His Domineering Lover
Chapter 228

This was Old Master Luo's 80th birthday. Due to his social status, people from the top class were all here to celebrate it.

The whole villa was shining, and even the surroundings were made of gorgeous colored lights.

Tracey was already used to such a scene. She entered the house and saw many familiar faces.

Ben came with Renee and Leo. Carmen was here too. No matter how glamorously she dressed, she may not conceal her tired and lonely face. She had totally lost her previous arrogance. Every time she wanted to get close to Ben, Ben would move away quickly.

She followed them here today and Ben had no intention coming with her.

Rachel took the arm of Sean and walked in with an unnatural smile. Although she tried to act they were happy, it was easy to see Sean's coldness.

What a lively day! Basically, all the powerful people were here.

Tracey searched in the crowd. After a while, she finally saw Eric.

Eric was wearing a gray suit. He held a glass of red wine, talking about something to the person beside.

Tracey was about to walk toward him, but she didn't expect that the person Eric talked to was Carl.

He beat her to the draw! She didn't know what they were talking about, obviously, both of them were quite happy. Tracey felt a bit uncomfortable to see this picture.

While she was thinking about what to do next, Carl seemed to feel her gaze and immediately looked at her.

Being noticed by them, Tracey could not hide. She took a deep breath, picked up the red wine from the passing-by waitress and walked toward them.

Both of these men were looking at the woman in white who was walking over slowly. She was perfectly outlined by the dress she wore.

This dress was also in great texture. As she walked, the belt on her shoulder waved and added softness to her.

She smiled decently, and her diamond rings and necklace were all shining under the light.

All the women present today were dressed up, but Tracey was still so outstanding that kept attracting other's attention.

She was the so-called stunner.

"Miss Xia, it's good to see you." Carl pushed his silver-framed glasses up.

"It's Old Master Luo's birthday. I'm sure coming to celebrate with all of you. Hello, Mr. Luo, I'm Tracey." Tracey reached out her hand.

Eric looked pretty, there was a lachrymal mole under his left eye, which added some charm to his coquettish face.

"Miss Xia, I've heard a lot about you!" Eric made a handshake with Tracey.

"I remembered we had actually met in the States several times, but we had never officially made friends. This was a pity for me." Tracey said.

Eric reacted a bit ambiguously, he didn't refuse nor being enthusiastic. "Since you want to make friends with me, there were a lot of opportunities." He said.

"I heard that you like coffee. Why don't we have a coffee chat someday, Mr. Luo?"

"Of course, but Carl likes coffee too. If you don't mind, we can have coffee together." Eric suggested.

"Together?" Tracey was suspicious. She didn't know how long Carl and Eric had known each other.

She remembered that Carl wanted to give up competing but directly give Tracey the vice president position, it sounded that he was confident to win Eric's order. Together with the picture that they chatted happily just now, maybe they had known each other for a long time.

Carl had just returned from abroad three years ago. He seemed to have gone to study in some countries before.

Tracey didn't have any interactions with Carl in the past so she didn't care about his matters. Now she felt that Carl might with some special background.

He and Eric were at the same age. Maybe they were alumni or the like. That was why he was so confident to give up the vice president position proactively. But anything has a price. If she agreed to Carl's terms, she did not know what she had to pay for.

If things were really like what she thought, then it was not so easy to deal with. "How could I take the place of such a good friendship between them? Seeing that she was hesitating, Eric asked, "What's wrong? You don't want to?"

Tracey didn't know what did he plan to do. If he wanted to give the order to Carl, he wouldn't have to give her a chance.

"Forget it. No matter what he is up to, at least I have a chance." Tracey thought.

"How could it be? I'm sorry, I was a little out of my mind just now. Mr. Luo, you name the time and place and I'll be there." Tracey smiled apologetically. "Tomorrow, 12:00 pm, at the Blue Cafe, okay?" Eric looked at them.

"Yes, we will definitely be there on time." Tracey smiled.

"That would be the best. I am sorry, Miss Xia. My girlfriend is very dictatorial. If she knows that I meet with a woman alone, I'm afraid she will be jealous." Eric smiled, his smile looked special.

Hearing his explanation, Tracey relieved. It turned out Eric had a girlfriend, then Adam was no need to worry.

"Of course,! understand."

"Oh, see, she is coming." Eric pointed to a woman coming over not far away.

It was a mixed-race woman who was about the same age as Tracey. As soon as she came, she glanced at Tracey up and down and stared at her with some hostility. "Who are you?" Her language sounded not so native, she even had an accent.

Tracey felt a little helpless. Sure enough, just as Eric said, her jealousy was really strong!

As soon as Tracey was about to explain, a hand wrapped around her waist." Bella, she's my companion. I was just introducing her to Eric."

Tracey wanted to break free, but Carl winked at her.

Bella's expression turned to be better. "So you are Carl's companion. Hello, I'm Bella."

Tracey reached out her hand. "I'm Tracey."

"Baby, where did you go just now? I've been looking for you but I didn't see you." Eric pulled Bella into his arms.

They seemed to be in a good relationship. Tracey felt very uncomfortable for Carl's hand, even if he was trying to help her out of the misunderstanding. "Excuse us, Mr. Luo"

"Okay." Eric left with Bella.

Tracey broke free from Carl's arms right away they left. "Do you know each other?"

From their conversation just now, they had already known each other for long.

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