Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 452 Summer Recognizes The Master

Chapter 452 Summer Recognizes the Master

After about fifteen minutes, Summer's terrifying gray-white eyes finally turned black and white again! In the next second, she looked at Lachlan with a thick look of awe and obedience. Plop!

Summer knelt directly in front of Lachlan, "Master!" Her voice had no hint of reluctance, only a thin respect like walking on thin ice. It was a kind of obedience and fear that originated from the soul, making her unable to resist at all.

Lachlan was stunned when he saw this, with a hint of suspicion in his deep eyes. Was Summer really under his control? The Soul Edict Talisman was so domineering.

At this moment, he could feel that there was some strange connection between himself and Summer. He even had a feeling that as long as he thought about it, he could shatter her soul into pieces!

Just as he tried to experience this feeling, he saw Summer kneeling on the ground with an intense look of fear, "No! Don't do it Master..." She trembled both physically and vocally.

Lachlan smiled faintly and immediately put away those thoughts. Only then did Summer's complexion improve slightly.

"Get up!" Lachlan said lightly.

At this point, Summer obeyed him completely like an accessory standing beside him. At this moment Lachlan could be sure that the Soul Edict Talisman had worked perfectly - Summer was completely under his contro l- destroying her soul would only take one thought!

Although it was a bit ruthless, Lachlan couldn't entirely blame himself for it. Hadn't this woman considered using those unscrupulous methods to control him before? It could only be said that it was a case of giving someone a taste of their own medicine...

"I have some questions I want to ask you! I hope you won't play any tricks on me now," Lachlan asked coldly.

Actually, he didn't need to worry about this at all. To some extent, Lachlan could understand the thoughts in Summer's mind.

"I dare not, Master! Whatever you wish to ask, I will speak without reservation. It is my honor to answer for you!" Summer quickly expressed her loyalty.

Lachlan nodded and asked with a chilling tone, "Does your Golden Silkworm Curse truly reduce the pain when my daughter's curse flares up?"

Upon hearing this question, Summer shuddered, showing a strong sense of fear and regret.

She stammered, "Indeed... it can alleviate the pain. However, it's not because it suppresses the curse. It's because the Golden Silkworm Curse secretes a paralyzing toxin that numbs your daughter's nerves, so... in the long run, this toxin is actually harmful to her nervous system."

With Lachlan having control over her soul, Summer had no choice but to speak the truth, even if it meant facing the consequences.

Hearing her words, Lachlan's face immediately darkened, and his eyes revealed anger and coldness as he looked at Summer.

Indeed! He knew this woman must have had sinister intentions. So, this was what she meant by reducing the pain?

By using the venom of the worm to numb Nora's nerves?

Wasn't this equivalent to using drugs to paralyze someone's nerves?

He couldn't fathom the harm it might cause Nora in the long run!

With these thoughts, the sense of guilt Lachlan felt for using the Soul Edict Talisman on Summer diminished significantly.

This woman deserved it!


Summer felt Lachlan's anger and was instantly frightened, falling to her knees again. "Master, please spare me! I know I was wrong, truly, I know I was wrong!"

Lachlan sneered coldly, not allowing her to rise this time, and asked Summer, who was still kneeling, "Tell me, how did you know to come to Edoland and search for the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant? Where did you learn this information?"

This question had been buried in Lachlan's heart for a long time, and he had worried about it for a long time. It concerned the safety of his family. Summer replied, "It was my master, the Elder of the Wicked Bone from the reclusive Willis family, who told me. As for how he knew, I'm not sure." Lachlan narrowed his eyes. "The Elder of the Wicked Bone from the reclusive Willis family? Besides him, who else knows?"

"No one else! As far as I know, no one else knows. The Elder of the Wicked Bone also coveted the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant, so he didn't reveal the information about your grandfather's final whereabouts in Edoland to anyone, including the other high-ranking members of the reclusive Willis family. He kept it a secret," Summer shook her head.

Upon hearing this, Lachlan's worries were slightly alleviated.

Now, looking at it, Summer and her master, the Elder of the Wicked Bone, their greed for the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant had become a form of protection for themselves.

"Do you know about the Cloud Sea Mountain Base in Lucoork West?" Lachlan continued, wanting to get answers to his doubts from Summer's mouth.

Unfortunately, Summer didn't know much about it either. She shook her head and said, "I've never heard of that place before, but I can inquire for you, Master."

"Good! Be cautious in your actions. If you come across any useful information, inform me promptly! It would be best to find out from the Elder of the Wicked Bone himself how he knew about Edoland," instructed Lachlan.

Summer respectfully complied, "Master, rest assured, I will do my best."

Next, Lachlan questioned Summer further, including the strength of the Elder of the Wicked Bone and the power of the reclusive Willis family.

According to her, Wicked Bone's

strength had reached the early

Nascent Soul stage. As for the high-ranking members of the reclusive Willis family, their strength was beyond her estimation as an ordinary disciple. However, the core members were undoubtedly on par with or even stronger than Wicked Bone.

Although the reclusive Willis family was also a force in the hidden world, their foundation was far superior to that of other ordinary hidden sects because they had the ancient Willis family behind them, a colossal entity.

After hearing this, Lachlan was secretly shocked, realizing that he couldn't act recklessly at this point.

Beyond Core Formation was the Golden Core stage, and beyond that was the Nascent Soul Realm.

Finally, the topic returned to Nora's curse. Reluctantly, Lachlan asked Summer if there was any way to suppress the curse on Nora.

After pondering for a moment,

Summer replied with uncertainty,

"Well, Wicked Bone doesn't have any

means to suppress the curse. I asked him before I came here. Unless, Master, you can find a witch doctor who is even more powerful than Wicked Bone and proficient in curses and various occult arts,

perhaps... it's not impossible. But the hope seems... quite slim."

Upon hearing this, Lachlan's eyes flickered a few times, nodding without affirming or denying it.

Finding a witch doctor proficient in curses?

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