His Domineering Lover
Chapter 444

The woman was wrapped in a blanket with her dark hair scattering around her face intimately, and her eyes closed tight. Her serene and relaxed mien showed that she was in a deep sleep.

Her fast falling asleep indicated her tiredness. The first-class cabin was spacious, and the man did not have to wake her up to get to his seat.

The man was attracted by the beauty of the woman or her unguarded mien. He turned to look at her.

Different from those who wore heavy makeup and were rigged out in their best to catch the plane, this woman showed her face without makeup. Her skin was fair and flawless, and her pores were too small to see. She had a delicate outline, high nose, slightly curled eyelashes, and cherry lips.

She looked like a lovable cat, and the man felt warm at the sight of this tranquil and beautiful scene.

He was reading and lowered the noise of his turning page involuntarily.

After the plane took off steadily, the stewardess began to deliver breakfast. When she passed by the man, the man lowered his voice voluntarily. The woman beside him had slept soundly for half an hour, without any signs of waking up.

Tracey slept very well, and even the fragrance of food failed to wake her up. She had been sleeping for more than ten hours until the stewardess reminded her that the plane was going to land. The man next to her had made myriad guesses about her tiredness, and got the answer, only when Tracey fiddled with her hairs and revealed her fair neck after waking up.

There were on her neck lots of love bites left last crazy night. The man contracted his pupils and learned from the color that those bites were fresh.

It was a busy day, and Tracey did not notice those bites when washing up this morning. She felt the gaze and turned to look at the man.

She met a pair of obsidian-like black eyes. The man had sharp eyes like that of the goshawk in the sky.

After being discovered, Tracey turned her eyes away instantly, but that man kept staring at her frankly and aggressively.

No wonder she felt being watching out by someone in her dream. She should have wakened up if not for her exhaustion.

It was midnight at home, but she could still enjoy the sunshine here because of the jet lag.

Tracey stretched comfortably after a sound sleep. The coming reunion with Steve made Tracey feel good, and the new environment looked lovely because of her good mood.

The man saw the woman stretching languidly in the sunshine and noticed her clothes when her blanket slipped to her thigh.

With a white lacy dress, a knitting jacket, and flat shoes, Tracey wore a languid style instead of the professional one.

When she stretched, her soft belly revealed, and her soft hair scattered around her back, looking like a languid cat.

The man had been attracted from his first glance at her and thought her peculiar.

This woman had both ethereality and innocence, which other women lacked. No matter how sexy those women were, they left him with a pretentious impression.

The woman beside him didn't say a word, slept all the way, and stretched herself, but he fell for her.

She in sleep was like an angel. When waking up, she was like an obedient and gentle kitten, stretching her body quietly; and the smile on her face indicated her good mood.

"Dear passengers, please pay attention to us. Our plane has begun to land. In the process of descending, we may encounter strong airflow, and the plane will be bumpy. Please seat your seat belt and don't move around at will." The stewardess's voice rang out among the jolts.

Tracey grasped the armrest. Everyone was a coward when on the plane as there was little chance to survive if an aircraft accident happened.

Even a weak airflow would cause panic among the people. Now the plane in the clouds was encountering a strong airflow, and the aircraft was jolting.

Tracey, who had been cheerful just now, closed her eyes tightly and did not dare to open her eyes at all; and her body shook up and down in tune with the jolt of the plane.

Her natural fear of death resulted from her being assassinated many times in the past. And she cherished her life more than ever as she was leading a happy life now.

"The jolt will stop within 20 seconds." A calm male voice rang in her ears. Tracey opened her eyes slowly and looked at the man with confusion. 'How could he know?' There was another violent jolt. The guests in the economy class screamed at the same time, and Tracey closed her eyes again.

The jolt was getting less and less violent, and finally, the plane regained its stabilization. Tracey opened her eyes and found that the jolt did stop within 20 seconds. "How did you know?" She stared at the man with sparkling eyes. 'This man is amazing!'

The man looked into her sparkling eyes, which were as round as that of kittens, and his Adam's Apple moved, but he just said coldly, "I just knew."

Tracey did not get what she wanted but felt embarrassed to push him as this man was a total stranger. Tracey felt relieved, for the plane would land at the airport and slide at the airport soon.

After the plane landed, Tracey turned on her cell phone and contacted Adam in the first place, telling him about her safe flight. She sent out a message which wrote, "Adam, I arrive."

Within a second, she got the response, "It's good to hear that you arrive. Have a good rest today. I will tell you about your meeting with Franco tomorrow." "Okay." Tracey raised the corners of her mouth. Adam was always so considerate. He was afraid that she got too tired of the flight and gave her one day to get used to the jet lag.

The man told from her sweet smile that she was a woman in love. Usually, the first person one wanted to contact after getting off the plane was the most important.

Tracey rushed out like a flying bird when the door was opened. And the man followed. Now they waited for their luggage at the conveyor belt together.

"Steve, wait a minute. I'm waiting for my luggage. I'll be right out." Tracey called Steve.

The man beside him heard the name and wondered if that was her boyfriend. He felt confused by his own strong interest in a strange woman he met for the first time.

When the luggage was delivered, Tracey noticed her suitcase with sharp eyes and left with it. The man felt curious when he saw that her suitcase was exactly the same as his.

When the man got his suitcase and came out, he saw Tracey running toward a handsome mixed- blood man. 'Is this Steve she mentioned?'

Thinking of the love bites and the receiver to whom she had reported her safety, and looking at the handsome man and woman who were hugging each other at the airport, the man's mouth curved into a sneer,' What a wanton!'

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