Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 575

Chapter 575 Lacking In Manners 

Cillian was a genius, especially his initial sword stroke; it was absolutely stunning. 

But what about Emrys

Emrys spent the entire fight on the defensive, behaving like a cowardly jerk. He relied solely on his tough skin and tenacity to achieve a draw with Cillian. Everyone considered Emrys to be an ace among cowards. 

In the end, Emrys was seen as a coward, unworthy of respect. 

Emrys listened to the surrounding jeers, his face showing no hint of anger. Instead, he picked up his wine glass and slowly walked towards Gilbert, wearing a harmless smile. “Mr. Cunningham, right? Congratulations on your father’s promotion. Allow me to toast to his honor first.” 

With that, he tilted his head back and drained the wine from the cup in one gulp. 

Gilbert scoffed. 

He had no intention of lifting his wine glass. 

Emrys didn’t get angry. He just smiled, poured himself another drink, and once again drained it in one gulp. After finishing, he silently watched Gilbert. 

Gilbert remained unmoved. 

And so, Emrys poured himself another drink. 

Emrys downed three shots of strong liquor in a row. 

However, Gilbert showed no sign of reaction. 

The situation was extremely awkward. 

The people around Emrys looked at him with peculiar eyes. They simply couldn’t understand why Emrys would do something so foolish. 

During the first toast, Gilbert showed no gratitude. At that point, Emrys could have simply left, and the situation wouldn’t have been so awkward. 

Instead, Emrys ended up having to drink three glasses in a row. 


After finishing each drink, Emrys would silently gaze at Gilbert, hoping for some response to alleviate the awkwardness of the previous drink that Gilbert didn’t reciprocate. 

But Gilbert simply couldn’t be bothered to respond. 

After three coecutive glasses of wine, he didn’t even bother to respond. 

That instantly made the already awkward situation even more uncomfortable 

It was simply an extremely embarrassing situation. 

Under such circumstances, no matter how many drinks Emrys offered, Gilbert would not give him any respect. 

They were curious about how Emrys was going to resolve the situation. 

Vaughn sensed the subtle tension in the air. He stood up and walked towards the two individuals, ready to mediate for Emrys. 

At that moment, Emrys suddenly shook his head and sighed, saying, “I assumed the son of a guardian would have some degree of upbringing. Unexpectedly, his character turned out to be so poor. How disappointing.” 

In an instant, the air seemed to solidify, and pin–drop silence filled the atmosphere. 

Everyone’s eyes widened in terror, unable to believe what they had just heard. Gilbert has a poor character and lacks a good upbringing


When everyone regained their senses, they couldn’t help but gasp in surprise. Immediately after, their gazes towards Emrys shifted, suddenly filled with a sense of schadenfreude. This cowardly jerk is truly audacious for daring to utter such words

After all, his earlier remark was not just a rebuke directed at Gilbert alone but also at Gilbert’s father, who was the newly appointed guardian of the Martial Arts Alliance. 

Emrys was criticizing Gilbert’s father for his lack of proper guidance in raising his son. 

Others wondered where Emrys had found the courage to say something like that. 

Originally, Gilbert had adopted a teasing attitude, intending to embarrass Emrys. However, as soon as Emrys spoke those words, the embarrassment instantly shifted onto Gilbert. 


He had blatantly ignored Emrys‘ three consecutive toasts, so wasn’t that a clear sign of his lack of manners

Gilbert’s face suddenly darkened, his fingers clutching the wine glass as he spoke in a deep voice. “What did you just say? Could you please repeat that? I didn’t quite catch that.” 

Vaughn was taken aback by Emrys‘ recent statement. It took him a moment to compose himself, and he quickly began to clarify, “Oh! It’s nothing, really. Mr. Cunningham, you must have misunderstood. Emrys didn’t say anything just now.” 

Simultaneously, he gave Emrys a meaningful glance, hoping that he would exercise some 


Anyone would feel frustrated in a situation like Gilbert’s. 

However, what could one do when they were upset? If their power and background were not as influential as others, they had no choice but to endure, regardless of how uncomfortable they felt. That was what it meant to be adaptable and go with the flow. 

Vaughn hoped that Emrys would grasp this principle. 

Therefore, he continued to exchange meaningful glances with Emrys. 

Subsequently, Vaughn expressed kind words to Gilbert. 

With a hint of irritation in his voice, Gilbert finally spoke. “Today is your promotion banquet, Chancellor Diaz. For your sake, I won’t bother arguing with this 

young man.” 

“Indeed, indeed. Mr. Cunningham’s generosity has deeply touched me. I am very grateful to you, Mr. Cunningham.” 

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