His Domineering Lover
Chapter 280

It was a bowl of Chinese medicine in dark color. It's weird to ask the patient to have such medicine to cure a common cold. Also, this was not a hospital using Chinese medical treatments. "Didn't I have a cold? Shall I just have the medicine for the cold? What's this?" Tracey looked at Adam with doubts.

"Your stomach is weak. Taking western medicine will hurt your stomach. I especially ask someone to prescribe you Chinese medicine. Although it's a little bitter, it's good for your body." Adam explained. Tracey took the bowl and drank it. So bitter! As a hardships bearer, Tracey could not even bear this bitterness.

"Good girl. You can have breakfast with Steve, I'll go ask you if you can leave the hospital today."

"Okay." Tracey was not suspicious at all and went to have breakfast with Steve.

Adam smiled until the last moment before he stepped out of the room, as soon as he went out, his face turned cold.

Lance was reading the X-ray in his office. When he saw Adam came over, he put the X-ray down.

"Is she all right?"

"If you ask about the cold, it's not a big deal, but her uterus is really a problem.

After all, the uterus was not like a kidney. If it is malfunctioning, the kidney could be replaced. Her uterus couldn't be replaced, could it?

She had this problem was because she got framed in the past. Now the only thing I can do is trying to adjust her body condition. As for whether she will recover or not, it depends on her luck." Lance and Adam were old friends. He also knew about Adam's past.

His family's affairs had cast a shadow on him. In this life, what he wanted most was a complete family. He didn't want his child to have similar experiences as he did.

That was why Adam was so devoted to Tracey and didn't let her get hurt. Recently, he even came to Lance for pregnancy suggestion.

He inquired about what should be prepared before the pregnancy, and even have made the nitric acid ready. Everything was all done, but the baby making ideological work to Tracey. Adam had planned everything. Every night, he would scrutinize Tracey's sleeping face, wondering if their child would be more like her or him.

And was the first child a boy or a girl? If it was a boy, what name for him? If it was a girl, what name for her?

He dreamed it beautifully, but now he was told that Tracey could not pregnant and the probability that she recover was very small.

The dream was already incomplete, no longer beautiful. Lance knew that Adam liked children, so he was worried about him.

"Anyway, I'll treat her with the best medicine. If she is able to give birth to a baby, that will be great. But if she can't, it doesn't matter. I won't leave her." Adam said with firm eyes.

For many wealthy families, women were not like a wife, but more like a fertility machine.

But Adam didn't think so. Women were treasures, and they were born to be spoiled by men.

The child was the gem of a loving couple. If the child was not born by the beloved woman, it won't be meaningful.

"But you do want a child and a perfect family, don't you?"

"Can't the family be complete without a child? Tracey was the one I want most in my life. As for the child, we can save it for the future. We are still young, and her body can be adjusted." "That's true. There has never been a lack of miracles in the world. Last month I witnessed a 48-year-old mother who gave birth to a child safely.

When she was pregnant, for her safety, the doctor advised her not to have this child. As a mother, she could not bear abandoning her little cute.

"Maybe one day Tracey's uterus will be recovered. Don't you plan to tell her about this?" Lance asked with his hands putting on his face.

"After all, this sounds a bit sad. I am not going to tell her at present. I will say the Chinese medicine was used for adjusting her body. You are not allowed to spoil anything." Adam threatened. "I know, does she want to discharge today?"

"Yes, since she had recovered from the cold, I'll take her away latter."

"The Sheng family... are you really give it up? The Sheng Group released the news of the successor early this morning. Your nephew seemed to have some means to win the inheritance right so fast." Adam had not read today's news yet. Three days had passed. The old master treated his promise seriously this time.

"I am disdainful to flatter him. If I cared about the Sheng Group, I won't leave back then." Adam snorted coldly.

"That's true, according to your dad's attitude towards you, as long as you request, isn't the company yours? What a pity, you stubborn guy, never reconcile with him."

"Do you think I will put the Sheng family in my eyes? Don't be kidding. I wanted to return to the Sheng family because I wanted to take everything from Sean.

If the old master just handed the company over to me, things will be easy. Since he forced me to marry Miss Luo as a condition, don't blame me for taking the company in my own way."

Lance knew Adam as well as his means. "Plot your family member, should I praise you charming or malice?"

"No matter charming or malice, I don't care. What I know is that nobody could touch my woman. I'm leaving, you can go back to your work." Adam turned around and left.

Seeing Adam's back, Lance shook his head and

sighed, "Never offend this man."

At this moment, Tracey and Steve were having breakfast in the room. Steve was bored and turned on the TV.

They ate happily. Now they don't have to pretend gentleman or lady and gobbled their breakfast.

"Look at you. If I'm not by your side, you've lost weight. Did that b*stard deduct your food?" Steve complained.

"How could? You know my body condition. I'm not easy to get fat. However, losing weight is quite easy for me.

This is quite a busy period of time, things are mixed up and so annoyed. You can rest assured, even though I am busy, I had meals on time every day." Tracey was afraid of Steve's blaming and quickly explained.

"If I find out that you haven't eaten on time, waiting for my punishment!" Steve threatened.

Tracey had no choice but to agreed. "Yes, yes, my big president."

"Wow, the Sheng Group is having big news today." Steve was about to keep making fun of Tracey, while he was drawn by the TV.

Tracey turned to watch the news. Sean was wearing a well-cut suit. Rachel was holding his arm and smiling like a blooming flower.

Thinking of what Sean said yesterday, Tracey roughly understood what had happened. There must be an agreement between the old master and Adam.

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