I'm A Quadrillionaire
Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Bang!

Another gunshot!

However, One-Eyed Boyle, turned his head to dodge the bullet as if he had seen it coming and quickly ran towards the direction from where the shot was fired.

Moments later, a scream could be heard and One-Eyed Boyle came back with another Team B member before throwing him onto the ground.

This was the tenth one while the others were still hiding securely.

"Are you stalling for time so that you can wait for someone else to come rescue you? I'm sorry! As far as I know, none of the Team A members of Special Task Force are in Capital City now and I will kill all of the Team B members that show up," the middle-aged man said.

No way!

The hearts of several Team B members hidden in the dark trembled. They had just received the news that some Team A members had already arrived and they were asked to stall.

Since they could not speak now since speaking would reveal their location, they had no way to verify this.

In this case, there was no need to speak anymore, as doing so would allow the enemy to find them one by one.

"My brothers from the Special Task Force, hurry up and leave! Don't continue to sacrifice your lives, you are not his opponents. I am begging you, leave now!" Shouted the tied-up woman. "Haha, I want to see how long you can drag this out for," the middle-aged man said with a smirk

After speaking, he stretched out one of his evil hands toward the tied-up woman.


Another gunshot!

One-Eyed Boyle successfully dodged it again and charged straight for the spot where the shot had just been fired from. "Go!"

A voice could be heard.

The remaining Team B members who were in hiding showed up suddenly. One of them ran to the tied-up woman, Julia Stefani, while the rest ran toward One-Eyed Boyle.




The few sounds could be heard along with pained screams.

The moment the Team B member approached Julia, he felt pressure overwhelming him before he could untie the hostage. Thud!

His body flew away.

"You want to save her? That depends on whether you have the ability to do so," One-Eyed Boyle said as he stood next to Julia.

At this point, all 16 people from the two units from Special Task Force Team B were defeated.

One death and fifteen seriously injured.

One-Eyed Boyle was terrifying!

"You're Julia, right? Don't worry. When I'm done, I'll leave you as a whole corpse. I want to see the look on your father's face when he sees you. I'll return the pain he gave me back then a hundred times over." "You won't be able to leave Somerland. My dad and my grandpa will never forgive you!" Julia said while closing her eyes.

She seemed to be able to predict what was going to happen to her next.

"Since I dared to come here, it means I already have an escape plan. They couldn't detain me back then and they won't detain me now,"One-Eyes Boyle said arrogantly.

"Really? Do you think there's no one else left in Somerland or do you think there's no one left in Team A?"

A voice spoke into One-Eyed Boyle's ears.

"Who's that?"

As soon as One-Eyed Boyle finished speaking, his body was suddenly knocked into the air by a huge force.


One-Eyed Boyle's body was slammed against the wall. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth as his body bounced off the wall. When he was more than ten centimeters away from the wall, a slender and pale hand pressed against his forehead and then slammed him back against the wall before he could react.


A loud sound resounded throughout the floor.

A 10-centimeter-deep hole was made in the concrete wall while One-Eyed Boyle's head was embedded in the wall.

One-Eyed Boyle's eyes were bulging and he was staring at the person in front of him as if to remember the person forever.

David's hand on One-Eyed Boyle's forehead slid down gently and closed One-Eyed Boyle's eyes.

The blow just now completely shattered One-Eyed Boyle's skull and now his brain was just a puddle.

He was completely dead.

One-Eyed Boyle's only thought before he died was, 'How would Capital City still have masters?

He had waited for this chance for many years and all the masters of Capital City were transferred to carry out a mission related to Falconia. That was why he dared to sneak into Capital City to take revenge.

Otherwise, he would not dare to do this in Capital City even if he was given all the courage in the world.

Wouldn't he be courting death if he did so?

He thought he had chosen a good time, but he did not expect to escape the fate of being killed.

David was speechless when he looked at One-Eyed Boyle.

'I took it too far.

'The captain said I should capture him alive.

'But I can't hold myself.'

The more than ten Team B members on the floor were all looking at David with admiration.

That mask!

That was right!

It was that pervert!

It was the legendary Team A member who would move in and out with supernatural elusiveness.

He was so strong!

The powerful enemy that wiped out the two units of Team B could not stop the attack of one member of Team A.

This was the gap between Team B and Team A. They were worlds apart.

The biggest life goal of Team B members was to be promoted from Team B to Team A.

However, very few people could achieve that.

And the Team A member in front of them looked so young.

What a psycho!

On the way, David had put on the special mask of Team A members for the task, but this mask could only cover half of his face.

As for what it could do, David figured it was just something for them to show off pompously so that Team A could stand out from the crowd.

Julia looked at the figure a few meters away from her and her eyes were a little out of focus.

David turned around and glanced at the dozen or more Team B members lying on the ground and the woman tied to the pillar. Then, he said, "Captain, the mission is completed. The target is dead and the hostage is safe, but the people from Team B are all pretty heavily injured."

"Very good. The rescue team will be there soon. Please hold on," Leeman said in David's ear.

"Roger that."

After David reported the situation, he walked in front of Julia and ripped the ropes on her with his bare hands. Then, he removed his coat to put it on Julia to prevent her from being exposed. This was a very important person.

"Thank you," Julia said as she looked at David.

"You're welcome. This is just something I should do."

Soon, the rescue team was here. They were already nearby so they could come here the minute they got the notice. After they carried away the injured members, they removed One-Boyle from the wall and carried him away as well. Julia left with the rescue team too. However, before she left, she looked at David deeply.

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