“Just keep taking your medicine Mr. Finn and you’ll be better in no time,” CJ said as he walked the elderly man to the door. He turned to Maureen. “That’s the last patient, time to go home.”

“Dr. Fisher,” she said, pointing to where Sam was sitting with her hands in her lap and head down.

The hairs on his arms stood up when he saw her, right away knew something was wrong. He went over and kneeled before her. “Sam, are you hurt?”

She looked at him, shaking her head and threw her arms around his neck.

He was shocked, she was shaking like a leaf in his arms. “Let’s go into my office and talk,” he said, helping her up his arm went around her waist. Heading into the back he looked at Maureen before disappearing. “You can leave for the day, lock up behind you.”

Once in his office, he lifted her up onto the desk, standing between her legs. His hands cupped her face. “What’s wrong baby?”

Her voice stuttered when she spoke. “It’s, it’s Jonathan, he’s here.”

“Here?” CJ said, repeating what she had said. “Where Sam? Where is he and what did he do to you?” The blood was pumping through his veins and he fought to control his anger. “If he touched you I’ll kill him.”

“He didn’t. He came into the diner just a few minutes ago.”

“What did he want?”

She looked at him, her bottom lip quivered. “He said he wanted me back, that I was his wife and he was sorry for the way he treated me when we were married.”

“That man is delusional, you two are divorced.”

“He said he didn’t care, that I belonged to him and he was taking me back with him. I’m scared CJ, I think he’s going to cause trouble.”

He released her and removed his doctor’s jacket. “You stay here.”

“Wait, where are you going?” she asked, jumping off the desk.

“I’m going to find that son of a bitch and tell him to stay away from you.”

“No, that will only make him mad and more determined to break us up. I’m done work now so I’ll probably never see him again and he’ll get bored and leave.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“I don’t know.” She went over, putting her arms around his neck, resting her head against his chest. “Just hold me.”

There was no way he could walk away and leave her when she was this upset. Taking her in the folds of his arms he held her tight, kissing the top of her head. “I won’t let him hurt you or come between us.”

When she had calmed down he took her home. When she went to shower he made a call to the sheriff’s office. Once he explained that Jonathan Stone was in town and could be here to harm Sam he was told that unless the man actually did something their hands were tied. But they did promise to have a talk with him and warn him to stay away from her.

That night they were having dinner at his parent’s place and CJ told his father when they were alone together that Jonathan was in town and he was wanting her back.

Calvin Sr. banged his fist against the stall inside the barn, his lips set in a firm line. “That bastard, and after you gave him all that money he has the nerve to show up here.” He turned to look at his son. “I know men like him CJ, he’s not going to stop till he gets what he wants. I’m afraid you are going to have a fight on your hands. But you won’t be alone, you have me and half this town behind you. Someone needs to have a word with that man.”

CJ wasn’t surprised by his father’s outrage, he was not one to tolerate a man abusing a woman in any way. He may be getting up there in age but he was just as strong and still one hell of a fighter, no man wanted to go up against him. “I’ll talk to him.”

“No son, not you. I know you, you’ll lose your cool and do something stupid. You’re getting married in a few days and your bride-to-be won’t want your face covered in bruises. I and my men will have a word with him,” he said, giving CJ a manly hug. “We best be getting back inside before your mother comes looking for us.”

Later when CJ and Sam were getting ready to leave he had another word with his father. “I have to do another round at the hospital tomorrow. Could you have one of your guys keep an eye on my place and Sam?”

“You didn’t have to ask son, I already planned on it.”

At home, while Sam was changing into her nightgown CJ got out his rifle and made sure it was loaded. He was just putting it in the closet by the front door when she came down looking sexy as hell in a white silk gown.

“What are you doing?” she asked when she saw the rifle in his hand.

He wasn’t going to lie to her, she needed to know he was worried about Jonathan and what he might try. He went and taking her hand led her over to the sofa and sat down. “Baby, my gut is telling me your ex is going to try something. I don’t know what but I want to be prepared, I also want you to be prepared in case he shows up here. Now I know you can shoot so it’s there if you need to protect yourself when I’m not around.”

She too had a bad feeling and putting her hands around his neck she smiled. “I love how you are concerned about me. I’m not afraid when you’re around.”

“My father is going to go with some of his men and have a talk with him. Maybe he can persuade him to go back where he came from.” He stands, pulling her up. “Let’s go to bed.”

Meanwhile: Calvin Sr. and two of his biggest and strongest men rode into town and found out where Jonathan Stone was staying. He was at one of the hotels, in room 13, he knocked and they waited for Jonathan to open the door. When he did Calvin Sr. shoved him backward and the other men stepped inside and closed the door behind them.

“What the fuck is going on here? Who are you and what do you want?” Jonathan asked, backing away.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. I’m here to tell you to leave Sam alone and it would be best if you left town tonight.”

