His Domineering Lover
Chapter 493

For the US, it was ten o'clock in the evening, and Tracey finished her work. Steve kept waving at Tracey when she walked out of the lab. "Tracey, hurry up! The show is on." Steve said with excitement.

"Well, which family drama this time?" Tracey couldn't help wondering why a half-blooded man like Steve loved soap dramas so much.

"No, it's more exciting than the conflicts between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. Come quickly. It's a live broadcast on the Internet." Steve roared anxiously.

Tracey surrendered to Steve's enthusiasm, "Okay, I am coming."

"Come, come, come. I've prepared popcorns for you." Steve patted the seat next to himself.

"What, it is Rachel?" Tracey was confused by Steve's interest in Rachel.

Giving up his favorite family dramas for Rachel's live broadcast, Steve seemed intoxicated.

Coming out from the lab, Wilson saw Trachy and Steve lounging on the sofa, which he got used to now.

"What are you watching?"

"Wilson, come to watch with us." Tracey beckoned to Wilson. After all these days, Tracey found that Wilson was not difficult to get along with, and Wilson put away his coldness and alienation before Tracey and Steve.

Sitting down, Wilson checked the title, "A press conference, interesting?"

"Depends on the speaker." Steve smiled faintly. Right then, Rachel, haggard, appeared with Sean on the screen.

It was obvious that they were not as intimate as before.

Rachel seemed unadorned with a black windbreaker and light makeup on her face.

There were reporters from different presses and platforms. Rachel and Sean became spotlight killers since they entered the conference.

"Guess what Rachel is going to say?" Steve asked while chewing potato chips.

Wilson frowned at the snapping noise from Steve, "Are you reincarnated from a squirrel?" How different auras they had as presidents!

Steve snorted coldly, "Maybe. You would be an ice cube if I was a squirrel."

"Stop arguing. Let's focus on the live broadcast." Tracey knew that there would be no ending to this childish argument if they could have their ways.

"I bet 50 cents. Rachel will announce her divorce, which happened before the scandal." Steve sounded like a prophet.

Tracey was stunned by the word 'divorce' and doubted this prophecy for Rachel's obsession with Sean.

"Will she? This public announcement will cut off Sean from her life forever, or she will suffer finger-pointing for the rest of her life."

Tracey knew that what Sean was to Rachel. Divorce would hurt Rachel's pride. And Tracey assumed that Rachel was too proud to divorce.

"It should be the last shift for a public figure like her. It is a fancy thing to be a pop star with fabulous appearance and sound pay."

"A star will earn millions for a movie and thousands for a drama if he is popular."

"People greet them as God or Goddess. Fans surround them wherever they go. Many people have a dream about a pop star."

"However, there is a thing called fairness in this world. Praise and slanders come together. Most pop stars suffer depression."

"The entertainment business is a complicated world, and no one could outshine others for a long time. Now Rachel cheats, her once fans will curse her."

"No matter she is willing or not, there is only one way out. After all, the video is irrefutable evidence. She has no choice."

"Moreover, Tracey, I am confident that Rachel does cheat on Sean. Sean doesn't care about her at all these years. This affair is out of her will, but this exposure is out of her bad luck." Tracey felt lost, "Steve, if Rachel knew this ending in advance, would she take the same path?"

"Only God knows! There is one take in life, and you have to finish the path you choose. Tracey, what do you think she should do if we could go back then?"

Steve's question put Tracey into deep thought.

As Adam said, Tracey should still be kept in the dark without Rachel.

That day, Sean intended to propose, and Adam decided to give up Tracey after her coming-of-age party. No doubt that Tracey would promise Sean if without that incident.

The story would be changed completely if Tracey got engaged to Sean. Adam would be her uncle rather than her fiance. How amazing fate was!

One choice changed everything, and no one knew the ending.

Wilson held his breath to wait for Tracey's answer. Tracey pondered for a moment before saying slowly, "Four years ago, I blamed Rachel, but now, I think I should thank her."

"Thanks to her, I have Adam, realize how wonderful Steve is, and get acquainted with Wilson. Thanks to her, I am who I am now."

Tracey was satisfied with her current life. Although she suffered miserably in the past four years, however, those sufferings made today's Tracey.

Life was fair. Some suffered before leading a good life, while others led a good one before suffering.

And there always was a rainbow after the rain.

Those sufferings would become precious memories and weren't so miserable when one recalled.

"You're a sweet talker," Steve said with a smile.

Upon their sitting down, questions flooded over Rachel and Sean. The agent maintained order on the spot immediately.

"Quiet, please. Rachel speaks first, then comes the Q&A part."

People quieted down. After adjusting the microphone, Rachel stood up and bowed with red eyes.

Then she sat down slowly, "I have to make a clarification. I am terribly sorry, everyone, I didn't share with you one fact in advance."

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