Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 437 You'Re Sick And Need Treatment!

Chapter 437 You're Sick and Need Treatment!

Victoria was truly scared! She finally realized that Lachlan... could really kill her. Because of Emmanuel, she thought Lachlan would always leave a way out. However, looking at Romeo's body now, she finally understood the seriousness of the situation. Lachlan wouldn't kill her himself, but he would use someone else to do it!

At this moment, the old head of the Lowe family who had been dominant for a lifetime hurriedly begged Lachlan for mercy, afraid that if she spoke too slowly it would be all over for her.

She knew that with just one look from Lachlan, Lightless wouldn't hesitate to take her life.

"Hehe... then let's do it!"

Lachlan sneered and said lightly.

In fact, he had no interest in any shares in various industries owned by the Lowe family himself. But that didn't mean Victoria could go back on her word again.

Cara looked at Victoria's panicked and fearful expression and couldn't help feeling satisfied - as if she had vented some pent-up anger just now! She really wanted to kill this old woman earlier!

She still remembered clearly that it was Lachlan who had saved Victoria's life when Romeo's family almost killed her. However, on the day when the truth came out, Victoria turned her back on them.

Not only did she show no gratitude, but she also reneged on the previously agreed conditions. Cara would never forget the look on Victoria's face that day.

She never expected that this old woman would try to play this trick again. Was she feeling resentful because Lachlan effortlessly resolved the crisis with the NC Organization?

This time, if Victoria compromised a little slower, Cara would definitely make Lachlan do the dirty work and get rid of this old woman. She couldn't bear this resentment any longer, even if it meant giving up her shares.

At this moment, Owen and the other members of the Lowe family, seeing Victoria's submission, had complex expressions on their faces. For some reason, they also felt a hint of satisfaction.

Victoria had been domineering for too long! Everyone had experienced her wrath to some extent. Perhaps, after Victoria stepped down from power, the Lowe family, under the leadership of their eldest brother, could be more glorious than they were now.

In the afternoon of that day, at the Edoland Accounting Office, Victoria, accompanied by her third son Owen, walked out with Emmanuel, Cara, Lachlan, and others after completing the verification of the capital following the share transfer. Finally, all the shares of the Lowe family's various industries were transferred to Emmanuel's name.

"Hehe, you finally succeeded!" Victoria looked at Lachlan and the others with resentment and mockery.

The next moment, she got into the car with the assistance of her third son. Owen nodded to his older brother Emmanuel and sister-in-law before driving Victoria away.

Cara recalled Victoria's attitude throughout the process and felt a sense of displeasure. She couldn't help but snort.

She knew that although Victoria had succumbed out of fear, she still harbored hatred towards them. This old woman had done so many wicked things and had malicious intentions towards her husband, children, and son-in-law. Now, she thought that by handing over the shares, she could live out her remaining years in peace? That was too easy for her!


One day later, at the Lowe Residence, a white Iveco stopped at the entrance with the logo of the Edoland Mental Rehabilitation Center on it. The next moment, Cara got out of another car with two muscular men in white coats and an apparent doctor in a white coat, and they entered the residence.




Along the way, the members and servants of the Lowe family in the residence respectfully greeted Cara.

Cara nodded lightly and led the group straight to Victoria's quarters.

After entering, they saw Victoria sitting in the courtyard, playing with the canaries in a cage, looking content.

When she saw her eldest daughter-in-law, her face immediately darkened, showing a malicious and resentful expression. "What are you here for?" Victoria asked.

Cara looked at Victoria, but there was a hint of kindness in her smile, and her tone seemed concerned.

"Victoria, let's go! I've arranged it for you. You'll have the VIP ward at the Mental Rehabilitation Center from now on!"

As she spoke, Cara sneered and slapped a document in front of Victoria.

Victoria's face changed immediately!

It was a diagnosis certificate for "Delusional Disorder"!

"Cara, what... what do you mean? I am not mentally ill!"

"You... you want to harm me?" Victoria shouted angrily.

"Victoria, aren't you mentally ill? Everyone saw your behavior yesterday! It's clear to everyone that you're mentally unstable. I'm doing this for the sake of your physical and mentalhealth. At the Mental Rehabilitation Center, doctors will take good care of you. Isn't that better than staying here?" Cara said with a smile.

"Get out! All of you, get out!" Victoria exclaimed, panic and anger etched across her face. "I'm not crazy! Cara, you're cruel! You won't send me to a mental hospital, I won't go! Guards, get them out of here!" Cara turned to the psychiatrist beside her and asked, "Doctor, my mother-in-law's mental state, it's not right, is it?" The psychiatrist nodded, "Mrs. Lowe's mental state is indeed unstable. Rest assured, I will take good care of her."

"Yes, take good care of her, don't let her run off! We, the younger generation, need to visit her regularly. If she goes missing, I will hold you accountable," Cara affirmed. "Rest assured, madam," the psychiatrist assured, then gestured to the two burly orderlies, "Take the old lady away."

"No! No!" Victoria cried out. "Cara, you wicked woman, you're cruel!"

"Get out! Where is my son? I want to see my eldest son! Cara, bring my eldest son here!" Victoria continued to plead, trembling violently from fear.

"Mrs. Lowe, her condition is

deteriorating the psychiatrist shook

his head. Cara glared coldly at Victoria, gritting her teeth, "You now realize your eldest son's filial piety? No, you've always known! You've taken advantage of his filial piety to mistreat our family, using our loyalty as your shameless capital! You're sick and you need treatment!"


As Victoria was being led away by the orderlies, she desperately crouched, trying to resist. Upon hearing Cara's words, her voice took on a pleading tone, "Cara, I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Please don't send me to the mental hospital, I'm begging you... I'm begging you. I won't do it again. I have nothing left now, I won't meddle in the family's affairs. I just want to live out my remaining years in peace. Please spare me, please, can't you?"

Cara remained expressionless, coldly waving her hand. "Take her away!"

After all the wrongs she had committed, she still wanted to live out her days in peace? No way!

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