Residential Construction Zone, 5th District

Wednesday December 26th, V26 (2046)

It was the stroke of midnight and the air at the top of the partially completed tower was crisp and a little moist, carrying the salty tang of the sea. Yolanda had made herself comfortable on the folding stool that Monique had set out for her, a plain black woollen blanket draped over her legs to ward off the night-time chill. Her back and arms were kept warm by the heavy cloak she had around her shoulders, made from a dark blue fabric she had woven protective charms into.

Her human Familiar had then retreated to the shadows, keeping a watchful eye over her Mistress and the roof-top cluttered with building materials. It was an unusual choice for a meeting of the Coven, but it offered the two things all three witches desired the most.

Firstly, it was neutral ground. No Witch worth the name would allow themselves to be drawn into the lair of a rival, even one who belonged to the same Coven. Technically this tower was under the management of Brackenridge Secure, but Yolanda did not consider that an issue.

Secondly, there was complete privacy. No other humans were within a half kilometre from the location and none would be able to get past the subtle Nausea Wards that Yolanda had set at the four Compass points. Any mortal who ventured too close would find themselves feeling queasy and distressed. Pushing past the magical boundary would trigger violent retching and eventually collapse.

Her fellow Witches would be unaffected by the low powered Wards, as would any Adept of the Second Rank or higher. The chances of another Adept stumbling over their gathering was low, but if it occurred then she could always set Monique onto the intruder!

A minute after midnight the elevator pinged and the young Witch, Mika Frost, stepped confidently onto the roof-top. They were accompanied by their Familiar, a small black cat with bright yellow eyes that stalked ahead of their master, sniffing the air cautiously.

“I’m over here, Mika!” Yolanda called out. The Witch glanced in her direction then walked briskly over. Yolanda was as intrigued as the first time she met Mika as to what their story was. To most people, a Witch was always a woman and a Warlock was a man. The reality was quite different.

Any man or woman, capable of using magic, could be drawn to either path. Both were short cuts to power, an easy way to acquire magic instead of taking the longer path of Sorcery and traditional spell casting.

Mika could be male or female under their neutral clothing and androgynous features. All that Yolanda was certain of was they had made the Witches Pact with a being of power from the Before. That being granted Mika their power, channelling energy from the Dark Side into their slender body and allowing the young Witch to cast spells of incredible potency.

“Good evening, Yolanda” Mika greeted her as they got closer. The cat Familiar, whom Mika had named Bartomaeus, sniffed around Yolanda’s boots. A low growl emanated from Monique, which the cat pointedly ignored but Mika bowed slightly to the female Familiar in greeting. Yolanda gestured to a second stool placed nearby and the young Witch sat down, arranging their long, black coat tails to either side. Bartomaeus wandered to Mika’s side and sat his rump on one of the coat tails, flicking his tail from side to side, eyes locked on Monique.

“Do you think Longflower will come?” Mika asked in their gentle voice, the tone soft yet the words easily heard for some distance. Yolanda suspected it was a subtle Charm of some sort that enabled such clarity but she had never discovered the magic formula to use it herself.

“Certainly she will come” Yolanda assured Mika. “That old hag would never miss a chance to tell me off!”

“This gathering is not to chastise you, merely to examine the situation” Mika replied calmly. “On a related note, was Frank returned to you in good health?”

“Yes, thank you for showing consideration to him during the arrest” Yolanda replied. “If it had just been the regular goons from the Police Auxiliary it might have gotten messy”

“My pleasure, Yolanda” Mika responded. The conversation stalled for a moment as the two Witches regarded each other across the small distance. In truth, they were not friends and not allies. The Coven existed because they were the only three Witches in the city and forming one gave them a sort of legitimacy when dealing with the Board of Governors and the Order of Michael.

Further small talk was not required as at that point Longflower drifted down from the starry sky, her brightly patterned skirts and petticoats billowing around her legs like flimsy parachutes.

“I can see your panties!” Yolanda called out mischievously to the descending Witch, causing her to snap her legs tightly together and wrap her hands over her waist. Mika smiled involuntarily and let out a stifled snicker.

“Really, Yolanda, you can be so uncouth!” Longflower complained in her elegant accent, a mix of old British upper crust tinged with French provincial flourishes. The woman landed softly on her blue leather shoes, tanned to the same sky blue as her outer dress. A big black raven fluttered down from above to perch on her shoulder, his claws taking a firm grip on Longflower’s left shoulder.

