’s settled then. Granny Rebecca patted Cornelia’s hand. Your granny is waiting for us to go to dinner. Let’s go eat 

Cornelia nodded

Chapter 519 

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