Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 568 The Person Backing Them

Song Weiming was furious. He grabbed Sun Linlin by her hair and slapped her several times in a row.

"You crazy woman!" he shouted at her angrily. "Since they're all dead, why did you bother coming back here?!"


Song Weiming kicked Sun Linlin hard and sent her flying. She crashed hard on the floor and was trembling all over.

"Send someone to investigate right now!" he roared loudly. "Investigate how my son died!"

"Master, we've already sent someone over to Shenghai."

"What did they find out?"

"There's no news from them. We've...lost contact with them!"

Song Weiming fell silent.

He took a deep breath but didn't say anything as he continued to stare at his men.

Was Shenghai really hell on earth?

Did everyone have to die if they went there?

He turned to look at how Sun Linlin was still sprawled on the floor and repeatedly muttering the words 'demon' and 'hell' like she had lost her mind. He couldn't help but feel all his hair stand on end.

It was as if Shenghai had turned into a whirlpool overnight and he couldn't see how deep it really was.

They still didn't know who was backing Shenghai. The Gao family alone was enough to keep them on their toes.

This time there was no skilled fighter who had fought for them. The Gao family had beaten Song Cheng out on their own.

The news spread very quickly.

Every powerful family in the north was talking about this. Sun Linlin had gone mad and just kept repeating the words 'hell' and 'demon', and everyone was trying to guess what terrifying scene she must have witnessed to become like this.

Nobody was going to enter Shenghai rashly now.

The Su famiy and Zuo family had just been unexpectedly wiped out by the Gao family, so the Song family thought they would take the chance to kill off the Gao family and take Shenghai's illegal circle for themselves to continue playing this game of keeping a spokesperson in Shenghai.

In the end?

The second son of the Song family had perished!

The highly skilled fighters that went with him also vanished off the face of the earth.

So scary!

It was terrifying!

"Looks like things are going to change," exclaimed some people with a sigh.

Within the short span of one year, Master Fu, the one who controlled the state of Tianhai along the coastline for more than twenty years, had met his downfall. After that, Broken Sword had raised a riot in the north by coming to take revenge on the Luo family.

Even that Ye Xinhuo had disappeared without a trace. It was simply shocking.

After that it was the southeast region. The five tigers of Jianzhou had perished overnight, and the high and mighty Yang family had been completely wiped out.

And now, it was Shanghai's turn...

This struck fear in many people.

Those powerful families who had been controlling a spokesperson in other territories outside the north for the past few decades all started to become nervous and were beginning to get scared.

They didn't know who was doing all of this and didn't know what method he used either. How could he be so terrifying?

They were all afraid that they might be the next victim and they all started making plans. They had to choose to either counterattack, retreat, give up or at least be more cautious. They had be ready anytime for an attack to come their way and protect their own interests.

After all, nobody wanted to give up their interests so easily.

This was especially so for those who had been controlling other territories and had been enjoying the benefits for so many years.

As for the Song family.

They were even more unwilling to give up any of these benefits. If they could even take just a portion of the resources from an internationally renowned major city like Shenghai, they would definitely become more powerful in the north.

They might even manage to break out of being just a second tier family. You wanted them to give that up?

That would be as good as cutting a piece of their flesh off.

But that was why the second son of the Song family, Song Cheng, had died.

Song Weiming's expression was extremely nasty as he sat in the living room.

He had sent more than ten men to Shenghai to investigate Song Cheng's death, or to at least bring his body back.

But there was no news till today!

There wasn't any news, and all these people had disappeared without a trace. Clearly, they had perished in Shenghai.

"Is that Shenghai really hell on earth? Do demons really live in there?" Song Weiming clenched his teeth and his expression was dark.

He couldn't believe it. None of the men he had sent had come back.

"Dad, just one Shenghai couldn't possibly be this scary. Don't listen to that crazy bitch Sun Linlin spout nonsense," Song Gang scoffed. "I told Song Cheng a long time ago to be careful of pretty women like her because they're nothing but trouble, but he didn't listen to me!"

He slammed a palm on the table.

"And now? He's dead and the Song family will never get anther chance to take back the illegal circle of Shenghai."

He was angry, but he was also feeling a little afraid inside.

Song Gang himself had initially made the same plans to secretly go into Shenghai, wipe out the Gao family and take back all the resources from Shenghai's illegal circle. But in the end Song Cheng beat him to it.

If he had gone, then the one sitting here and scolding him would be Song Cheng.

"Dad, this matter has caused a huge uproar and it has shocked all the powerful families of the north. I'm sure there's someone behind the Gao family in Shanghai."

Song Weiming looked at Song Gang and laughed coldly.

"Tell me then, who is backing the Gao family?"

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