Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Scarlet laughed on the inside. None of the other omegas were as intelligent as her. Ever since she arrived at the Gold Moon pack, she had been manipulating them all to her advantage. Flint was no less. He was a superb cook, headed the kitchen staff, but he was dull.

Her feet bounced to her room. She couldn’t stop thinking that her plans were going to fructify so soon. This was going to be her night. Her conquest of Alpha Theo. And Carmine would be defeated once and for all. She could go back to her hell-hole.

After she took a nice bath with a lavender soap, she wore a light brown dress with a gold hem. Strapping her nude sandals, she looked at herself in the mirror. She applied red l*pstick and left her hair down. Confidence bubbled inside her chest as she me ntally repeated her plan.

Flint took out the cake for her, “Alpha Theo is in Thor’s room along with Carmine.” When she took the tray from him, he placed his hands on her shoulder. “I knew you would come around. You’ve really made me proud as an omega.”

She chuckled. “Thanks Flint,” she chirped. He didn’t know what she was going to do. If the potion had side-effects, she was going to blame him. Heads usually rolled when you were on a bigger mission. And this mission was bigger, against nature.

When she reached the base of the stairs, he removed the bottle from inside her bra and poured the potion into a little hole she had dug in the middle of it. She poured a spoonful of vanilla over it to mask its smell and covered it back with cherry. The potion sizzled as it absorbed in the cake. “Perfect!”

Scarlet heard the rumbling laughter of Alpha Theo as she made her way up the stairs. Soon those laughs would transform into painful moans, but she would lovingly nurse him back to health. In the meantime, she would throw Carmine out of the pack along. with that pest, Thor.

She stood at the door and sucked in a sharp breath before knocking on it.

“Come in!” Alpha Theo’s voice boomed.

She opened the door’s kn ob and bowed to him as she saw Carmine, who was sitting with Thor and playing monopoly with him. For a four-year-old, Thor was pretty intelligent. Well, he could go to hell because she was going to have a lot of pups with Alpha Theo.

“What are you doing here?” Alpha Theo asked, his eyes narrowing.

Carmine stilled and stared at her as if she had seen a bad dream. Scarlet chuckled inside. Yes, she was going to be Carmine’s nightmare. The worst nightmare.


Chapter 1

“A-Alpha Theo,” she said in a soft voice as she lowered her head. “I’m here to apologize for my unruly behavior towards Carmine.” She let out a deep sigh. “During the last two days, I’ve been pondering over what I did and realized that I was out of my element.”

“You were going crazy, Scarlet,” Theo snapped. “That was not what I expected from you.”

She pursed her l*ps. “I am very sorry, Alpha Theo. This is the last time I am asking for forgiveness. After this, if you notice anything terrible about my behavior, you can throw me in the dungeons.”

“Incorrect,” Alpha Theo growled. “I will toss you out of my pack. And remember Scarlet,” he said in a menacing voice. “Once you’re no longer in my pack, you can’t be part of any pack under my authority. So before you do anything inconvenient, think about your options.”

Her entire b*dy shuddered at his lethal warning. “Yes, Alpha,” she replied. Glancing at the punch cake, she quickly said, “Flint requested I bring this cake for Thor. I suppose he did this to help me bridge the gap with Carmine.”

Silence ensued as Carmine didn’t know what to speak. Scarlet’s repeated pleas for forgiveness didn’t convince her heart to trust her. Despite this, she nodded since she knew she would

be here forever and had heard about Scarlet’s help to Alpha Theo from others in various matters.

When Theo saw Carmine had relaxed, he pointed at her to keep the cake on the center


Thor jumped with glee and rushed towards the cake. “Mine!” he squealed.

“Wait!” Scarlet stopped him with a nervous smile. “Let me cut it first?”

Thor’s l*ps down-turned. “I want the cake!”

Carmine giggled. “Wait Thor. Let Scarlet cut the cake. Then you can have the largest piece.”

Thor stood next to the table with a pout. Alpha Theo came to stand behind Carmine. and Thor, watching them as if they were the most significant people to him.

Jealousy ripped her heart, but Scarlet managed to hide it behind her grin. Soon. Very soon. She sat near the table and cut the cake into three large pieces and then offered the first one to Alpha Theo, second to Carmine, and third one to Thor. The mate bonds of all of them would be sealed. Even better. She remembered the last warning that Xena gave. ‘If the intended party consumes this potion entirely, their mate bond will be sealed forever. Their suffering would be unfathomable”

Chapter 31

“What about you?” Carmine asked with a smile and a frown on her face.

In a show of respect, she shook her head and lowered it. “No, this cake is for all of you. It is Thor’s punch cake.”

“Well, that is st upid!” Carmine said. She handed over her piece to her. “Have this one Scarlet I will share it with Thor”

Scarlet jerked her head back. “Oh no, Carmine,” she sputtered. “Please, you have it.”

“If Carmine is asking you to have it, you better have it,” Alpha Theo snarled.

“Oh, come on, Alpha Theo. It’s not an order, but a genuine request,” Carmine chided. him jokingly.

“Anything you say, Carmine,” his tone changed when he answered her. But his voice became stern again when he addressed Scarlet. “What are you waiting for? Have it.”

As Carmine sighed, Scarlet’s face turned white hurts.” She coughed in her hand.

“I-I can’t!” she rasped. “My throat

Theo took an intimidating step towards her. “It doesn’t look like your throat is hurting.”

“It is!” She got up and took a step back. “I have to go to help Flint. I won’t be taking any more of your time.” She turned sharply and hurried out.

“Stop!” Theo’s voice reverberated in the room, shaking its windows and doors.

The Alpha command that carried in his voice was so strong that Scarlet couldn’t resist it. She stopped immediately, her fists clenched on her sides, and inclined her n*eck. “A- Alpha, m-my throat h-hurts.”

Theo took every piece of cake and kept it back on the plate. In three large strides, he approached her. Putting the plate at her eye level, he growled. “Have it.”

Scarlet had it all plain her mind, but Alpha Theo’s fear locked her knees. Her

breath got trapped in her throat. It was impossible for her to move.

She noticed Carmine’s eyes quickly shifting between her and him, her face showing confusion.

“Have it,” Theo ordered in a voice that Scarlet took the cake from him with shaky hands. “Now, cat it.”

The door opened and Winn walked in. His mouth dropped open in shock. “Is anything wrong?” he asked in a low, careful voice.

Theo’s eyes remained fixed on Scarlet. He had a gut feeling that Scarlet was keeping


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something hidden. Was there any drug in the cake? “Eat. It.” He enunciated every word, his voice growing lethally calm.

“Alpha Theo… her l*ps quivered as tears started falling down.

When she didn’t pick up the cake, Theo ordered Winn to hold her from behind via mind link. As soon as Winn locked her arms from behind her in his grip. Theo shoved the pieces of cake in her mouth and, so that she didn’t spit it out, he placed his hand on her mouth. Scarlet didn’t have a choice but to forcefully eat it. Theo didn’t stop until she ate the whole cake.

Winn left her after she finished eating, causing her to fall to the ground, coughing and gasping for air while clutching her throat. She was drenched in sweat.

The potion started working immediately. Something inside her wrapped tightly around her heart and she felt like her life was going to get squeezed out. Scarlet passed out within a few seconds. The last thing she saw was Alpha Theo at her side, his eyes narrowed as if he were witnessing a failed experiment. “Take her to the dungeons!” His voice came from somewhere very far.


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