Sam woke up, her body felt sore, but in a good way. She looked over to CJ’s side of the bed and he was gone. But she could smell coffee brewing so she knew he was in the kitchen. Dashing butt naked ran to the bathroom, turning on the shower got in. While washing she noticed the love bites CJ had left on her inner thigh. At least they were in a place that no one would be able to see. Not having anything to put on as she left her clothes in the bedroom and grabbed his shirt that was hanging on the knob. Putting it on she headed downstairs in dire need of a coffee.

Stirring the eggs he smiled when he saw her entering the kitchen.

“I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your shirt and used the shower,” she said, walking over to him.

“I don’t mind, looks good on you.” He stopped what he was doing to take her in his arms, his kiss hot and passionate. “Sit down, breakfast is almost ready,” he said, handing her a cup so that she could pour herself some coffee.

“Smells good,” she said as she took a sip of her drink, her eyes checking his muscles that flexed through his shirt with every movement he made.

Later she helped with the dishes.

“Let’s spend the day together,” CJ said as he drew her into his arms.

“What would we do?”

Picking her up he sets her on top of the counter, his arms going around her waist. “We could go riding, pack a lunch and have a picnic by the river. But first, we’ll spend the morning in bed.” He undid the buttons on her shirt, his mouth going to her breasts before picking her up and carrying her back upstairs.

Later as they lay together she sat up, turning serious when she spoke. “I’m still legally married CJ. Is this wrong? What we’re doing.”

He ran his hand up her back. “That man abused you. You left him and filed for divorce so no, this isn’t wrong. If you were still with him then yes I could see it as being wrong. I’m glad you opened up to me about everything. We will find a way to get you that divorce, I promise. Now come here and give me some more sugar.”

It was past noon before they got out of bed, they showered and changed. Since she needed to get some clean clothes she drove her car home and CJ rode his horse. There she packed them a lunch and they went riding.

Passing by his father’s place they stopped to say hi to Calvin and Parker. From there they headed to the river. She laid out the blanket and set the food on it while CJ tied up their horses. She later fed him grapes until he tossed the bag down, pulling her into his arms he laid her down.

“Time for dessert he said, his mouth going to her neck he sucked lightly, making her giggle.

“That tickles,” she squealed.

His fingers unbuttoned her shirt and he pushed it from her breasts, his hand caressing them. He was so wrapped up in what he was doing he didn’t hear a truck approaching until she pushed at his chest. He looked up and saw three men getting out of a truck, men he hadn’t seen before. Sitting up he shielded her from their view while she did her top up. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, he sensed trouble.

“Well look what we got here boys,” the scruffy one of the trio said. “Having yourself some afternoon delight son,” he said to CJ. “How about sharing.”

CJ stood, ready to fight if he had to. “Just move along guys and there won’t be any trouble.”

“That’s not very friendly of you. If you won’t share voluntarily I guess we’ll just have to take what we want.” Chewing on a piece of straw he looked at his two pals. “You keep him busy while I fuck the girl.”

CJ wished he had brought his rifle with him, he felt Sam gasping, her hand was trembling when she placed it on his arm. “It’s ok baby,” he said, looking over his shoulder at her. He wasn’t sure how he was going to fight them all but the one thing he knew was he wasn’t going to let the fat pig touch her.

The other two men, grinning walked towards CJ, taking a swing at him. He ducked, straightening up his fist landed on the man’s face, breaking his nose. The other one charged him and they fought, the other one got behind him and held CJ and the skinny one started pounding his fist into CJ’s gut. It knocked the wind out of him and he heard Sam scream and saw the fat one throwing her to the ground, pulling down his zipper.

CJ lifted his legs while the one held him and kicked the skinny one, knocking him down. He then managed to break free and dropkicked the other one.

“Stop, get off me,” she screamed when the big man fell on top of her, pawing at her clothes. “CJ, help me,” she cried out. She kicked and tried to hit him but he pinned her hands over her head. With the position she was in there was no way she could knee him in the groin.

CJ used his foot to ram it into the man’s balls, making him drop to the ground, withering in pain. He then punched the other, knocking him out. Dashing over he pulled the man off Sam and started punching him till he fell down.

With them all knocked out cold he went to her and rocked her in his arms as she cried, her body trembling. He wiped her tears. “You’re safe now. I need you to wait right here while I tie these bastards up.” When she nodded he got up and took the rope from his saddle. With three men and only one rope, he would have to figure out how to tie them all up. Dragging their bodies together laid them face down, with their hands bound together he went and looked in their truck. There was another rope so he used it to tie their feet together, there was no way they were going anywhere.

