His Domineering Lover
Chapter 277

With Adam's character, how could he easily be offended? Each word of him to talk back was like a thorn. Because of knowing Tracey's importance to Sean, Adam deliberately said so, which made Sean's face livid.

"Brother Adam, how can you say like that? How can he call me aunt?" Tracey was a little angry. Hearing her blame, Sean looked at Tracey with grateful eyes.

"Oh? Is there anything wrong? According to the seniority, I am his uncle. He should call you aunt." Seeing Tracey disagreed with him, Adam thought it was because she cared about the past relationship with Sean.

Adam felt a little uncomfortable hearing that, and the more he cared about Tracey, the less he wanted anyone to occupy the slightest place in her heart.

Tracey certainly knew what Adam was thinking. She smiled brightly and said, "We haven't got married yet. You don't have to call me aunt now."

"Married? Tracey, how long have you known him?" Hearing the word of marriage, Sean was uncomfortable.

"You knew Rachel longer. Of course, you should have a stronger love for her.

I will finally marry someday, however, time doesn't help in terms of finding me the Mr. right, no matter how long I get along with Adam, I marry him based on my own feeling. Speaking of the marriage, you should be soon married to Rachel, aren't you?" Tracey said lightly.

It had been a long time and Tracey would never get emotional to face the relationship between Sean and Rachel.


"Little bunny, you don't know it yet, they will get married at the end of this month. At present, the Sheng family is getting ready for their grand wedding ceremony. Don't worry, Sean, I and Tracey will be attending with a lavish gift."

Sean had been observing Tracey' s expression carefully. If she looked caring about their past even a little bit, his heart would be eased.

But Tracey only blinked with a mild face. "That's right. Anyway, we are classmates in high school for three years, and you are brother Adam's nephew. Of course, we should prepare a lavish gift." "Tracey, I..." Sean wanted to speak but stopped on second thought. What else could he say now? Tracey already had a new boyfriend by her side, and Sean was also about to marry Rachel. For some people, once missed, they would be missing forever.

Even though they were standing close, their hearts were actually distant.

"President Sheng, we are busy, and well leave." Tracey put on the standard fake smile, holding Adam to leave.

Adam was also very cooperative. "You were tired last night and you should go home for more sleep. Let's go." Adam deliberately provoked Sean to say these words before leaving. "What a mean man. Ready for revenge at any time." Tracey thought.

"Grandpa asked me to bring you a message. Today is the last day of your consideration. It's not too late to give him your answer before 12 o'clock." The voice of Sean came from behind.

Adam didn't even stop.

When they got in the car, Tracey asked, "What on earth is going on? You should not hide it from me."

"Little bunny, it's just some family affairs. You won't be interested. Aren't you sleepy? Come and sleep." Knowing that Adam didn't like to talk too much about the Sheng family, so Tracey didn't ask more. "Maybe it was really not a big deal." Tracey thought, then slept in Adam's arms.

She was exhausted last night to have such a long sex, now laying in Adam's arms, Tracey slept soundly. Even though they had arrived, Tracey did not realize at all. Adam carefully carried her back to the room. When they were halfway going up the stairs, Tracey woke up and asked, "We're home?"

"Yes, we are. Take a good rest. Today is Saturday. You don't have to worry about the company's affairs." "Oh." She yawned and fell asleep again, letting Adam put her on the bed and tucking her in the


Seeing her soft hair scattered on the pillow, Adam felt warm in his heart. In this world, nothing else was more important than Tracey.

He just stared at Tracey's face, what he would never be tired of.

Later, he felt sleepy too. He lay beside Tracey and they hugged each other to sleep. It was a sweet and peaceful scene, even the sun was reluctant to disturb them and collected its brightness into the cloud. Adam didn't sleep for too long. When he woke up, he felt that Tracey's body was hot.

The summer had already passed, how could she be so hot? Adam thought. He quickly found a thermometer to measure her temperature. It was 38 degrees Celsius.

The night before last night, Tracey took a long blew on the balcony with wet hair. Last night, she was drugged. But Adam did not find anything wrong with her before this moment.

Then he took Tracey rushed to the private hospital. She had a fever and almost lost consciousness.

"Is she all right? She's too hot." Tracey's fever made Adam nervous while he never cared about his own sickness.

"Come out, I need to talk to you." Lance put away his playful expression and became serious.

Adam covered Tracey with the quilt and told the nurses aside, "Take good care of her."

"Yes, president."

When Adam went out, he was in a heavy mood. If it was just a normal cold, Lance would not be so serious.

"Tell me, what's wrong with her? I won't give up on her even if she has a terminal illness." Adam said.

"...Not as serious as having terminal illness, but her body..."

"What the hell is that? Don't be so hesitate to tell. I'm strong enough to bear anything."

"She just got a normal cold. As long as her fever is gone, she'll be fine. But I found something in the routine check just now."

"Tell me! You want me to die of anxiety, don't you?" Adam was not a short-tempered man, but hearing Lance's tone, he began to be anxious.

Lance took two deep breaths before he said, "Do you only marry her in your life?"

"Of course, you know my stubbornness."

"What if she can't be pregnant?" Lance's words froze the air.

"What's going on? Why she can't be pregnant?"

"Her uterus was cold. It's normal for women. But Tracey... Her uterus was too cold. Maybe she was forced to take medicine in cold nature when she was a child." She's possible to be infertile this life. You should be mentally prepared."

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