Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 443 Good Intentions

Chapter 443 Good Intentions

"Big jerk! Pigsy is also a big jerk!"

"Waaah... Pigsy, please save Auntie and Uncle Rowan."

"I won't call you Pigsy anymore, waaah..."

"Is it okay, Uncle Pigsy?"

Hearing the crying, Lachlan felt relieved and turned around again.

This naughty child finally reacted!

"Well then, call me Daddy or I'll leave." Lachlan continued to smirk.

"Lachlan! You bastard!"

"Just go away! I don't need your help!"

"Get lost!"

Kiera heard Lachlan's request to Chloe and instantly became furious, grinding her teeth in anger.

At a time like this, this guy was actually bullying Chloe? Just because Chloe had been calling him "Piggy"?

Taking advantage of this situation to blackmail her aunt and make the child call him "Daddy"?

Was this bastard so petty, stooping to the level of a child? Was there no limit to his actions?

Rowan also displayed an angry expression and said, "Mr. Willis, how could you..."

"I never expected you to be this kind of person!!"

Lachlan ignored Kiera and Rowan's anger as if it didn't affect him. He just smirked and looked at Chloe, threateningly saying, "Little girl, quickly call me Daddy, or else I'll leave! And then no one will save your aunt and Rowan!"


"You big bully! Piggy is a big bully!"

Chloe's face turned red with anger, and she cried even harder, feeling both aggrieved and loud.

After scolding Lachlan for a while, her face still filled with a mix of distress and anger, she finally opened her mouth and pleaded, "Piggy... Daddy... I beg you, please save us. Let my aunt and Uncle Rowan go.. please?"

"Chloe, don't beg him!"

"Lachlan, you jerk!"

Hearing Chloe actually calling Lachlan "Daddy," Kiera angrily tried to stop her.

"What? Speak up!"

"You're too quiet, I can't hear you!"

"What did you just call me?"

At this moment, Lachlan put a hand to his ear and leaned closer to Chloe, asking her.

Chloe was so angry that tears streamed down her face, and she looked extremely distressed. She closed her eyes and, as if giving it her all, shouted, "Daddy! Daddy..."

"I called you Daddy... waaah..."

This time, Lachlan seemed satisfied, nodded and said, "Oh, good girl, that's more like it!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his ear.

"You big bully, I will bite you!"

In Chloe's eyes, which were previously filled with fear, there was now only anger and resentment.

After shouting "Daddy" at Lachlan several times, she suddenly bit down on the ear that Lachlan had brought close to her.

Lachlan let out a cry, tugged at the corner of his mouth, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Go ahead and bite, little girl!

Cry! Shout!

As long as you can let it out, it doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you don't sit there, immersed in fear!

How could Lachlan be so "despicable and boring" to bully Chloe at a time like this?

It was all because of Chloe's state that he realized something was wrong.

Those eyes of the mischievous child just now seemed devoid of any radiance, as if her spirit was almost destroyed by fear!

For a six or seven-year-old child, it was easy to imagine the kind of trauma her young mind had suffered from Heskel Ghost's deliberate scare earlier.

If not handled properly, it could leave a lifelong shadow!

Even her intellect could be affected, and she could become mentally disabled, it was not impossible!

At a time like this, it was crucial to stimulate her in other ways, to help her emerge from her fear.

Whether it was anger or distress... as long as it could dilute the fear!

Chloe finally released her grip after who knew how long, but her big eyes continued to glare at Lachlan with resentment. "Big bully! Piggy! I hate you!"

Lachlan chuckled and patted her head while the little girl vigorously shook her head, showing a strong sense of disgust. Next, despite the murderous gaze from Kiera, Lachlan released her and Rowan, then contacted Erik.

Later, he went back and searched Heskel Ghost's body, finding a few things and casually putting them into his pocket.

One hour later!

The Ward Residence, inside a reception hall.

Chloe, who had been taken care of, had fallen asleep. The young girl was mentally exhausted from the previous scare.

In the reception hall, Erik looked at Lachlan with a grateful expression.

After Lachlan explained, he now understood what had happened.

It turned out that Lachlan, relying on his fortune-telling skills, foresaw that Chloe might be in danger. He made preparations in advance and arrived in time to save the child.

Kiera sat on the side, her expression briefly showing a hint of embarrassment.

Only now did she realize that Lachlan had no intention of pursuing her...

However, her gaze towards Lachlan remained cold and icy.

Clearly, she still couldn't comprehend and was furious about his final actions.

"Mr. Willis, thank you so much!"

"If not for you, the consequences would have been unimaginable," said Erik with lingering fear.

"It's nothing. It's what I should do. This expert from the Ghost Plaque Sect appeared in Edoland, and it's

related to me." Lachlan waved his

hand to express his thoughts.

It was obvious that Heskel Ghost came to Edoland to chase after him, but for some reason, he shifted his focus to Chloe.

So, in a way, he had brought trouble upon the child.

This made Lachlan feel somewhat guilty.

At this moment, Kiera snorted disdainfully and glared at Lachlan.

Seeing how he acted so magnanimously in front of her grandfather, she suddenly felt that Lachlan was hypocritical.

"Grandpa, there's no need to thank him. You don't know what Lachlan did to Chloe."

"He's just a petty and even sadistic jerk!" Kiera gritted her teeth and spoke.

"Hmm? What happened?"

"Kiera, Mr. Willis saved you all. Why are you speaking like this?" Erik frowned and asked.

Kiera proceeded to recount Lachlan's actions from earlier.

After listening, Erik let out an "Oh?" and his expression showed disbelief. He glanced at Rowan, as if asking for confirmation.

Rowan looked at Lachlan, nodded expressionlessly, confirming that Kiera was not lying.

At that moment, Erik's expression turned somewhat speechless and annoyed.

With a hint of questioning, he looked at Lachlan and said, "Mr. Willis, what is the meaning of this?"

But Lachlan just smiled, lightly

asking in return, "May I ask Miss Ward, what do you think of a


six-year-old child who, after being extremely frightened, doesn't cry or make a fuss? Do you think it's a good sign? At that time, it's understandable that you were angry with me, but if you still haven't figured out what's going on, I can only say you lack insight."

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