Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 260 No Need to be So Formal

Lin Yuzhen was still clueless. She wanted to ask why, but in the end she just sat down.

The moment Jiang Ning and Lin Yuzhen sat down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and took their seats cautiously.

But nobody dared to utter a word.

They didn't even dare to breathe too loudly, never mind talk.

Zhang Cheng in particular, was very afraid. He had seen that nightmare on the highway that night!

He had no idea how many of Lu Qian's men had made it out alive that night...that was a slaughterhouse!

And the man behind it all was this seemingly harmless man who seemed to dote on his wife.

The atmosphere became very awkward since everyone remained silent. It didn't bother Jiang Ning, but Lin Yuzhen was feeling uncomfortable.

"Just talk." Jiang Ning noticed this and spoke up. "Go ahead and talk about whatever you want."

Everybody quickly started talking and they didn't even know what they were talking about. But since Jiang Ning ordered them to talk, they didn't dare to remain silent. "They seem to be very scared of you," whispered Lin Yuzhen. "Did you bully them?"

Jiang Ning replied, "I only think about bullying you."

Lin Yuzhen blushed and didn't say anymore.

When it was about time, Butler Zhao walked in with a big smile and said, "Everyone, Master Fu has gotten changed, please move to the next hall."

Jiang Ning got up and pulled Lin Yuzhen to her feet before the rest of the people dared to stand.

Everyone walked to the next hall, and there was a huge round table. It looked fairly grand and was clearly no ordinary table.

"Mr Jiang, this way please."

Butler Zhao seated everyone accordingly. Jiang Ning was in the second best seat, followed by Lin Yuzhen. The order after that wasn't important.

Everybody knew that as long as Jiang Ning was around, nobody else was worth mentioning.

Soon enough, they could hear the sound of footsteps followed by a loud and hearty laughter.

"I'm sorry for making everyone wait so long!"

Master Fu walked in wearing a brand new tangzhuang. His face was a healthy pink and looked just like a smiling Buddha.

"Master Fu!" Everyone stood up and greeted him politely.

Lin Yuzhen wanted to stand too, but Jiang

Ning didn't budge at all.

"Jiang Ning," she whispered at him, but Jiang Ning still didn't budge. He held onto her hand and whispered back, "It's alright, you don't have to be so formal around Master Fu." This wasn't about being formal or not.

"This young lady here must be Yuzhen, right?"

Master Fu wasn't bothered by Jiang Ning's insolence at all. Even if Jiang Ning decided to lie down, he wouldn't have said anything.

"Hello Master Fu. I heard from Jiang Ning that it's your birthday today, and I came along even though I didn't prepare any present for you. Master Fu, happy birthday," Lin Yuzhen said with a smile. She was an innocent young lady and had said all these words honestly. Master Fu had seen so much of life, and could tell that she was sincere.

"Thank you, thank you!" Master Fu felt touched inside.

He was really touched. For the past fifty years, there was only one other person besides Lin Yuzhen who sincerely wished him a happy birthday. He missed this feeling very much. "Everyone, take a seat."

Master Fu didn't look at Jiang Ning. He sat at the main seat of the table and looked around. His gaze stopped at Lin Yuzhen briefly.

Lin Yuzhen noticed him looking at her, so she nodded slightly, and Master Fu nodded in return.

He smiled. "It is Jiang Ning's great fortune to have met a girl like you."

Master Fu was saying this purely from a man's point of view and nothing else.

She was an innocent, simple and kindhearted girl. Master Fu even felt that Jiang Ning wasn't quite worthy of her.

Lin Yuzhen felt a little shy. Was this a compliment?

"Thank you, Master Fu."

She turned to look at Jiang Ning, but he looked like he expected this, as if he was the one being complimented.

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