His Domineering Lover
Chapter 255

It took Tracey some time to get ready before going out. Recently, Adam had been sent her to the company every day, so she still hoped that he would appear as soon as she pushed the door open. When she opened the door, she saw a car waiting outside. She was happy. Was it Adam?

After she saw that it was her Maybach, Tracey's face went gloomy instantly. Mark came to pick her up.

"Good morning, President Xia." Mark greeted Tracey politely, but Tracey was just absent-minded.

"I didn't remember that I have called you to pick me up." Although Tracey was very disappointed, she still had clear memories.

Mark's mouth curled into a bright smile. "It was Mr. Xiao who called me at five o'clock and asked me to pick you up."

"What else did he say?" Tracey had mixed feelings the moment as she heard that.

"Nothing else. He just told me to pick you up." Mark saw Tracey's badly looked face, he didn't know what had happened between them.

Tracey got in the car. Since Adam called Mark, he must have read Tracey's messages.

However, he did not reply. Tracey assumed he was angry. Thinking of she accused Adam for being selfish, Tracey bit her lips and lowered her head. "President Xia, what do you like to eat for breakfast? I'll send you there."

"Any is fine." She had no appetite for food, and her mind was full of Adam's look. "Mark, I have a question for you."

"Please go ahead, President Xia."

Tracey never had a cold war with boyfriend.

Adam still cared about Tracey because he especially told Mark to be here to pick her up, but he didn't reply, which meant that he was still angry. But it was obviously his fault. He didn't believe Tracey and followed all the way.

Tracey was hesitated to ask, "If, I mean if, if someone is obedient to you, but you blame him for a small thing, do you think he will be angry?" "Does he love you?" Mark asked Tracey while driving the car.

"I think so." Tracey thought of Adam's affectionate eyes every time he looked at her. If he didn't love Tracey, how his eyes were so affectionate?

And every time he entered her body, he was so careful, because he was afraid that he would hurt her.

Tracey watched the adult videos before, she saw men would not care about women after making love. Adam was different, he never let Tracey alone but still kissed her gently.

He would clean Tracey up then clean himself. Everything he did proved that he loves Tracey very much.

"Since his love for you is deep, he will forgive you no matter what you do. At most, he could be upset for a while." Mark said as if he was very experienced.

"But what if I used some serious words?" Tracey asked. She still remembered what Adam did for her when she was in period. He bought her pads and cooked the ginger brown sugar soup for her in a very unskillful way.

He had been so kind to Tracey. As for the following, it was only because he loved her too much.

Tracey was so regretful to say he was selfish. He must be hurtful.

Only at this moment did Tracey felt she was too over. She drove such a good man out of her world.

"Well... President Xia, are you talking about Mr. Xiao? If you ask me, he loves you so much, how could he be angry with you?

But I have something to say, president Xia, and don't blame me for being gossipy. Maybe you don't know the truth because you were in America.

There were countless girls who liked Mr. Xiao, after all, he was handsome and rich. But surprisingly, he never had gossips with any woman.

I read an article about him in the financial magazine. He built his business empire from nothing. From nobody to the great president today, his achievement was so admirable.

He said that he did all this for a person, and no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he will persist along the way.

Because he wanted to appear in front of her with brand new look. Every time he encountered something extremely difficult, he would cheer up whenever he thought of that person. The reporter asked him if this person a man or a woman, and if he/she is someone that he loves, he did not say it straight, but said he had been waiting for his person to come back.

You don't know it, after this article released, it caused a sensation. Many girls soon became fans of Mr. Xiao. He was a very very rare man with a huge amount of money and sincere love. I don't usually care about the gossip, but even I knew about Mr. Xiao. Back then, I only felt that he was a very distant person to me.

Later, I became your driver. Through you, I got an opportunity to know him and knew that the person he had waited for is you.

President Xia, please cherish such a deep-hearted man. After getting along with him these days, I can feel that he cares about you very much.

I don't know what happened to both of you, but Mr. Xiao especially let me pick you up, it proves that he does care about you.

He loved you so much, so he wouldn't blame you. Maybe he was just angry for some time. When he calmed down, he would be fine.

How could a couple not quarrel? It's okay, but don't go too far. Otherwise, attractive girls are everywhere, what if Mr.Xiao..."

Mark never said so much, but today he said a lot to defend Adam. Tracey blamed herself even more after hearing his words.

Even an outsider knew Adam's love and kindness, but she blamed him for just a small thing.

"He doesn't answer my call nor replied to my message. What should I do?" Tracey was very panicked. As Mark said, Adam was so excellent that many girls wanted.

If it were other women, as long as he needed, they must be willing to do anything for him.

Tracey felt scared for no reason. She was not easy to go together with the man she loved and she did not want to lose it.

She felt uneasy. She had never been so nervous even when she faced Sean's affair. She couldn't imagine what her life would be without Adam.

She had known him for long and was used to his caring, how could she adapt to it if she really lost Adam?

Mark saw Tracey's expression from the rearview mirror. "President Xia, I'm just talking casually. Don't take it seriously.

With Mr. Xiao's feelings for you, as long as you ask for reconciliation, he must agree. Don't care about those girls, if he was tempted easily, how would he insist on waiting for you?"

"I know what to do." Tracey lowered her head, grabbing her skirt with some worries.

Her relationship with Sean was like playing a game, it was Tracey's first time seriously dealing with the problems in love.

Being together was easy. Managing the relationship was the real challenge and was the class that every

couple should learn.

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