His Domineering Lover
Chapter 267

When mentioning separating lovers, Tracey showed obvious sadness as she used to be a victim.

If Rachel competed Sean with her in a fair way, Tracey would be willing to accept the failure, however, she stole Sean with such despicable means.

This would not only disgust the victim but also disgust other insiders. For Tracey, stealing a man from another woman would never be a glory but a taint for a lifetime. Tracey deemed the robber could never make the thing she stole really belong to her because it had already been marked by the previous owner.

Being suhch a case, why still rob? Nobody would be benefited.

"As you said, I should not take her away. But I could not help thinking of her every day, even being sleepless at night, what should I do?" Carl asked. Tracey didn't know if it was because of the comfortable water temperature or because of the cold, she felt unconscious.

Tracey shook her head, trying to make her consciousness clearer. "Didn't you just say that she already had a boyfriend? It means that she loved someone else. And that person also likes her very much. If you didn't steal her, you may be sad alone. But If you took her away, at least three people involved would be sad." "Oh?" Carl wanted to hear her opinion.

Tracey felt dizzy more and more, yet she was still trying to keep awake. "She is happy with her boyfriend, but if you robbed her away, her boyfriend would be hurt first. Even if she stays by your side, she won't be happy. And even if you have her, will you be happy to have a girl who has another man in her heart?"

Hearing Tracey's words, Carl lowered his head and pondered for a while before he said, "How can I win her heart?"

"Personally, If she and her boyfriend loved each other, no matter what you do, you can't win her heart.

When a woman would accept another man? I think she must have been hurt by her boyfriend and there is no way for them to go back.

At this time, you appear in her world, love her, protect her, comfort her, then make her fall in love with you little by little. I think this is the best way.

You didn't separate anyone, nor put all people into contradictions. Love her, make her happy, right?

So, guarding her secretly may be another kind of happiness. Of course, it's my own opinion. What you should do it's up to you."

Tracey did have an example to teach Carl. For many years, Adam had been loving her secretly during the time that she was together with Sean.

Until that night three years ago, Adam appeared and helped Tracey out of the difficult situation. Then Tracey understood, if Adam stole her from Sean rather than appearing at a right time, she would absolutely not accept his love like today.

When thinking of Adam, she felt unhappy again. "Why hadn't the dam* man call me yet?!"

Carl saw Tracey's expression was kept changing but finally showed disappointment. Except for this, he noticed Tracey's eyes seemed to lose focus.

She was struggling to be clear. Carl approached her step by step. "But Tracey, I have loved her for so many years and even dreamed of having her. How can I be willing to love her secretly? I want her to be mine, I want her to be my wife."

Seeing him approaching over, Tracey thought he must be excited and subconsciously stepped backward. But the pool's edge was behind her and blocked her way out.

"Well, Carl, everyone has a different understanding of love. If you are unwilling, you can confess to her and see if she accepts you or not." Tracey was too dizzy to be tongue-tied.

"Okay, 111 have a try. Tracey, I like you. I've fallen in love with you since a long time ago..." Carl's speaking suddenly turned into a confession.

Tracey was totally confused. "What the hell is this? I've been teaching him so much, but he said he likes me??" Tracey thought.

She frowned and felt unbelievable. "Don't joke around. I am your sister."

When Bella heard Carl's confession, her heart was broken. She lay weakly in Eric's arms.

Eric picked her up and left, leaving this place for Tracey and Carl. When he left, he also sent all the waiters away.

Bella leaned against him, with a lot of tears pouring out. She was kissed by Eric. " Bella, you still have — " me.

His kiss was full of pity and tenderness. Bella knew what was in the orange juice, and what was going to happen between Carl and Tracey.

She bit her lips. Carl, who never let a woman get close to him, had finally waited for the woman he liked.

Maybe for sadness, or for distraction, Bella put her arms around Eric's neck and glared at him. "Eric, you like me, don't you?"

She was not a fool. Even if her heart was full of Carl, she could feel Eric's feelings for her.

Every time when she was sad, Eric was the first one coming to her. The way he looked at Bella was the same as that she looked at Carl. Even if she was a fool, she knew his love. But she had been avoiding to see it.

Eric didn't expect her to ask such a question, and the answer was clear. "No, I love you." He gently wrapped her messy hair behind her ear. Bella said word by word, "I am yours."

"What?" Eric stunned. They had known each other for many years. Of course, how much did he love Bella meant how much did Bella love Carl.

But now Bella asked him to have sex with her?! It was not that Eric didn't want to, on the contrary, for many nights, he had dreamt of doing so with her.

Bella was also chased by many outstanding men, however, she never been touched by any of them.

She had always been waiting, waiting for Carl. On the day that she went together with Carl, she would give him herself as an intact clean virgin. To Eric's surprise, she wanted to have sex with himself. "I said, I am yours." Bella repeated.

According to Carl's character, he would fight for all the things he wanted. Even if Tracey hadn't been his woman today, she would be someday. When she heard Carl's confession, she decided to give up. "It's still good, he would be with his beloved and he will be happy." Bella thought.

"Bella, I'll count to three. You can go back on your word." Although said so, no man could easily reject such a requirement from his loved woman. Bella looked at him, her eyes seemed to have determined.

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