Fentanyl E001: The Mysterious Experiment(Book 1)
Chapter 1: The New Sovereign of Peur

Location: Greenhills

Time: 12:35 AM

At the round table, ten men were gathered to discuss the most fundamental issue. They were examining the records in their hands when their attention was diverted by the sound of someone's heels. All eyes were drawn towards the entrance where a beautiful lady with a confident demeanor stood. Her hair was long and wavy, her eyes round and captivating. Her nose was sharp, her lips were slender, and her skin flawless. She was dressed simply in a blue dress with makeup that enhanced her features.

The men tried to pretend they were engrossed in the papers, but they couldn't help stealing glances at her from time to time.

As she approached them, the sound of her heels echoing in the room, it became apparent that there were only a few things in the plain, pure white room, and a large screen TV nearby. She paused in the center, near the TV, her eyes fixed on the men who pretended to be occupied. They straightened their backs as she smiled. She swallowed nervously, then regained her serious, imposing expression.

"Hi. So, you've all come to join our Peur association as rookies. Overall, we will test your logical abilities by presenting a challenge where we will sacrifice one individual," she announced solemnly, her face serious. As she spoke, they saw a lab photo displayed on the wide-screen TV next to her. She refocused her attention on the people she had gathered before her, looking intrigued.

"Okay, what an innocent expression. Do they know nothing?" She thought to herself as she smiled widely, appearing intellectually superior.

"Alright, Miss?" Someone gestured with his hand. She quickly turned her head to the refined man and arched an eyebrow at him, causing him to nervously swallow.

"Yes, Sir, do you have any questions?" she replied with a threatening tone and look.

"U-uhm. What's your name, incidentally?" The man asked, and in response, she pretended to be annoyed. She knew she had to continue with her act and answer spontaneously. This was a mission her grandfather had assigned to her, and due to her family's deadly association, she always had a task at hand. She was destined to be the next leader of the organization, and she had no choice but to accept, as it was one of the regulations. The reasons behind the organization's dangerous nature were complex, but she couldn't reveal everything. So, she returned to reality and responded to the man's question.

She made a sound as if about to speak and then proceeded to answer the person before regaining her composure. "I am Nathalie Cleigh, and I'm the new Sovereign of the Peur Association. I'm 18 years old, here to assume my grandfather's position as he is currently busy with his business. We are seeking researchers to assist us in our development. The papers before you contain pros and cons, and you must read everything in the document," she explained. "Reading it will take you days, and you should take your time to fully comprehend it. Using this widescreen TV, I'll show you what's happening inside the lab."

The men were captivated, paying close attention to the lady's detailed explanation before them. They had no idea what was going on with their organization, but rumors suggested it was dangerous and that everyone was wary of it. However, researchers seemed eager to be part of this association as it would enhance their reputations and images. No one dared to overlook the importance of individuals within the association, as they were highly respected. It was not just a simple organization; it held unlimited power over the city.

"This is the fundamental design for the people who will be associated with the analysis. Except for one room, it has 22 research centers, which are all unfilled," as she talked, her voice became colder, making men's hair develop. Interest gobbled them up, and they couldn't quit seeking clarification on pressing issues. What's wrong with that room?

Nathalie Cleigh tightened her grip on the controller as the researchers looked on, visibly frightened after seeing the photographs.

"She's the most crucial individual we've ever captured. Your task is to examine her body and conduct experiments on it. If you fail, the city will be utterly destroyed. She'll transform into a monster, and you'll be wiped out entirely," she warned them ominously.

Despite their fear, the researchers knew they had to overcome it to proceed with their ambition of becoming scientists. They steeled themselves and prepared to move on to the main building, ready to take on the responsibilities and challenges that awaited them in the Peur Association.

"Fentanyl is present in her system. Our master's most dangerous drug," she reiterated, and one of the researchers seemed puzzled by her explanation, raising his hand to catch Nathalie's and the other men's attention.

"Yes?" Nathalie responded.

"Is it true that you're willing to take a risk and let us examine her if she's the most crucial subject to test? I understand you have many expert researchers on staff, but you've assigned the task to the rookies. Miss, please clarify," he asked, and the other men immediately showed their agreement with the question.