“If I don’t are you and your goons here going to beat me?”

Calvin smirked and shook his head. “No man, not now.” He moved closer to the man and poked him in the chest with his finger. “But if you go near her or harm her in any way I think these men might get upset. No telling what they’ll do to a man who hurts a woman.”

“She’s my wife and I’m not going anywhere without her.”

“You’re divorced and got the money you asked for.” He walked to the door and stopped to look at him. “Take my advice, leave town now while you can.”

It dawned on him who Calvin was, he had seen his picture in a magazine along with his wife. “Is it you or your son who’s banging her?”

“Sam and my son are getting married. Go near them and you’ll regret it.”

“Fine,” Jonathan shouted. “You want me gone, it’ll cost you. I’ll expect another fifty grand tomorrow morning and I’ll leave.”

Calvin glared at him. “You’re not getting another penny, be gone by morning.” He left the room fuming, never had he met such a despicable man as this Stone fellow. He also knew the man would keep coming back for more so he would not get any more money. He stopped to talk to his two men. “I want you boys to keep an eye on Sam and CJ.”

The next night Sam and CJ went to the bar with Parker and Dakota to meet some friends for a small gathering before the wedding to celebrate. Sam looked around the room once they were seated, she was relieved to see that Donna was not there.

“Three more days and you’ll be an old married man,” Parker said, giving CJ a fist bump.

CJ smiled at Sam, pulling her closer. “Yup, and I can’t wait.”

Sam was having the time of her life. Dancing, drinking and having the love of her life next to her she forgot about Jonathan. CJ had told her that his father had talked with him, telling him to leave town. A part of her wondered if it was that simple, would he have been scared off, knowing there was no way he could have her?

It was close to midnight, they were sitting having one last drink before heading home when CJ noticed Sam had turned pale, her eyes were transfixed on something. He turned to see what she was looking at. A man in a suit was sitting at the bar drinking whiskey, he was staring back at her, an evil grin on his face. “Is that him?” he asked, looking at Sam.

Hearing CJ she nodded, unable to speak.

When he went to get up he felt her hand on his arm.

“Don’t go over there CJ,” she said, tightening her grip on his arm.

“I’m just going to tell him to get lost.”

Parker looked at Dakota and then CJ. “I think you should just ignore him.”

“Ignore him, how can I do that with him sitting there staring at Sam, grinning like an idiot?”

“The man is trying to get under your skin, don’t give him the satisfaction. We should just leave now,” Parker said as he went to stand up.

Rubbing his hand over his chin CJ nodded. “You’re right, let’s just leave,” he said, taking Sam’s hand helped her up and they all walked towards the door.

Unfortunately, they had to walk past the bar where Jonathan was sitting. Sam kept her eyes down to avoid looking at him whereas CJ kept his eyes on the man, his eyes glaring angrily into his. Just as they reached him Jonathan made the mistake of trying to get her attention.

“Hey Sammy, don’t you have a hug for your husband?”

Letting go of Sam’s hand CJ raised his fist and punched Jonathan in the face, knocking him off his stool. Towering over him, his eyes filled with rage, wanting to kill the man he hissed at him. “Don’t you dare talk to her.”

Jonathan sat on his ass, rubbing his chin, looking up at CJ. “I’m just saying hello,” he said, getting to his feet.

“You’ve been told to leave town,” CJ said to him, his hands balled into fists, ready to strike again.

A smirk appeared on Jonathan’s face. “It’s a free country. I think I’ll stick around for a while. You know, see the sights, reunite with my beautiful wife.”

CJ’s blood boiled and he saw red as he took a step towards him. Grabbing him by the collar of his white dress shirt pinned him up against the bar, his face so close to Jonathan’s he could smell the whiskey on his breath. “Look you motherfucker, she is not your wife and if you go anywhere near her I will kill you.”

“Not if I kill you first,” Jonathan said as he pried CJ’s hands off him.

“CJ, let’s just go,” Sam said, stepping in front of him. She placed her hands on his chest, trying to calm the rage that she saw building inside him. “Please, take me home.”

Her soft touch and soothing voice pulled him from the violent trance he had slipped into as he stared into her ex’s eyes. He looked down at her, his arm going protectively around her he stroked her cheek with his free hand. “Ok baby, this piece of trash is not worth my time.” He glanced back at Jonathan as they walked out, giving him a warning look.

Parker was expecting one hell of a fight and was amazed at how well Sam managed to calm CJ down. As a rule, once you pushed CJ to the breaking point there was no stopping him from fighting. On more than one occasion they both had to pay for repairs in their local bar after a fight. Them being best friends he always had CJ’s back and vice versa.

After saying goodnight they got into their separate vehicles and headed home.

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