His Domineering Lover
Chapter 528

Upon their arrival at the airport, snowflakes fell down from the sky. These snowflakes completed this Christmas Eve.

What was more, this prosperous city became brisk for the heavy snowfall. They arrived more than an hour in advance.

The plane would arrive late rather than early in this weather, but they still felt it better to wait for the plane in case of any accidents.

"There is still time. I'll go shopping in the airport." The bulletin board displayed that the plane would be late for about half an hour. Lucy, restless, wouldn't wait quietly.

"Go ahead." Setlla was broad- minded and said nothing.

She bought some snacks in a coffee shop next to the airport's entrance. Then she sent a selfie of her wearing the scarf to David.

David was having a rehearsal with a project manager outside the Gamecade Mall. Checking his phone, he was pleased to receive the smiling selfie of Setlla.

"This is my first time to receive a Christmas present from a man. I'm so excited. Thank you." A meme followed behind. Setlla was conservative, and she would blush when David held her hand. David suddenly felt grateful to Lucy for her discarding his scarf that year; otherwise, he could still chase after Lucy, missing Setlla.

"I'll celebrate every Christmas with you in the future," David replied with a smile.

Setlla felt warm in her heart. For the heavy snow, she worried about David, who rushed to the event site after work.

David had been busy recently. He didn't even rest regularly, let alone a vacation.

Setlla knew that David thought highly of Tracey. His endeavor was not only for the company but also for Tracey.

However, Setlla did not feel jealous at all, as she understood this feeling. David might once feel that thing towards Tracey, but he tried to get close to Setlla rather than Tracey now. Tracey was important to Setlla too. For both Setlla and David, Tracey was like a navigation beacon, guiding them through their misty life.

"It's cold out there. Keep warm."

David hurriedly put away his phone after sending out a brief reply. David proposed some improvements for the event procedure, but the project manager was already getting disgruntled. The project manager was experienced. It was his first encounter with a young man with such patience and rigor for perfection.

The project manager assumed that David got well paid for such devotion on his jobs. David kept standing in the snow, and he should have caught a cold if without his robust physique.

This was the important site for the event, and many reporters and journalists would come here tomorrow. David kept striving for excellence; for example, he offered twenty proposals for this event.

Isla and Tracey chose one from all those proposals. David was ambitious to make a hit tomorrow, as all his proposals were a mixture of both his creative ideas with some reference to various events abroad and at home.

If not for Adam, the project manager, who muddled along, should have pissed off.

David was eager to make this event novel, while the project manager was anxious to get the job done as soon as possible. And David kept proposing improvement on the event site.

A Rolls-Royce came from afar. The project manager, halfway to the air-conditioned room, retraced his steps to David with a rush.

Jensen got out of the car first. After unfolding a beautiful black umbrella, he opened the car door. It was supposed that Adam would get off from the car.

But there appeared a pair of delicate black high-heels and then the lower hem of a black skirt. When the high-heels touched the ground, a woman with a powerful aura showed up.

The woman in a black umbrella skirt wore a good-quality fleece, and on her hands were a pair of gloves made of leather and lace.

The curly hair was scattered on her back. The woman wore light but delicate makeup, which was pleasant to the eyes.

Her appearance was young, but there were in her eyes composure and force, disharmonious with her age. And no one dared to slight her for her coldness.

Although she was a beautiful and elegant woman, people would rather admire her from some distance for the dangerous aura around her.

Another person got off the car. The man wore a black coat too. He was tall and straight with a domineering aura. It was not easy for people to ignore him, even if he stood there still. The powerful man and woman were a good match.

They were born for each other. Taking the umbrella from the assistant, the man held it over the woman gentlemanly.

In this heavy snow, people felt warm at the sight of this beautiful couple. David shared the same feeling.

This couple embodied what a perfect match was.

This was why David gave up his feeling towards Tracey. He could never be qualified to hold that umbrella for Tracey, and no one was possible to thrust into the space between Tracey and Adam. This couple would become a spot of attention wherever they appeared. David considered himself as small as a firefly, incomparable to the bright moonlight of this couple.

"How's it going?" Tracey looked at David with a smile. From afar, she saw David concentrating on his work in the snow without an umbrella.

"It's almost done. The procedure is settled. I'll start a rehearsal for you right now, President Xia." David's head turned white because of the snow.

Tracey was sure that David did his best. And Tracey was glad that she made the right choice, and David didn't let her down. She determined to promote David after this event.



"It is cold, and please buy some hot coffee for the workers. It is a long day for them."

"Yes, Mrs. Xiao" Jensen took order from Tracey as he did for Adam.

Adam shot a satisfied glance at Jensen, 'Bright kid! I will reward you with a bonus.'

Looking down, Adam found Tracye's ears turned red. How shy a girl! People assumed that Tracey was cold and tough, but Adam was clear that she was not that strong.

In his eyes, Tracey was always like a lovely little hare. Adam became soft at the sight of Tracey.

"It's cold. You should put on more clothes tomorrow." Adam whispered in Tracey's ear.

"Too many clothes make me look bad." Tracey retorted. She had never seen a chief executive in bundles of clothes.

The scene of their having a secret talk was a feast to the eyes. David took them to the spectator area.

"Sorry that it may be cold here, President Xia."

"Never mind."

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