Book 1 Chapter 17″

“I’m not lazy!!

“Then why do I see a jelly roll there huly?

“I’m not fat’ Max am 1 fat?”

“No your not fat”

“Are to fatty Mc fat fat. He’s most saving that cause he wants to get in your pants later

“Am not

“Am tro””

Welll you know what. yon like girls!


They have cooties

“Oh for the love of goi, come in?” I yelled.

Sarah walked in with a amused look on her face li quickly disappeared when she saw me and Adrian.

She spun and rati out making Adrain spring up and run after her.

Oh crap) I forgot how emotional wolves got after mating. They became possessives and paranoid about their mate. Even though me and Adrian were just friend’s Sarah would think he was cheating on her ighed feeling guilty about the trouble I just caused.

Of course it dissappear when Luke walked in a present in his hand. 1blinked at the present startled.

Holy crap its my birthday.

“What the hell are you doing here! 1 demanding standing up trying to ignore the fact I’d actually forgotten my birthday w crazt does your lite have to be to forget your own barthday?

“To give you your present He whispered

I felt quilt snap at me He seemed so defeated and hopeless

Sighing I grabbed has hand ignoring the stupid butterflies at the thought of his skin agasint mine

I pulled him into my bed room and closed the door behind us

I moved over to my bed and sat dintii ver

alked toward tie and sat down. We sat there for

a moment not saying anything I wondered for second of what he would thank of me if he found out I slept with a stounger last night Hell what would he think if he found out I wished was fun when Yes really needed help


“Here. I got this a while back. I always murand to give it ton yua talaj

zeed not meeting my spe

Book 1 Chapter 17

Not answering I took the box and opened it slowly gasping at the sight inside it.

A silver heart rested inside a large diamond shining up at me. I grasped it with my fingers and turned it over to see the words engraved in the back

My love will never weaken I blinked back tears as I read it again and again running my fingers over it.

“Thank you” I whispered.

Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his n*eck and hugged him rightly. He stiffened before hugging me hark burying his face. into my hair.

After a moment we both pulled back and stared at each other.

Suddenly I felt as if someone took over my b*dy. I inched forward my eyes never leaving his My hearing suddenly picking up every little sound in the room.

His breathing, my breathing, our heart beats.

At the last moment I closed my eyes and pressed my l*ps against his. Suddenly my nightmare flashed through my head making fear thump through me. But then the impossible happened.

He k*ssed me back.

An that’s when the door opened.

Andy Pov

I sighed and nodded absently to the blond chick who kept babbling on to me. She had a nice rack and all but she wasn’t catching my


“Sorry got to go” I muttered before shoving through the crowd and away from her.

Recently girls have lost interest to me and that…that was scary. This morning when Emma had come in looking s exy as hell int her who had gottor my pants to tight. It’d been Adriain. Which should be incredibly gross to me.

He hadn’t had a shirt on Now I’ve seen Adrain n*ked as the day he was born and never thought of him like that We’ve bee mates longer then we’ve been friends and I never once got a hard on just from staring at his abs. Or how his hair looked like got done having a nice rumble in bed

I shook my head hoped these thoughts would go away. It should be Emuna I should be lusting after not another guy’ Maybe I shoul go to a strip club or something/

I groaned and rubbed my face feeling my hands shaking slightly. I’d always had a certain attraction to other guys but it had been easy to ignore because come on I couldn’t be gay.

“Hey there

i took a sharp breath in at the deep voice that washed over me like a wave of heat God what se xy eyes he had Wait no I had to stop thanking like this!

I shifted slightly hoping he’d look up

When he finally did I felt my knees go weak


Book 1 Chapter 17

Our eyes connected and everything around us disappeared. It was just me and him. His dark blue eyes stared into mine as if searching for my soul.

“Come on little one” he smirked at me lightly grabbing my fingers with his. I stifled my moan as sparks and heat danced between us as his skin touched my skin.

Slightly dazed I let him lead me out of the club and into the parking 1

“Where’s your car” He whispered pulling me closer now that we were away from prying eyes.


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