Chapter 408 

She threw out such a simple request. If he would reject her, would that make her suspicious

Marcus was caught in a pickle. Just then, the airplane’s intercom announced that they were about to take off and requested everyone to switch their phones to airplane mode or turn them off

Immediately, Cornelia shot Jeremy a text: [Gonna take off soon.

Then, she fired off a message in the group chat with the three of them: [Zack, Abby, I’m flying home tonight. Leaves at midnight and I should touch down around 6pm Riverton time.

Having quickly fired off her messages, Cornelia switched her phone to airplane mode. She lifted her gaze only to collide with Marcus’s deep, complex eyes. He was staring at her, unblinkingly

Cornelia touched her face, Is there something on my face?” 

Marcus coughed lightly, You seemed pretty engrossed in your chat. Who are you chatting with?” 

Cornelia replied, With Jeremy.” 

Marcus, trying to hide his discomfort, casually asked, What are you guys talking about?” 

Cornelia gave an awkward laugh, That’s a private matter between my husband and me.” 

Marcus stayed silent

She was having a chat with him but now made him feel like a complete outsider. It didn’t sit well with him

Twelve hours of flight time. It was a long, and Cornelia felt every inch of her body ache from sleeping. But from another perspective, it wasn’t that long, as she just take a nap, and when Comelia woke up, the plane was about to land

The moment the plane landed and Cornelia turned on her phone, she received messages from the threeperson group. Zack and Abigail were saying they were planning to pick her up at the airport and go out for dinner

As Cornelia was about to reply, Marcus stopped her, Cornelia, you’re coming with me to a party later.” 

Sure.Cornelia immediately called Zack, telling them not to pick her up from the airport as she was going to a party with Marcus

Zack was a bit miffed, You guys have been out on this trip for so long. Now that you’re finally done, he’s still clinging to you.” 

Abigail added, He is weird. He’s got a wife waiting for him at home, but he keeps you, his assistant, by his side. It’s hard not to 


Cornelia said, “Don’t overthink. It’s just work.” 

Zack asked, Can you give us a definite time? When can we see you?” 

Cornelia replied, Once I finish today’s work, I should be home tomorrow.” 

Zack said, If Marcus still doesn’t let you go tomorrow, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.” 

Cornelia laughed, Even if you really want to give him a piece of your mind, you might get nabbed by his people before you even get 

close to him.” 

Zack asked, Does Marcus have a lot of bodyguards?” 

Comelia didn’t answer

Marcus wasn’t like other bigwigs who always had a group of blackclad bodyguards following them. But Cornelia felt that, even if they weren’t visible, there were definitely a lot of people like Ayden lurking in the shadows

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