Chapter 458 

What could she even say? Other couplesrelationships were their own business. What right did she have, as an outsider, to comment here and with such audacity? Okay, then just shut it.Natalia said to Briana again, Briana, Marc’s wife isn’t happy with some sickness Marc has, but I don’t care I don’t care about his sickness. Even if he really has one, I don’t mind. As long as he accepts me If Marc doesn’t want to marry me, that’s fine too. I’m willing to stay by his side, not as his wife” 

Natalia sounded like a madwoman who’d lost all sense 

Cornelia was somewhat puzzled Was Natalia genuinely in love with Marcus? Or was she stubbornly trying to win Marcus over

Regardless of which, Cornelia thought that Natalia, who had lost her senses and was in deep agony, was a pitiful person. A woman so low for a man, even throwing away 

her self esteem. How sad 

Cornelia didn’t want to listen to their words anymore, so she found an excuse to sneak away

Back home, Cornelia finally had time to check her phone. Here was only one new message on WhatsApp. She opened it, and it was from Jeremy 

[Cornelia, how was work today?

Cornelia didn’t want him to worry. Those nonsensespewing colleagues had been fired by Marcus, so that matter was over

She replied [It was fine. Worked for half a day, and President Hartley sent us home to rest

Jeremy quickly replied. [Did you have lunch? How are you planning to spend the next few days?

When he asked, Cornelia honestly replied I plan to visit our grandmother at Southern Summer Garden tomorrow and stay there for a night. When I come back, it sort out some of the stuff we don’t need at home and gradually move them to the new house

Jeremy [ll find someone to help you move

Cornelia [No need Zack and I will move some stuff over when we have time. There isn’t much to move at home. No need to specifically find people to help. Hiring movers costs money, and having your friends help me move is a bother. We can do it ourselves

Jeremy [I just want to do something for you

Cornelia: [You’ve already helped a lot by letting your grandmother and my grandmother stay at Southern Summer Garden and arranging the best doctors and caregivers for my grandmother

Jeremy: [As your husband, I’m still far from caring enough for you

This sentence was very ordinary, but it touched Cornelia’s heart again, making her feel the warmth and love of this world

Even though many people were talking behind her back, and didn’t want her to live well, there was a man who was always thinking about warming her up

Cornelia wanted to tell him that his words were enough, but she was too shy to say so

She replied to him: If I rely on you for everything, it won’t be long before I become a person who can’t do anything. I don’t want to become like that.

Jeremy: [That’s not what I meant

Cornelia: I know you didn’t mean it like that. But I think, even if we’re a couple, one side can’t do nothing and rely on the other one. That kind of relationship won’t last. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, do you understand what I mean?

Jeremy. I feel the same way

In their conversation, the content seemed to gradually become romantic

Cornelia quickly changed the subject: [Jeremy, don’t bother Marcus to take care of me anymore. He already has a family. It’s not right for him to always help me, a female employee, with personal matters.

Jeremy: [Don’t you like Marcus?

Cornelia: [He’s great and a good boss, but he and I are not the same kind of people

Jeremy [Why’s that

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