His Domineering Lover
Chapter 257

The cause of the conflict between Tracey and Adam was Carl. Although he didn't mean to cause it, Tracey was still unhappy when she saw him.

"Tracey, what's wrong with you?"

Tm fine!" Tracey was very agitated.

However, no matter how she denied, she seemed to not be fine. Carl had an instinct that Tracey was in trouble.

"Leave the book here and you can go." Another glance, Tracey found Carl was still there. The anger in her heart was even worse. If it weren't for Carl, she would not have such a contradiction with Adam. "But you seem to be annoyed by something..." Carl thought it was a big deal.

"I told you to go." Tracey burst out all her anger and knocked over the coffee with her hand.

Carl was shocked by her great anger. He knew Tracey long ago when they were in the States.

Tracey's company could go public within only three years, Carl contributed much in this process.

He had been helping her in secret. Of course, he was familiar with Tracey's character. She would not be so irrational with ordinary problems, otherwise, it must be big trouble.

"Tracey, your hand." He saw Tracey's hand was burnt by hot coffee, he quickly took a tissue and wanted to wipe off the coffee from her hand.

Before he touched her, Tracey was like a mad cat to avoid his approach fiercely. "Don't touch me!"

Her reaction confused Carl. "What on earth had happened to her?" Carl thought.

Tracey soon realized that she had lost temper. Even if Carl was the cause, he didn't mean to do it. How could she vent her anger on him? "Well, umm...I'm just in a bad mood. I'm sorry." She eased her mood and apologized.

"It doesn't matter. Since you are in a bad mood, I will leave you alone." Carl said. If he continued to say more, it would only annoy Tracey more. Carl opened the door and went out. Through the glass wall, he saw Tracey's eyes were drifting when she was trying to remove the coffee stains.

She lost all her brilliance of usual days. What on earth had happened to this woman to made her being like this?

Carl turned around to get someone to investigate. The company that Tracey ran in America was good, and there was nothing major issues happening in the Xia family recently. Then there was only one reason. Adam!

"Go check where Adam is now."

"Yes, sir."

Carl thought of what Tracey and Adam did last night in the cinema, as if he can still hear Tracey's soft low moaning.

He had never seen Tracey being like that. But now, she was totally different from what she was last night.

Soon the assistant called back. "Boss, Adam went to the airport early in the morning. He was said to go for a business trip and he left in a hurry."

"Okay, I see." Carl hung up the phone. If Adam was just leaving for a business trip, Tracey would not be so angry. Did they quarrel?

If this was the case, wouldn't it be a good opportunity? He made a phone call to Eric and asked him to do something.

After dealing with the coffee, Tracey sat in front of the computer and was lost in thought. Unconsciously, she typed a lot of words such as "Adam is an asshole" on the business plan she was reviewing. "Okay, go to America, huh? What about I am going to the UK? Neither of us informed each other, and let's get anxious together!?" Tracey thought.

Tracey was too angry to be fool. She could not believe that she had such a childish idea. As she was thinking, she received a call from Eric. "Dinner? Mr. Luo, I am busy tonight. Maybe another day." Tracey didn't know why she felt exhausted after Adam left.

Seeing that her voice was getting down, Eric didn't say much but hang up directly and told this to Carl.

Carl assumed Tracey, the workaholic, must agree to meet Eric. He did not expect Eric was refused.

Tracey sat in the company for a whole day. Until it was over the off time, did she slowly walk out of the company. Mark had been waiting for her.

"You can go home Mark, I'll walk around." Actually, Tracey didn't know where to go. Anyway, she didn't want to go to the places that were full of memories of her and Adam.

She wandered on the street, no destination, no direction. In the past, she had so-called friends. If she was unhappy, she would pour out to Rachel.

But now she had no family nor friends, and even her lover had left her.

She didn't know that Adam kept being with her from behind. Looking at her lonely back, Adam almost lost control to rush to her.

He followed Tracey far away because there was another man on the opposite side staring at Tracey too. The man looked at Tracey the same way as Adam did.

Carl, a man who also had a strong desire for Tracey.

Both of them were deeply in love with the same woman. Adam hid a little deeper. He saw Carl, but Carl did not see him.

It seemed that the fish hooked. Tracey was still immersed in depression at this moment without knowing that she was following by two people.

She kept wandering, in a clothes store, she saw a familiar person.

"We don't need any sales here. People like you will only bring us shame!" The manager shouted, putting hands on her hips.

"I saw you are hiring!" The woman who had been kicked out pointed at the poster and said.

"Even if we can't hire anyone else, we won't hire you, such a mistress without morality." The manager said rudely, "Get out of here. Don't affect my business."

At the moment the woman turn around to leave, she saw Tracey, who was wearing Chanel suit. She looked as glamorous as before, every piece on her was the woman desired for.

Now, the woman had been despised by everyone! Ruth looked at Tracey with hatred. "Isn't it the result you want? Now you should be satisfied."

Not until seeing Ruth did Tracey recover from the daze about Adam. "It was you who used such a way first."

If Tracey was not from the Xia family, the senior management of the Xia's Group would not clarify her scandal in person, and her days may be the same miserable.

"Yes, it's me, I'm vicious, I'm b*tch, and I want to knock you down! But look at you, you're fine. What about me? I lost my job, I was driven out of my family, and was abandoned by my lover, despised by all my friends! It's all because of you!" Ruth said but was no longer arrogant like before.

She wore the clothes that bought from the street stall. She did not have much savings, now she lost her job, she could only rent a small flat to live in.

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