Going back to her he held her tight against him and taking his phone from his back pocket dialed the sheriff. “He’ll be here soon baby. Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”

“No, but he came close to it.“Wiping her tears she looked at him with admiration in her eyes. “I can’t believe you took out three men on your own. You are my hero.” Putting her hand on the back of his neck drew him close and kissed him. She then took a napkin and poured some water on it and cleaned the blood from his face and knuckles.

When the trio woke up they found themselves face down in the dirt, dirt and blood covered them and they groaned out in pain. An hour later the sheriff showed up and took the men in for attempted rape and assault.

“Let’s get you home,” he said to her. Seeing she was still upset he had her ride with him, in front, and her horse followed behind.

He helped her down and she went into his arms, in need of comfort. She could still feel the man’s stinky breath on her face and his chubby hands mauling her. “I’m going to take a long hot shower, I feel so dirty.”

Cupping her face in his hands he stroked her cheek with the pads of his thumbs. “OK, I’ll take these guys into the barn and take the saddles off. I’ll be in shortly.” Lowering his head gave her a tender kiss, one so soft. It tugged at his heartstrings knowing what she had gone through with her so-called husband and now this happened.

Sam ran the water, stripping out of her clothes she threw them into a trash bag. She didn’t want them around to remind her of how she almost was raped. Stepping into the shower, letting the warm water cleanse her body of that creep’s smell and the feel of his hands on her. She was leaning up against the wall, tears falling when CJ, naked stepped in with her. He held out his arms and she went into them.

Resting her head on his chest she liked it when he held her close, his hand stroking her hair. “Why do some men always feel they have the right to force themselves on a woman? It’s our body, not theirs to do whatever they want.”

“I don’t know the answer to that, just that they are sick bastards. A woman’s body is a beautiful thing and should be loved and treated with respect.” As much as he wanted to ravish her in the shower he knew this wasn’t the right time. After washing he turned off the water and reaching for a towel wrapped it around her, grabbing another one for himself.

His skin was damp, droplets of water rolled down his chest and she couldn’t control the urge to have him. Using her tongue she ran it over the drops of water and felt his excitement growing. His erection poked her in the thigh.

“Oh God,” he groaned, his hands on her shoulders he walked her back towards the bed. “You get me so hot,” he said, tearing away her towel and dropping his. He lowered her down onto the bed, his mouth and hands exploring her warm, damp flesh.

Later as they lay on their backs, looking up at the ceiling they waited until their breathing settled down before they spoke.

“That felt so good CJ, you sure know how to make a woman feel special.”

He moved to lay on his side, holding his head up with the palm of his hand. “You are special. I like you a lot, Sam.”

She ran her fingertips over the dark stubble that darken his face. “I like you too, a lot.”

He jumped out of bed and pulled on his jeans. “I’m starving, let’s go down and make something to eat.” Handing her his shirt he smiled. “Wear this, I love seeing you in it.”

Stirring the potatoes around on her plate she looked at him. “CJ.”

“Yeah, baby?”

She really liked it when he called her that, it sounded sexy and made her feel special. “I know we both have to work tomorrow and you have a busy day but would you stay the night? I don’t want to be alone.”

He placed his hand on the top of hers. “I wasn’t planning on leaving you alone tonight.” When she smiled it lit up her face and his heart swelled. “I’m booked all day with appointments and then I have rounds at the hospital later tomorrow night so it’ll be late when I’m done.”

“I understand and that’s OK, I don’t expect to spend every day with you.” The truth was she did like having him around and would miss seeing him.

“I do get time off for lunch, what time is your lunch break?”

“One o’clock.”

“Great, mine too so I’ll come over to the diner and we can eat together.”

“I’d like that,” she said, getting up carried their empty plates over to the sink. She had every intention of washing them but he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder like a caveman would do. “CJ put me down, I need to wash the plates.”

He smirked. “And I need some sweet dessert,” he said and swatted her bum, making her squeal and then he felt her smacking his ass.

She liked hearing the sound of his even breathing as he slept beside her. He was a gentle and giving lover and brought out what has been hidden in her for far too long. She was able to give herself to him wholly, without fear of being ridiculed. CJ made her feel like a desirable woman instead of just a piece of meat for man’s pleasure. Laying her head on his chest she felt his arms going around her and she slept peacefully that night.

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