Nathalie paused for a moment, considering the implications of their request. She knew the importance of the subject, but she also had to be cautious about the potential risks involved. After a moment of contemplation, she replied with a composed but firm tone, "The decision to let you examine her will not be taken lightly. I will consult with our senior researchers and evaluate the potential risks thoroughly. The safety of the city and all of us is at stake, and I will not allow any careless actions. But I assure you, if we proceed, it will be with the utmost caution and under controlled conditions."

"You will not lose her assuming you come up short, yet you should be careful. She will transform into a monster if the trial fails. We don't have a voice regarding this matter, so we'll suppress the monster. And any researcher who contributed to the failure will undoubtedly face severe consequences," the man stated, signaling his agreement with Nathalie's approach. Failure and death were not unfamiliar concepts in the world of science, and they were not easily intimidated by such risks. When it came to fulfilling their tasks, they were willing to go to great lengths to gain recognition and influence, even at the expense of spending money.

"So, back to the girl. Her name is-"

The blaring sounds from the TV interrupted her sentences, and it seemed that something had gone wrong in the lab. Nathalie quickly became puzzled and reached for her phone, dialing a number. The researchers were left in disarray, wondering what had happened in the lab and concerned about the well-being of the significant lady who was inside.

"What happened!?" They heard a woman demanding on the phone. She groaned heavily and hung up after the researcher on the other end informed her about the situation. Nathalie shifted her attention to the ten researchers gathered in the room. "Now is the time for you to go back. When you're ready, we'll call you. I still need to attend to the primary matter. The meeting was dismissed," Nathalie left the conference room first and proceeded straight to the main building.

As she walked, her mind was filled with thoughts about the incident in the lab and the safety of the girl they were examining. The situation was becoming more complex and dangerous, and she knew she had to handle it with utmost caution and precision. The fate of the city and the lives of those involved were at stake, and Nathalie was determined to navigate through these challenges as the new Sovereign of the Peur Association.

Ottawa Tomb Location:

Time: 1:55 AM

The meeting concluded in less than two hours. The Ottawa Burial Chamber was situated in the heart of the city, in Ottawa City, which was renowned for being the world's most dangerous city, hiding many undisclosed secrets. The Ottawa River flowed through Greenhills, bearing the bodies of people and animals, and gatherings were held in a separate structure along the river. The reason for using this particular structure was unknown, but nobody dared to challenge the Peur Association due to its immense power and reputation. While people were scared of it, researchers were willing to take risks and participate, aspiring to be as influential as Nathalie's grandfather. They all recognized that Nathalie's grandfather was the most feared and influential man in Ottawa and the world.

Nathalie swiftly left her car, momentarily disregarding the concerned researchers. She headed straight to the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor, where the young girl still lay unconscious. Nathalie herself was a highly skilled and trained researcher. Although she had been reluctant to be a part of all this when she was younger, her grandfather had trained her, and she couldn't bring herself to sever ties with her family and their association.

Upon reaching the fourth level, Nathalie walked directly to the woman's room. She genuinely felt sorry for the one who was lying there, but she had no choice but to obey her grandfather's orders.

As she entered the room, she saw two researchers examining the woman's body. The woman appeared to be trembling slightly. When the two researchers noticed Nathalie, they moved aside and allowed her to approach, knowing that she had more knowledge about the woman's condition.

Nathalie quickly checked the woman's wrist and felt a faint heartbeat, which eased her concern. Her heart felt heavy as she looked at the pale woman lying there, but she swiftly regained her serious composure. She knew she had a responsibility to fulfill, and she couldn't let her emotions hinder her in this critical situation.

She spoke briskly to the two researchers who were just watching her, "Give me another needle." They handed it to her without hesitation, and she injected the young lady's wrist, causing her trembling to subside, and her heartbeat returned to normal.

Nathalie sat down beside the woman, taking a deep breath. She gazed at the young girl, and her mind filled with significant thoughts. She exhaled deeply, releasing all her recent worries.

"I hope you'll make the right decision one day. I'm sorry if I'm contributing to the severity of this situation, but trust me when I say that I'll do whatever it takes to help you. I'll see you soon," she whispered to the unconscious girl, a sense of compassion and determination in her voice.

Nathalie knew that her role as the new Sovereign of the Peur Association was challenging and carried significant responsibilities. She had to navigate through a world of secrets and dangers, but she was determined to do her best to protect the city and the people involved, even if it meant making difficult decisions.

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