Chapter 30 

Lee. Lee. It’s ok. Your fine.” A deep voice next to me says. 

I was shaking and I have a few tears running down my face. I don’t say anything because I feel like I can’t talk. For the next five minutes Damion held me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. 

When I finally got my bearings, I spoke up, “I’m sorry for waking you.” 

He sighs, “Lee, I don’t care that you woke me.” 

There was a pause, “Are you ok?He asks while still holding me against his chest. 

I nod. 

“It’s ok to not be ok.” He says. 

Again, I don’t say anything, I just listen to the sound of his heart. 

His right hand goes to the top of my thigh and squeezes it. 

In a deeper voice that usual Damion asks, “Lee, why aren’t you wearing any bottoms?” 

I bite my l*ps a little and slowly look up so that I am face to face with him, “I was hot, so I took them 


His hands squeezes my thigh a little harder, I can feel myself getting wetter with each passing 


His hands softly brushed up my leg until he reaches the top. 

My breathe hitches. 

I watch his hand as he traces my panty line, across my stomach and around my hips. He stops when he reaches my inner thigh. I lick my l*ps and part them. I can feel his whole b*dy tense up. 

He is hard as a rock. He knows it, and I know it. 

I am soaking wet. I know it, and he knows it. 

“Lee?” He whispers in my ear. 

“Yes.” I whisper back. 

“Tell me to stop.” He practically begs. 

I don’t say anything. 

He says again with a much deeper voice, that doesn’t sound like him, “Tell me to stop.” 

I pause and whisper, “No.” 

I picks me up from his lap and puts me down on the bed. Immediately I feel his soft l*ps on my n*eck. I whimper. His one hand is balancing himself on top of me, and the other is cradling my face. I move my head to give him better access and he starts k*ssing lower. Suddenly, he stops k*ssing me and sits up. His hands are on the bottom of the shirt which is still rolled up to my boobs. 

He looks at me to ask for permission and I nod without hesitation. Before I know it the shirt is off and I am practically n*ked in front of him. 

His mouth finds my left n*pple and he sucks. I quietly moan and out my hands in his hair. I know there will be a hickey there tomorrow, just like there is on my n*eck. 

He softly k*sses his way from my left boobs to my right and does the same thing. I am a moaning mess and am dripping wet. After leaving his mark on my boobs he starts k*ssing down my stomach, when he reaches just above my belly the k*sses change. He starts rolling his tongue on my skin and T 

Chapter 1 

swear I almost cum right then. 

“Damion.” I gasp. 

He lifts his head, “Do you want me to stop?” 

I answer immediately, “No, please. Don’t stop.” 

He does as I ask and continues to place wet k*sses down to the top of my underwear. He gets off the bed and suddenly start k*ssing his way up the inside of my right leg, starting at my knee. I open my legs a little more so that his b*dy has room. 

When he gets to the very top of my inner thigh, he goes back down to my other knee. Once again he reaches the top of my inner thigh and stops. 

“Lee if you want me to stop just please tell me.” He sounds like he is trying to hold himself back. 

I have that feeling again, like my brain is saying stop, but my b*dy and heart are saying go. There is a pull between us that I can’t explain, but I feel it. I think he feels it too, but I don’t know and that scares the hell out of me. I have done more with him in the last two days then ever did with Jason, the question is why. I know that I never trusted Jason with my b*dy, he never even saw me n*ked. Now Damion has seen almost every bit of me, and I want him to see more, but the fact that we aren’t even together and I’m doing this is hard for me. I dated Jason for two years and all we did was k*ss. Damion and I hated each other for out entire lives, and so far he has fingered me, given me hickeys, and sucked my tits. Maybe… maybe I let this happen and see where it goes, but I don’t think I will be ok if I get hurt. So I will give him my b*dy because I can’t fight it anymore, but I won’t give him my heart. 

“No, keep going.” I say breathlessly. 

He skids my underwear down my legs and now I am bare for him to see. I am definitely self conscious, and him not moving isn’t helping. 

I try to close my legs, but his hands go to my thighs and stop them. A few moments pass and then I feel his hot breathe on me. 

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