His Domineering Lover
Chapter 595

Tracey thought he had a point. The last thing a man wanted was to be questioned about his fertility. Her going to the gynecologist could be bad for his reputation. "Well, fine. I'm not going to the hospital."

"You're so young. We'll have kids sooner or later. Don't be anxious, okay?" Adam's back was covered with cold sweat.


Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief. "That's my girl. This conversation is ruining the moment. How are you gonna make it up to me?"

"Honey, let me undress you, shall I?" Tracey put the kid thing aside and gave a charming smile.

"Go ahead." Adam stretched out his arms. Tracey knelt on the bed and unbuttoned his buttons one by one. His fair skin was exposed bit by bit.

Adam was white among men, but he was not weak at all. Hidden in his shirt were strong muscles.

Though she had seen him naked countless times, she was still amazed by his body. She slowly touched his muscles.

He couldn't take it anymore. He just laid her down on the bed and whispered in her ear, "Tracey, I miss you. I really do."

"I know, I miss you too."

kissed and touched

Things were heating up. They each other like crazy.

The room was soon filled with ambiguous gasps and groans.

The next morning, Adam took Tracey to work. "I'll pick you up after work." "Okay."

Everything was going back to the way it had been, as if Adam had never left. Tracey still felt a bit sorry for him for giving up on the European market.

Adam was determined, so she could just let it go. Neither of them mentioned Bradley, nor did they talk about the European market again.

When Tracey returned to the company, her employees came to see her. "President Xia, how are you?" Adam wasn't the only one who was worried about Tracey that night. Setlla was up all night too. She couldn't do anything but pray for Tracey. It wasn't until Tracey called her and said she was fine that she was relived.

Tracey came to the company this day. Setlla was still worried about her. She kept looking at Tracey with concern.

"Don't worry, I just had a cold. I'm fin now, and I can have the papers I need to sign now." Tracey went into working mode as fast as she could.

"Yes, President Xia." After making sure Tracey was fine, everyone felt reassured.

Tracey planned to spend the morning finishing up these days' work and the afternoon designing Candy's jewelry.

She already got Bradley's bank card number through Caesar. She had fifteen million transferred to Bradley as soon as she arrived at the office. She didn't want to owe anyone but Adam.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, an uninvited guest arrived at her company. She was working on a design when she got a call.


"President Xia, a young lady wants to see you, but she doesn't have an appointment. She said you would see her if you knew her name."

"What's her name?"

"Nina Austin." The receptionist didn't know who Nina was. She just thought she was noble and probably a friend of President Xia. "Take Ms. Austin to my office." Tracey hung up the phone.

"Okay." The receptionist thought Ms. Austin must be as strong a woman as President Xia was. "Ms. Austin, please come with me." "Thank you." Nina thanked her and followed her to the elevator. It was her first time here. This company was decorated in a very unique style. Everyone here was full of energy. It seemed that Sun was indeed promising.

It was growing like a young and vigorous sapling.

"Ms. Austin, you're a friend of President Xia, right?" the receptionist asked with a smile.

"What makes you think that?" Nina was a little surprised. Did she look friendly? She didn't think so.

"Because you're both strong women, and you don't look like President Xia's enemy."

Nina asked curiously, "You respect Tracey very much, don't you?"

"Of course. She's really terrific. She should be younger than me, but she's my idol.

"To tell you the truth, when I first joined the company, I was a little skeptical of her ability, because she hadn't graduated yet.

"I thought she was just some rich kid living off her family. But later, I knew I was wrong. She made it this far on her own.

"Despite her apparent indifference, she is a very polite person. She never looks down upon us.

Tve seen her helping out with the garbage cans for the cleaning lady, picking up stuff for the guys at work.

"She never asks her staff to work overtime, but she works overtime every day. She even got sick because of it.

"She's so dutiful. Everyone in the company likes her." The receptionist talked about with shining eyes.

Nina knew that no one would speak ill of their bosses in public, but the receptionist seemed to be sincere. Her eyes were full of admiration for Tracey.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Austin. I talk too much." The receptionist felt that she crossed the line. Although Ms. Austin was President Xia's friend, she shouldn't have said so much.

"It doesn't matter, I understand." Nina thought of her employees. Most of them looked at her with fear in their eyes.

Though they worshiped her, they feared her more. In their eyes, she was Satan.

Tracey, however, was Santa to her staff. Nina felt that she should learn from Tracey in this respect. She was good at learning and observing, or she wouldn't have been where she was.

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