His Domineering Lover
Chapter 570

But they had changed positions. From their new position, it was Adam who asked to kiss. Before, it was Tracey's request.

Adam's gentle kissing way made the girl passing by envious, and they all would like to be held by him.

Nina looked away with a complicated face. As a woman, she could feel Adam's fiery love.

"Hah, she was just selling her beauty. Men wouldn't stay too long for this kind of woman." Nina thought and then walked forward without looking back.

Adam's affectionate kiss made Tracey flushed. As onlookers were gathering around, Tracey took Adam aside.

"You were angry, aren't you?" Adam teased. Tracey was unconsciously eager for Adam's kiss, which she had never done before.

They had been together long, and Adam had known her very well. Tracey was just declaring her sovereignty over Adam in this way.

Tracey's jealousy made Adam happy, and Adam felt so lovely to be cared about by her.

"Don't tease me. Why didn't you tell me Nina is your business partner?"

"I told you last night. I said she is the President of Life. I thought you knew her. By the way, she meant nothing but a business partner to me. In my eyes, my partner could be either a man or a woman, I don't care." Adam said.

Tracey believed him. She had the same opinions toward work partners. She didn't care whether they were men or women.

From another point of view, if she deliberately reported any relationships or any details of work to Adam, that would be weird.

Adam had no other feelings for Nina. Of course, Tracey would not pester him on this stuff. "I know, I am too weak, and she deemed I am not a good fit for you." Tracey thought of the disdain in Nina's eyes. As a woman, Tracey understood Nina. It was not because she was too narrow-minded but because Adam was too outstanding.

"You are a good fit or not, it's up to me. Don't think too much about it, I will come back soon." Adam touched Tracey's head, like touching the little girl he met on the ship many years ago.

"Okay. Have a safe trip. Call me when you land." Tracey decided to move on. She should believe

Adam and should not easily be suspicious about his love.

Although decided to move on, it will be Nina, who as powerful as Adam, accompany him for the next full month.

Anyway, Tracey shared some traits with Nina. They are both self-driven women with strong wills. On the business battlefields, female warriors were rare.

Tracey understood that jealousy would not help. Only by working hard, Tracey was able to shrew her difference between Adam, and she was desired to stand higher to reach his position until someday that she never needed his help.

"I will. You already have Joseph's phone number, right? If you want to call me but fail to connect, it's the same to call him. When I arrive at the hotel, I will tell you the address."

Adam's consideration made Tracey a little embarrassed. "Address? I won't monitor you!"

"It's not monitoring, it's a sense of security. Little bunny, we will be remote, and I know that you lack security.

If you can't reach me, you should be anxious. Of course, I won't allow it to happen. So, I have to make preparation.

Even if you can't reach me, you can still get my news from other means, and you don't have to worry.

This is what I experienced before. I know how suffering it was. I don't want you to experience it again. Remember to take the medicine, and you shall not miss each drinking." Adam said gently. Listening to his words, Tracey's heart was melting. "Stop talking, or I won't let you go."

"Tracey, you always make me worried. When I'm not at home, you should have meals on time, and do not work overtime. If I found you have lost weight when I came back, hum, I'll punish you." Adam threatened.

"I know. Why didn't I see you were so wordy before?" Tracey didn't want to talk more as the tears had filled her eyes. She finally tasted the feeling that Adam saw her off last time.

"Okay, I'm wordy. But you can't hear them tomorrow." Adam tapped her head, certainly, with no strength.

"Why can't I hear them? Call me and remind me to take medicine, to eat, and to wear enough clothes." Tracey did not want the separation so sad. After all, they were not going through death. One month was short.

"No problem. From tomorrow on, I'll call you every day to urge you." Adam happily and agreed.

Soon there wasn't much time left for departure.

"Adam, you should go, it's getting late." "Wait for me to come back. If you need help, tell Jensen."

"I know." Tracey suppressed bitterness in her heart.

"Goodbye." Adam kissed her forehead and then stepped away. Tracey had been watching him until he disappeared at the security checkpoint.

"Adam, wait for me, I will become stronger!"

After meeting Nina today, Tracey was even more sure of what she wanted. She didn't want to hide under Adam's wings but want to grow wings to fly with him.

Jensen drove Tracey to her company. As soon as thinking of Nina and her disdainful eyes, Tracey was like being infused with power.

Right after arriving at the company, she threw herself at the office to do the R&D for the new skincare products. Borrowing the heat of perfume, in at most half a month, they would be launched.

The clothing team assigned by Adam also began to work. Tracey was quite talented in design, not only in jewelry but also in clothes.

She thought she would die in missing Adam after he left. It turned out she had no time to miss him at all but only cared about the work.

Adam started his research on the European market as well. He was busy every day. Although with a few hours time lag, Adam never missed any "Goodnight".

For instance, when Adam was having the afternoon tea, Tracey was ready to sleep, and he would send her a message at this time. Although without Adam's company, Tracey was not alone because through the cell phone, he was always there.

After she received the mysterious message last time, Tracey didn't receive another one. "Maybe it was nothing." She comforted herself.

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