His Domineering Lover
Chapter 256

Tracey called Adam twice after she arrived at the company and found his phone was still turned off. She was unable to calm down. "Tracey, here is the coffee." Stella knew what Tracey liked, so she made her coffee every day.

"Okay, thank you." Tracey picked it up, but due to the absent mind, she flipped over the coffee on the keyboard.

She hurriedly grabbed tissues but fell them to the ground. Stella found Tracey was a little strange from the usual. "Tracey, let me do it." Stella thought something wrong must be with her today.

Tracey sat there in a daze, as if she lost her soul.

After finished cleaning up, Stella made another cup of coffee.

Tracey thought Mark was right, as long as she asked for reconciliation, no matter how angry Adam was, he must agree.

She nerved herself to call Assistant Jiang. When she first met Adam, he gave her Assistant Jiang's number, saying that she could ask Assistant Jiang for help no matter what kind of trouble she encountered.

This was the first time that she called him. Before dialing, Tracey was worried that Assistant Jiang didn't know who she was.

The phone was soon connected, and it turned out that Assistant Jiang knew her. "Hello, Miss Xia."

"Well, you, you..." Tracey had never been stuttering, especially recently she had been more domineering.

However, she just wanted to ask about Adam's whereabouts, and she was too embarrassed to say it out.

"Miss Xia, how can I help you?" Assistant Jiang was a good-temper man with a calm tone. He could felt Tracey's hesitation.

"Yeah... something not very important..." Tracey's heart beat fast. It was just a simple question with a few words, Why it was so hard to ask?

"Miss Xia, please tell me. No matter what your request is, I will try my best to do it for you."

Hearing his mellow voice, Tracey was not so nervous. She took a deep breath and asked, "I can't get through to Adam's phone. Is he in the company now?" "President is not at the company." Assistant Jiang answered quickly.

"He's not at the company, so where did he go?" Tracey could not get through his phone, he was not at home either. Was he going to play with girls as Mark said?! Because of having too much fun and he was exhausted, so he took rest and did not come to work?! When this idea came to Tracey's mind, she felt as if being stabbed by a knife. "Mr. Xiao went to the airport early in the morning. He was on a business trip to the U.S." Assistant

Jiang said.

"Business trip? No way, I was cooking for him yesterday, how could he suddenly leave for a trip?" Tracey thought.

When she came down this morning, she found that there was no tableware on the table. Did Adam leave after eating the food up?

For a moment, her heart was complicated. Yesterday, he didn't mention any business trip. He must leave with anger.

"How long will he be going?" Tracey asked.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me. Why don't you ask him personally, Miss Xia?"

Tracey's eyes darkened. "Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

As soon as the phone call was over, Assistant Jiang looked at the person beside who kept eavesdropping.

He was obviously caring about Tracey so much but still lied to her to go to America. His behavior confused Assistant Jiang.

"President, why did you lie to Miss Xia?"

"If I don't do this, how can I entice the enemy out?" Adam sat on the chair with a gloomy face.

If Carl was always in disguise and never expose his intention, no matter how Adam criticized him, Tracey would only feel bored and think Adam of being unreasonable and gossipy. The best way to deal with Carl was to make him exposed and let Tracey see his heart.

"Don't you worry about Miss Xia?"

"No, although she is my little bunny, to others, she is a beast and will show them her sharp claws." Adam said firmly.

He still remembered on the night that Tracey just returned from abroad, he was tied on the bed and flirted. It was a humiliated but unforgettable experienced in his life.

"That's true. But you can't be with Miss Xia these days, president." Assistant Jiang had been with Adam for so long. Recently, he found Adam was immersed in love every day.

In the past, he used to be a workaholic. Today, he was off earlier than usual.

The men in love were very elusive. It seemed that he had to suffer a lot.

"Keep an eye on Carl and spread the news that I'm abroad. I don't believe that he will let go of this great opportunity." Adam snorted.

Of course, he wanted to be with Tracey all the time. However, if he did not remove the enemy and let him covet Tracey every second, Adam could not be at ease.

Tracey, trust me. Soon I will settle everything down.


Tracey hung up the phone and stood dazedly in front of the window. He went to America without saying a word and didn't even inform her.

Even if she said something inppropriately, Adam was so smart and how he didn't know that they were just her angry words?

"Okay, fine, going to America." However, Tracey was ready to apologize.

Tracey sat back on her chair with some anger. Stella came in with a new cup of coffee. "Tracey, be careful, don't knock it over this time." "Okay. You can leave." Although Tracey try to focus on her work, she still could not help thinking of Adam.

She was a little aggrieved because Adam did not comfort her at all, instead, he fled abroad.

Tracey was only tough in front of others, but when she got along with Adam, she would be acting like his gentle little woman.

Now her temper was rising, and her face looked bad. Stella was a little worried. "Tracey, be careful. The coffee is hot. Don't knock it over." Stella cared about Tracey as if she was her child. After all, Tracey behaved a bit different than usual, even a little strange.

"I know, I know." Tracey answered in an impatient tone.

Carl was coming and heard their conversation. He held a book in his hand. It was the book they talked about last time when they had lunch.

"Tracey, you said you wanted to read this book last time. I brought it especially for you today." As soon as Carl entered the office, he saw Tracey's face. "Put it there." Tracey was obviously in a bad mood and didn't even want to stand up.

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