His Domineering Lover
Chapter 573

Adam grabbed his phone with anger. "Little bunny, sorry about that, don't misunderstand."

His voice contained a slight trace of fluster. Tracey had seen many sides of him, gentle, charming, or naughty, but had never seen when he was getting flustered.

Imagining his look, Tracey couldn't help laughing. "No, I didn't. I trust you."

"Thank you, my darling. Where are you?" Adam heard the music from the phone.

"I'm at an auction."

"An auction?"

"Yes, the payment for Candy. I got interested in the ruby, and it will be auctioned tonight, so I came for it. Why were't you with your phone before?"

Tracey made him a phone call long ago in the afternoon. Adam said apologetically, "Sorry, I have been discussing the business with others in the morning. The phone was muted. I was so busy that I forgot to call you back."

"It doesn't matter, I know you're busy, but you should be self-strict, someone is targeting you." Tracey deliberately mentioned it but didn't say it too straightly.

According to Nina's behavior, she aimed at misunderstanding Tracey by telling her Adam was having a shower.

However, as a grown-up woman, Nina would not randomly joke. There would be only one reason. She liked Adam. So, she wanted Tracey to envy.

How could a mature relationship be destroyed by such a trick? Besides, even if other people didn't know Adam well, Tracey did, and she trusted Adam's love toward her.

In short, Tracey won't be fooled. Nina was just an outsider who couldn't affect them at all.

"I swear to God that my heart is only belonging to you." Adam said seriously, "I'll never betray you!"

"I believe in you. Go and do your work. The auction is about to start." Tracey hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Adam glanced at Nina coldly. "Don't touch my things."

Feeling his coldness, Nina smiled, "Well, you didn't take the phone, I answered it first so that Tracey won't be worried." Luckily, Adam didn't know what Nina told Tracey before.

Adam wasn't a fool, and he knew Nina had feelings for him. During the days years for Tracey, he had always been restricted even celibate, and he hated other women's approach. Since going together with Tracey, he felt disgusted more about these omen. He won't allow any one of them to damage his relationship with Tracey.

For Adam, it was not necessary to respond to every woman's love. More cruelly, their love had nothing to do with him. Therefore, he didn't care about how Nina felt. He cared about only one thing during this trip, the business, nothing else. "Our love had nothing to do with anyone." Adam said coldly.

"Why are you so angry? Let's go to have lunch. I know there is a wonderful French restaurant nearby." Nina changed the topic.

It was time for lunch, and Adam was indeed a little hungry. Seeing his tall figure, Nina smiled.

She was a smart woman, and she knew that it was useless to attract Adam with common ways. She kept distant from him, observing and testing him.

But Tracey was braver and smarter than her imagination. Their relationship was also stronger than appeared.

"Hmm... men were usually vulnerable to temptation. Adam is not exceptional." Nina thought. Even if he wouldn't fall in love with other women, he won't probably reject an affair.

A plan came into her mind. She would catch everyone she had fancy on.

Tracey put the phone back into her handbag. Although she didn't ask Adam for any detail, she knew Nina's intention.

And she knew the reason, because Adam was too outstanding! During the whole month, it was Nina who accompanied Adam every day! Thinking of this, Tracey was uncomfortable. Although she trusted Adam, she couldn't retreat from her disgust toward Nina. This was a woman's heart, it was narrow sometimes, but envious all time when this woman fell in love.

"Ah! There are still more than twenty days to wait!" Tracey thought desperately. She couldn't wait to fly to him.

The phone call brought her annoyance. Being disturbed by negative feelings, she wouldn't want to do any social talking.

She just stood in front of the French window alone, watching the moon in the sky. "It's dark outside, what about you? Still the afternoon?" Tracey asked Adam in her heart.

She couldn't control thinking more, and her head fell into a mess.

At this time, two people entered the hall. Renee took Bradley's arm and came in. She dressed conservatively today, and the clothes didn't expose too much of her body except for neck and face. Because she didn't want her wounds to be seen. It's been a long time since she attended such a party last time. She was quite happy.

Bradley had many women, but he picked Renee to bring. Renee always called him "Mater". Gradually, he had seemingly been her master.

When she was picked, she was excited, as if she had become his most beloved woman.

But her good mood soon disappeared at the moment when she saw Tracey. "She again!"

Bradley felt Renee's sudden hatred. Looking along with Renee's eyes, Bradley saw Tracey standing by the window.

She was so alone, drastically contrast to the lively crowd behind her.

And her back was so straight as if nothing could beat her. Facing such a back, Bradley wanted to hold her and to protect her very

Renee looked away. "Whatever, Bradley is my man now, Tracey, I'm not afraid of you." She thought.

At the same time, she found Bradley's eyes were fixed on the woman she hated. His gaze was so aggressive and so hot.

"Would Mr. Gill love... no, it can't be, Bradley has promised to help me revenge!"

Renee reacted and tried to be calm. "Bradley, what are you looking at? Let's go."

"Okay." Bradley withdrew his gaze.


Renee didn't say anything more, and she thought it was just her imagination. After all, Tracey wasn't an elf, and she couldn't tempt every man who had seen her.

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