Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Like a tempest, Theo’s wolf, Thunder, navigated through the dense forest, leaving a trail of rustling leaves and echoing howls in his wake. All he wanted was to get his mate and Luna back to the Gold Moon pack. There was an army of his warriors who were

following him. Splashes of white, brown, black and red winded across the patches of green and gray.

Carmine had clutched her wolf tightly as she closed her eyes. She wanted to indulge in the feel of his fur and his warm b*dy.

Her wolf, Ember, was basking in the warmth of her mate. She purred, showing her interest to be with him, but Thunder growled, making clear that he wouldn’t allow her to shift at the moment because Carmine was weak.

They were going to reach the Gold Moon pack soon. According to Winn, the pack was a half-day’s journey from here, so they should arrive either in the morning or afternoon.

It happened then. A flash of intense light exploded over the forest, making Carmine. jump up on his back. The sudden flash of lighting was immediately followed by a deafening boom that reverberated through the forest.


Following the sound, Carmine looked to her side as excruciating pain blasted in her shoulder and blood spilled all over torso. Stunned, she looked up. With a howl, Winn came by Thunder’s side who stopped. She slumped, falling on Winn.

Theo shifted immediately. “Carmine!” he rasped. His eyes were not amber. They were the color of horror-so dark that the emotion settled on his face.


was s shock blasted through their bond, Carmine’s eyes went to her shoulder and it

she saw a bone arrowhead mixed with silver, jutting out of her shoulder and it wasn’t hers. “Th-” she opened her mouth to say something, but she felt a taste of blood. It bubbled out of her mouth, spilling over her l*ps. “Theo….?”

Pain cruised through her b*dy in ripples of agony. Her breath shortened. She didn’t feel the same intense pain when she was trapped by those chains. It was nothing like she had experienced before. It was not just b*dy pain, but it was the searing misery that punched the breath through her lungs and spread to the last of her nerve endings. Immense sorrow and terror of the ancestors accompanied this pain.

She took a deep breath as she tried to reach the bone, but she couldn’t even lift her finger an inch. Arms caught her, stopping her from falling to the ground. The scent of pine and mist overwhelmed the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.

“I’ve got you, baby,” Theo said, his eyes wide and dark, locked with hers. “You’re going


Chapter 74

to be fine.”

But what happened to her? She didn’t feel good at all. From the periphery of her vision, movement stirred. Several wolves sprinted toward the spot from where the arrow was fired.

Winn shifted too, panic rolling off his b*dy. He placed his hand on the arrow that jutted out of her shoulder. But the moment he touched it, Carmine winced in pain. “It’s hurting…”

“I know,” Theo said, barely able to contain the tears welled in his eyes. “But keep still, baby.” Then he looked at Winn with his brows furrowed. “How deep is it?” he asked.

Winn clenched his jaw as he stared at the wound and assessed it. “I can see the barbs. behind. But that’s not what I’m worried about. The blood, Alpha,” he inhaled sharply. “It’s a lot.”

“Take it out…” Carmine whispered.

“No, we can’t take it out!” Winn breathed. “Removing it will harm her shoulder and potentially worsen the injury. More blood…” his voice trailed off. “Keep her b*dy stable. so that the arrow doesn’t move.”

“I’m so sorry, Carmine. I’m sorry.” Theo said again and again. He felt rattled, hist emotions in disarray and his thoughts sc at tered. He sounded like he knew where this was going. “I’m going to kill the ba sta rd who did it. No. I’m going to cut him or her in so many pieces that death would scare him.” Theo moved her in his arms, and she curled in his embrace.

“I feel a lot of… pain,” she said through her parched throat.

“Keep still, baby,” Theo urged her. “I swear I am going to fix this,” he said as he shuddered beside her.

“At least the f ucker missed her heart!” Winn pointed, his voice wavering.

“What do we do?” Theo asked, misery rolling from his voice. “She won’t be-” He clenched his jaw. “It didn’t go through her heart.”

“Alpha’s blood is strong and potent,” Winn suggested. “It is given to mend the wounds. You’ve done it earlier, Alpha Supreme.”

More people loomed over her. Carmine flinched and moved further in his arms. Her eyes became droopy. Theo cupped her cheek with his trembling hands. “Carmine, I am going to give you my blood. Open your mouth and drink it.”

“No…” Her b*dy became numb and cold.

Chapter 74

25 Jan

“Please baby. I promise you are going to be absolutely fine.” He punctured his wrist with his fangs and placed it over her mouth. “Drink.” When she refused to drink, he urged her, “Please, baby. Drink it for Thor.”

When she heard her son’s name, Carmine’s tongue darted out to lap up a droplet of his blood. But it was difficult for her to keep her eyes open.

“No. No. No. No. Keep your eyes open!” Theo shouted. “You can’t do this to me, Carmine. Don’t. Please!”

“Alpha Theo,” Winn grabbed his Alpha’s shoulders. “Piece yourself.”

How could he? Terror consumed him. Carmine opened her eyes a little with whatever little energy was left in her.

“Yes, Carmine, yes. Please, just stay with me. I will do everything in my power to help you, I promise.” He pressed his wrist firmly on her l*ps. “Drink. You have to!”

But Carmine was feeling sleepy. She wanted to succumb to the haze that surrounded her slowly. Faces became blurred around her. She tried to focus her eyes on Theo and said, “Thor… take care of him…” And then her world turned darker.

She heard a bolt of lightning overhead and snapped open her eyes. She thought she saw a silver chariot. Was she hallucinating?

“Carmine!” Theo slapped her face lightly. “Carmine!”

She heard wolves howling. Raindrops splashed on her cheeks, mingling with her tears, and she turned to see her mate in tears. Tears rolled down his cheeks. “You. Can’t. Leave. Me.” he said, punctuating every word. He threw his head back and let out a gut- wrenching roar, the sound reverberating through the forest.

Wolves gathered around them. She caught glimpses of white and black and gray, circling them, keening and howling. Voices faded around her and soon she fell into the welcoming darkness.

Theo froze. He clamped his jaw so hard that it was a wonder his teeth didn’t cr ack. “We have to take her now!”

Winn nodded and shifted. He looked at his Alpha and dropped his head low. Theo picked up Carmine in his arms and climbed him. With a low, feral growl, Winn glanced at his wolves and took off. The Gold Moon wolves followed their Alpha and Luna with the prisoner in chains. The prisoner was none other than Ada, Kade’s cousin and Carmine’s caretaker in the lodge, when Kade had captured her initially.

Ada screamed and thrashed against her chains as she rode Tusker’s wolf. Oz sprinted towards Tusker, and with no warning, he sank his fangs deep into her thigh. Ada


06:52 Thu, 25 Jan

Chapter 74

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screamed in pain, shouting curses. “She won’t live!” she shouted. “You killed my father. I will kill you!”

This time, her scream grew even louder as Colin’s fangs dug into her other thigh.

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