His Domineering Lover
Chapter 404

Carmen was Tracey's most hated person. She deserved all she was going through now.

Adela was narrow-minded and would seek revenge for the slightest grievance. Carl's words also strengthened her determination.

When Carmen requested forgiveness for Leo, being a mother, Adela became soft for a moment. Actually, Leo didn't commit a huge mistake, he was at most out of the instinct to protect his mother.

After Carl's persuasion, Adela changed her mind immediately. "Carmen, stop dreaming, just wait for the lawsuit. Oh, it's not you, it's your son."

"Miss Lin, I'll kneel to you. You can do whatever you want on me. It's all my fault. Can you forgive my son?" Carmen said and knelt again.

"Get up and don't kneel to her. She won't agree. You're just asking for humiliation." Edgar couldn't bear to see it, and he quickly helped Carmen up. When Adela saw that Edgar cared so much about Carmen, her eyes darkened. "Mom, give me the divorce agreement."

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Lin was a little confused that why Adela asked for divorce agreement at this time.

The divorce was hotly disputed because of property division. Both of Adela and Edgar had hired a lawyer.

In fact, Adela knew clearly that she didn't want to divorce.

Even if Edgar liked to mess around with women, she didn't want to leave her husband.

Property division was an excuse Adela used to delay the divorce process. She wanted to give Edgar some time to regret. Seeing he defended Carmen just now, Adela's hopes shattered.

It was she who proposed divorce, but Edgar agreed without a little hesitation. Both of them had suffered a lot in the marriage.

However, sometimes, women said that they wanted to break up, it didn't mean that they really want to break up. It was a kind of threat or another way of detainment. "Mom, give it to me," Adela insisted.

"Okay, here you are. Don't cry." Mrs. Lin handed over the agreement to Adela.

Edgar drafted this agreement. He didn't request too much but a few apartments and cash in less than ten million yuan.

The asset he asked was all earned by himself these years. He didn't require anything that belonged to the Lin family.

He bought the apartment in consideration of giving Renee and Leo shelter in case that one day they lost their home.

And Adela knew this. On the surface, she asked Edgar to leave without any joint property, in fact, she didn't sign on the agreement was just for holding him back. "Mother, give me the pen." Adela's eyes were cold. Until now, it was no need to remain in hope. Edgar didn't love her at all.

"Adela, don't let them take advantage of you. You shall ask him to leave with nothing!" Mrs. Lin persuaded.

"Give me the pen!" Adela shouted again.

Mrs. Lin handed the pen over. Adela took it and signed the divorce agreement directly.

"Edgar, we're over. From now on, you have nothing to do with me. Take her out of my world and don't let me see you two again!" Adela threw the agreement at him.

Adela had delayed signing long, and Edgar didn't expect that she would agree to sign at this time. He suddenly felt deeply guilty.

"Adela, I... I'm sorry for you." He had made countless apologies to Adela but none of them were sincere. Only this one was exceptional. "Sorry? Haha, Edgar, have you never loved me from the beginning to the end? Tell me the truth." Adela stared at him.

"I... maybe I have, but gradually my love was driven by your temper. You easily lost your temper, and every time I have to coax you.

I can coax you once or twice, but I will be tired after coaxing 100 times, 200 times, or 300 times. Then, I'm tired and my love disappeared." Edgar answered honestly, and he didn't have to tell any lie to Adela a this time.

Adela sneered and tears soon flowed down from her eyes. "Yes, I am unruly and capricious. Because I am the only child of my family, and everyone dotes on me.

But look at you, you were nothing compared to me. If I didn't really love you, how could I marry you? You don't like my hot temper, but do you know why would I have this kind of temper?

It's all because of you! You never cared about me, even didn't want to look at me. I know that you didn't put me in your heart. Only by using the hot temper can I get your attention.

Do you know why I risked my life to deliver the baby? Because that was our child, the crystal of our love.

I thought that with this baby you would love me someday, but you are still messing around outside. Do you really think I don't know how others gossiped about you?

I know, and I know everything! But I pretended to not know, I pretended to be deaf. Even though your love words to me were like bullshit, I still enjoyed the illusion. Because I love you! Later, your affair with Ruth went public. For protecting my reputation, I had no choice but to make a scene in your company.

I have tried my best to keep you, what a pity we still come to today. Okay, I'll take our dead child as our dead love.

From now on, you are free, Edgar." Adela finished her words, and she looked like a helpless child.

Edgar always thought of Adela as a wild and unruly rich lady who should be treated very carefully, he never expected her love toward him was so strong. Especially when she said that she knew everything, but she chose to be deaf. For so many years, she buried the sadness in her heart deeply, while still trying to keep Edgar staying. What Adela did was enough to prove her affection, but Edgar finally let her down.

When she said, "You are free", it sounded in a light tone, maybe only God knew how she nerved herself to say so.

She was completely desperate to decide to give up. Edgar suddenly felt like a fool, and tears rolled in his eyes, "Adela, I'm sorry..."

"Don't say that again. I chose this way. When we got married, my mother had warned me of marrying you. I didn't listen to her, and I should bear the consequence.

You can leave now, Edgar. Whether you live or die in the future, it's not my business."

Adela sat on the bed with messy hair. Her face was so pale that looked like a sheet of paper, her shoulder was so thin.

Edgar sighed. "Why I never protected such a pitiful woman?" He thought.

In the beginning, it was a sense of guilt spread in his heart. Now the guilt had turned into regret, and it grew deeper and deeper.

"Get out of here. Never show up in front of us!" Mr. Lin pushed Edgar and Carmen out of the ward, throwing the divorce agreement hard on their bodies.

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