Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 1977 Heaven Is on my Side

There were several men quite a distance from San Hei.

San Hei had been watching them for some time now. He knew that these people were holding pages of the Extreme Fist Technique Manual, and they had placed the manual exactly where the pages need to be.

He could tell that Jiang Ning was going to open the mountain gate soon!

San Hei hadn't revealed how to open the gate, but the cemetery caretaker wasn't dead, so Jiang Ning could get the method from the cemetery caretaker easily.

As long as Jiang Ning opened the gate, then he would seize this opportunity to go back!

This seemed to be the only chance he had right now.

San Hei quietly followed behind them and nobody discovered his whereabouts at all.

Probably only Jiang Ning was powerful enough to track him down since San Hei was at such a high level.

He still had a wound on his face and it looked like a terrifying centipede on his face.

But the most frightening part about this face was still his eyes. They were both greedy and crazed.

"As long as I can take the pages of the manual back, the sect will definitely reward me, and I'll be able to get so much more, so much more..." roared San Hei in his heart.

He had waited for this day for so long.

He felt that he was much smarter compared to Er Bai. He didn't believe in fate, didn't accept his destiny and he refused to believe that he and his siblings were nothing but sacrificial items who needed to remain as guardians outside the mountain gate.

Why should they suffer like that?

Why couldn't they enjoy the resources that the sect had? Why did they have to become like a lower class of people, to be ridiculed and disdained?


Er Bai and the rest resigned to their fate, but San Hei refused to.

He had always treated this as a wonderful opportunity instead. If he remained outside the mountain gate, then he had the chance to obtain the Extreme Fist Technique Manual, and he could get that precious map!

This was a chance given to him by the gods!

He looked at those men from afar and remained quiet. He was like a spirit floating about and maintained a certain distance from them.

After he had confirmed that all the pages had been placed in the right spots, he relaxed and headed for where the mountain gate was.

He was going to wait for the

mountain gate to open, then he had

to make sure Jiang Ning went in

first. That way, he would have the

chance to obtain all the pages of the manual and return to his sect.

As long as Jiang Ning was still out here, he wouldn't have the chance to do this.

"Put all the pages down in the correct spots as per Mr Jiang's instructions."

San Hei was careful and didn't dare to go too near in case he was discovered.

He just watched from afar and saw that everyone had come back to report to Fang Qiu.

All the pages had been placed correctly, and the last page was now in Fang Qiu's hands.

"Very good, said Fang Qiu as he

nodded. "Once my Master enters the

mountain gate, remove the pages

and place them where I have

arranged beforehand, don't let

anyone find them."

"Yes, Master Fang!" replied everyone in unison.

Everybody immediately stood to one side and looked around them cautiously.

Fang Qiu stood right in the middle and placed the last page in the correct spot.

San Hei could tell that Fang Qiu was making preparations in advance so that Jiang Ning could open the gate.

They actually dared to just bring the nine pages here like this?

"Impossible." He frowned and became wary instantly.

Jiang Ning wasn't here?

Wasn't he going

to enter the

mountain gate now? Everything was already in place and the cemetery caretaker definitely already taught

Jiang Ning how to open it. So what

was he waiting for?

"I almost forgot! He probably isn't able to actually open the gate!" San Hei suddenly recalled something.

Since Jiang Ning didn't belong to the universe behind the mountain gate, then he wasn't allowed to open the gate even if he knew how.

If he wanted to open the gate, he would need the cemetery caretaker to help him.

But the cemetery caretaker was still recovering from his severe injuries and would need more time to become well enough to do this.

San Hei arrived at this conclusion almost immediately and rejoiced in his heart. "The heavens are helping me too!

Even the heavens were helping him!

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