His Domineering Lover
Chapter 298

The air at night was stuffy and it made people uncomfortable. Sky was dark, the moon was covered by the cloud and the only source of light disappeared.

Tracey stood on the balcony with a cup of hot water in her hand. The mist of the water blurred her face.

Her nightdress swayed in the wind, and she was looking into the distance. There was a touch of sadness in the depth of her eyes, and her smile contained slight bitterness.

"Mom, she will be out of the Xia family in a while, as for her children, they will be driven out too very soon. You can rest in peace. The Xia family is still ours. No one could destroy it." Tracey said in her heart. Looking at the gloomy sky, there were already raindrops falling from it. Tracey reached out to catch the raindrops, but her thoughts flew back to many years ago.

That night was as hot as today. A beautiful gentle woman was cooking in the kitchen skillfully. Today, she made Ben's favorite dish.

Tracey returned home early. She seemed to be exciting and ran to the kitchen happily.

"Mom, look, this is the picture I painted in school. When Dad comes back, I'll give it to him as a birthday gift, Ok?" Tracey blinked her big eyes and asked.

Venus took the picture from Tracey's hand and looked at it carefully. It was a piece of green grass. The sun was shining, and the white clouds were floating. The family of three were staying together. The man in the picture wore a birthday crown on his head, and the little girl wore her favorite pink gauze skirt. Everyone was smiling sweetly.

And they held each other's hand. What a perfect family! Venus' s eyes glittered when she saw happiness from this picture.

"Of course, Tracey's painting is so sweet. I'm sure your daddy will love it." Venus gently touched Tracey's head.

"Well, I'll call dad and ask him when he comes back." Tracey ran out with the painting in her arms.

Venus heard a childish voice from outside. "Dad, come home quickly. Mom made you a big cake, and I can't hold my sliver.

Oh, I'm going to give you a surprise. How did I accidently say it out? I'm really stupid! .... You are almost home? That's good. The dinner is ready, a big table of dishes! Okay, see you, dad." Tracey hung up the phone and happily said to the kitchen, "Dad will be home soon."


A few minutes later, Ben opened the door and came in. Tracey greeted him with cheers. "Dad, you're finally back."

"Hi Tracey! How are you today?"

'T m great! I prepared you a birthday gift daddy. Mom made the cake for you. Come and have a look." Tracey took Ben's hand and walked to the table.

She gave the painting to Ben. When Ben was about to praise the picture, his phone rang. "Tracey, wait a minute. I'll get a call."

"Okay." Tracey said with a smile.

Ben saw the number on the phone and his face turned a bit strange. He went to the window to answer it. "What, what happen to you? Are you okay? I'll be right there."

"Dad, who is calling?" Tracey pulled his sleeve and asked.

"One of my friends is injured. I have to go there now." Ben was very anxious and walked toward the door.

Venus knew who made that call. She stood at the door of the kitchen and said gently, "The dinner is ready."

"You eat first."

"Today is your birthday, and I specially cooked for you. Tracey has been waiting you for long. Can you stay here?" Her eyes were full of pleading, and her fingers gently tugged at the corner of his clothes. "I... I'll go and have a look. I'll be back soon." Ben put on his shoes quickly and broke free from the Venus' hand.

"Well, we wait for you coming back for dinner."


"It's going to rain, take the umbrella." When Venus came out with an umbrella, Ben had already gone.

Tracey and Venus stood at the door. "Mom, where did Dad go? Will he come back?"

"Yes, he will. He had promised to come back and he will certainly do." Venus said firmly.

When Ben opened the door, he accidentally dropped Tracey's painting from his hand to the ground. The car went away fast. "My painting!"

Tracey went to pick up the painting, but it had been hardly crushed by the tire, clear prints were left on the smiling faces. Tracey's tears were rolling down.

"Tracey, don't cry. Dad was carelessly to drop it." Venus squatted down and wiped Tracey's tears.

"Mom, I drew it for a long time! Dad is so bad." She ran upstairs in anger.

Venus stood still there, looking at where Ben left in a daze. The food on the table was already cool off.

It was dark outside, and the heavy rain poured down. Venus heated the food over and over again. When Tracey came down, she saw her mom was still waiting at the table alone.

"Mom, won't dad come back? I just called him and found his phone was turned off."

"Yes, he will. He promised to come back. Maybe his phone is out of power." Venus comforted Tracey.

Right at this moment, her cell phone rang and she went to check it with happiness. Unexpectedly, the photo displayed on the screen was Ben accompanied by another woman and two children.

The woman was kissing his cheek. He wore a birthday crown on his head and was making a wish with his eyes closed.

"Mom, did Dad send you a message?" Tracey asked.

"No." Tracey did not notice that the Venus's was trembling slightly. "Dear Tracey, your father will not come back. Let's eat."

When Venus went to the kitchen getting rice, she could never hold the tears and let them fell. "Mom, why are you crying?" Tracey followed her all the time and saw her trembling shoulders as well as the tears rolling out of her eyes.

"No, I'm not crying. It's just...the sand goes into my eyes.

"Mom, you're lying. There's no sand in the room. Is it dad? He must have made you unhappy. That day, my classmate told me that he took another woman and children playing in the amusement park. Did he abandon us?"

The childish words of Tracey were even more like a knife stabbing into Venus' heart. She squatted down and hugged Tracey tightly. "No, dad won't abandon us. You are so lovely. How can he have a heart to do that?"

"Mom, will Dad come back if I behave better?"

"Yes..." Venus's tears flowed down her neck. Tracey had never seen her mother cry. The seemingly weak but strong woman cried like a child in front of little Tracey for the first time.

It was a thunderstorm outside. Tracey lay on the bed but couldn't fall asleep for a long time. She wanted to go to the balcony to get some fresh air, but she saw her mom was standing in the yard.

She didn't hold the umbrella, just like a motionless statue, and the direction she was looking at was where Ben disappeared.

Recovering from the memory, Tracey spat heavily with relief. Even though so many years had passed, the picture of that night was still alive in her mind.

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