Yolanda regarded the late arrivals with a mix of emotions, fear and apprehension at the forefront. The Witch had the full name of Lady Emmanuel Langfleur and her Familiar was known only as Parsifal. The pair were a legend of sorts in the supernatural community, with Longflower rumoured to be at least four hundred years of age and Parsifal was said to be close to two hundred.

In the world of Adepts, age was a sure sign that the caster was powerful. In the case of Longflower, her personal reservoir of magical energy was likely five to ten times greater than Yolanda’s. Yolanda was certain she had somewhere between two to three times more power than Mika, who had shown remarkable talent of their own.

So, if her fellow Coven members teamed up against her, Yolanda might be able to take down Mika but Longflower would tear her apart. Focussing on the immediate gathering, Yolanda gestured to the third stool set up in a loose triangle.

“My apologies, Longflower” Yolanda replied casually. “Please, take a seat”

“Oh, how quaint!” exclaimed the oldest Witch, making a show of brushing imaginary dust from the stool before seating herself. She arranged her long, ankle length dress about her and crossed her legs, then laid her gloved hands demurely in her lap.

Yolanda looked from face to face then nodded to start the proceedings.

“Thank you for forming the Coven of Three” Yolanda began. “As of old we have brought together the Maiden, The Mother and the Crone to guide the actions of our Coven”

Mika coughed politely and spoke up.

“Pardon me, Mother, but I do not identify as the Maiden. I would prefer you use the more acceptable term ‘the Youth’ if you please”

“Huh?” Yolanda responded, startled from her opening monologue.

“In that case, why am I the Crone?” demanded Longflower. “Just because I am the oldest in terms of years spent under the moon’s light, doesn’t make me an old Hag!” She stood up and twirled her dress, showing off her delicate ankles and well toned legs. “See, I look barely past my Twenties!” she insisted.

“Besides, this is a special meeting of the Coven” Mika reminded Yolanda. “Specifically we are here to discuss your actions in the City and the scrutiny you have brought on all three of us”

Yolanda closed her mouth with an audible snap and regarded the two Witches facing her.

“Yes, dearest Yolanda, let us first discuss your Master” Longflower began. “Why by the Stars and Moon did you allow a Lord of the Before to inhabit a human vessel here in Pan City?”

Yolanda had expected this meeting to be tough and she began to realise how angry Longflower was. It was the start of a very long night so she decided to follow the only path she thought might lead her to safety.

The truth.


Yolanda had spoken for over an hour, telling her Coven members the story of Angelina’s difficult conception and birth. She had spared no detail and gave only the unvarnished truth.

Longflower had asked pertinent questions and in the end she did something Yolanda had never expected from the ancient Witch. She forgave her, telling Yolanda she would have done the same thing to save a child of her own if she had to.

“I agree” Mika stated bluntly. “It was a bad decision to enter the Pact with your Master, but it was the only decision you could make”

“You were lucky that the Sword of Michael was willing to help banish the Lord” Longflower added. “I doubt you or Mika could have achieved such a feat” Yolanda could not help notice that the eldest Witch implied that she could have done it!

“Even so, my Master has not been destroyed” Yolanda reminded them. “Unless he finds another willing host, he will return in three years to claim Angelina”

“That gives you three years to break the Pact with your daughter” Mika said encouragingly.

“Or to destroy your Master” Longflower added helpfully.

“Without my Pact, I have no power” Yolanda stated bluntly. “I seek only to save my child, not to cripple my own magic”

Mika and Longflower exchanged a significant look and Yolanda knew they had been talking privately about her situation. It was not unexpected and to be fair, none of the three Coven members were friends. They each served their own Masters and any co-operation by the Witches was purely in self-interest.

“If we can help you and your daughter, please let us know” Mika said. “Longflower and I know how much trouble your business is in right now and we want to avoid bringing Judgement upon you”

Yolanda was stunned for a moment at such an offer, then she realised the hard truth that lay beneath. The Board of Governors and the Order looked upon the three Coven members as identical, unable to understand that each Witch served a different Master and had their own agendas.

If one of them was under suspicion then they were all under suspicion. When Judgement was ordered on one then it could be ordered on all three. Witches of all kinds knew what it was like to be persecuted without fair trial, their long memories recalling the days of Salem and the Witch Hunters.

“Thank you, Sisters” Yolanda answered gratefully.

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