Floyd's lips twitched. He could not help but say, "Gosh, Mr. Ivor. Does everyone remind you of Ms. Bonnie?"

Bonnie had disguised herself too well, yet Floyd did not know how Ivor concluded it was her. Floyd was confident his boss missed Bonnie so much that he began to see her everywhere.

"You seriously can't tell?" Ivor frowned. When he stared at Bonnie again, he fell into deep thought.

'She came to me before we came here. She said she'd never lose the bet. She wouldn't have said that if she wasn't confident, right? Is she really...'

Floyd helplessly replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ivor, I honestly can't tell how Ms. Finley resembles your fiancee."

Ivor glanced at him disdainfully and said, "Something must be wrong with your eyes. Maybe you should get them checked."

Floyd dared not talk back to his boss and could only grumble quietly, "My eyes are fine. Why would Mr. Ivor say that? He must miss his fiancee too much. It's only been several hours, yet he can't stand it already. That's why he sees her everywhere."

Ivor did not quite hear Floyd's grumbling. The former glanced at his assistant and asked, "What are you mumbling about? Are you badmouthing me behind my back?"

Floyd quickly shook his head. "I-I wouldn't dare, Mr. Ivor!"

Ivor scoffed lightly. "You better not."

Floyd chuckled dryly and gestured to zip his mouth.

Meanwhile, Bonnie stood just a short distance from the duo and heard their entire exchange. She could not help but smirk and giggle. Suddenly, she heard a furious voice, "I thought you told me you're Finley! Explain how this happened now!"

Bonnie looked toward the voice and saw Shane glaring at Felecia. On the other hand, Felecia did not expect the real Finley to show up here.

Felecia did not know how to explain herself. Since she was out of options, she stuck to her act, saying, "I-I'm sorry, Shane. I didn't mean to lie to you. I-It's just that I've admired you for so long and wanted to work for Gemedia Group. Please don't—”

Before she could finish, Shane roared, "Shut the hell up! You can't expect me to trust you after what happened!"

He was furious, panting heavily as his face reddened. Then, he saw his assistant from the corner of his eyes, intensifying his fury.

Shane questioned his assistant, "You told me you found the real Finley. You even asked various sources to verify her identity. How did it all come to this?!"

The assistant lowered their head and explained, "I-I did check her identity with various sources, Mr. Shane. Based on the information I acquired, her resume was impressive, and she won multiple awards. That's why I thought she was the real deal. I-I didn't know she was an impostor."

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