“Now, come on. Why don’t you tell ‘papa’ why you’re home?” The man asked as Davina glared at him.

“You miss your family? You miss your home?” The man asked in a mocking tone.

“God, I knew when I found you on that street you were a little slut at heart.” The man laughed. Dean tried his hardest to suppress his anger. He was disgusted by this man. And despite no longer being as careless and heartless as he was when he first became a beast, he wanted nothing more than to tear him apart limb by limb. Davina was ashamed and angry that she was back here. She wanted to rip Dean apart for bringing her to the place she thought had burned down.

“So, Darling, let’s hear it.” The man said as he made his way over to the couch, sitting down back in his place as they all examined her. He snapped his fingers and in an instant a woman was at his side, handing him a glass with whiskey inside of it. The blonde woman wore a red, revealing feather outfit. She glanced up at Davina with curious eyes, wondering why she had come back. The two knew of each other from her time here before. After the building burned, thanks to the help of Victor, or not considering the place didn’t look burnt down to her, Davina could escape. The other women in her group weren’t so fortunate. She felt tremendous guilt for not helping them more, knowing that they were stuck here with terrible men. Before she walked away, the man slapped her behind. That had always made Davina flinch despite being so used to it. She shut her eyes tightly remembering the abuse and assault she endured in this place.

“I was just in the city, Al.” Davina said, revealing the mans name to Dean. Dean knew that was all he needed. That one little piece of information was all he needed to use to bring him and every man in this building down. And he’d do it. He’d do it in a heartbeat.

“And you decided to come and see me? Now, that doesn’t sound like you, Darling. Despite how well I treated you here, you were always a spiteful, uncooperative little bitch.” Al said with disgust lacing his voice. He then turned to look up at Dean.

“Is your bitch like that with you?” Al asked, implying he thought the two were a couple. Dean fought his lip curling up and his beast urges hitting him with a force. With his hand balled up in a fist, he could feel his claws threatening to come out.

“Also, you could never hold a good conversation. Unlike Sweetie.” Al said. At the mention of the girls name, she was at his side. He pulled her by the hand down onto his thigh. His hand resting on her hip.

“Sweetie and I hold a good conversation, don’t we?” Al asked. Sweetie only nodded, knowing she hadn’t been permitted to speak. Al clicked his tongue before tapping on her thigh, indicating she was now allowed to get up. Which, she did with no hesitation.

“I suppose you were only a good fuck.” Al said, making all of the other men laugh as Davina bit her tongue and sighed heavily.

“And you were great on the pole. I made great money off of you. In fact, despite how difficult you were, you were my best gal. I can only imagine how tight you still are even after all this time.” Al said, a laugh following afterwards. “Now that I think about it, maybe I don’t have to imagine.” Al said, standing up from his seat. Dean now made his way around Davina, holding his arm out to keep Al from getting to her as he glowered at him. Al approached Dean, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he looked at him. Al was much shorter to Dean, it however didn’t intimidate him.

“We came here not expecting to find this place up and running again. This was a mistake, surely you men in this fine establishment will be so kind as to let us leave.” Dean said in a calm voice. Al clicked his tongue and sighed after a moment.

“I believe you. And I’ll let you two lovebirds leave.” Al said. Dean nodded his head and began to push Davina back so they could head to the door when Al’s voice stopped them.

“But, it has been quite some time since I’ve seen my Darling up on that stage. Surely, you’ll dance for me one last time.” Al said with a grin appearing on his face. Dean was about to reach forward and claw at his face, not caring if bullets hit his body. Davina made her way around him.

“I’ll do it.” Davina immediately replied making Al laugh. Al held his arm out, allowing her to start heading that way. After a moment of hesitation, she did. As she walked by, Al took the same hand and tapped her behind, making her flinch. She quickly turned back to give Dean a look. He had already had a murderous look on his face, but now it had progressed into something more. He didn’t just want to commit murder, he wanted to give in to his animalistic, wild desires and maul him. He glanced up, finding that same look in Davina’s eyes. He didn’t want to listen to her. He wanted to tear Al apart. Please don’t. I’ll be alright, Davina thought, making Dean frown. He had heard before from Catrice that Davina unknowingly let her into her mind for her to read. But, he didn’t fully believe it. Now, he most certainly did. He watched as Davina made her way up the stairs on the stage. The sporadic lights came to a stop and one focused perfectly on Davina as every area of the room darkened.

“Oh, one more thing. Lose the pants and the shirt.” Al said. Davina heavily sighed once more, shutting her eyes to process what she was doing for the first time in a long time. What she thought she’d never have to do again. Her eyes fluttered open and her hands went to the bottom of her shirt. She pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side before going to work on her jeans. She pulled each leg out of them and kicked them off the stage. He regretted coming here more, knowing all of these men were getting pleasure in seeing her being pressured and dancing up on this stage again. He thought about how terrible she must have felt, ignoring the fact that the woman he was insanely attracted to was half naked in front of him. He couldn’t focus on that. Dean didn’t care for her, but he wasn’t heartless either. Davina looked down, unable to meet anybody’s eyes. They instead went to the ink she had on her body. Her abdomen had a spider to cover up a scar from a gunshot, her hip/thigh of a skull, and on her leg she had cursive letters leading down to her mid calf. She only hoped the scar she kept hidden on her back didn’t get seen. That the lights would soon dim enough so that Dean wouldn’t see. She knew then, if he saw it, it’d all become real. That Dean would realize the magic in her blood was from the beast that tried to kill her and succeeded in kill her sister months ago, was all from the claw marks on her back. She still remembers the feeling of his claws digging through her flesh. It was significantly less painful than losing her only sister. Just as she had wished, the lights finally dimmed. She now wished she had wished for a way to get out of this. But, slow music started. And in an instant, she began following her routine like she never had left. Towards the end, she did her signature trick that nobody else could accomplish, though Al surely made them try. She curled both of her legs around the pole and let her fall back against it with one hand in between her legs to keep her from falling. One of the men slid a gun towards her. She grabbed it with her free hand clicked the safety off. She then held it up in the direction of Dean and Al. She placed it perfectly in between their shoulders before letting the bullet go. Neither Dean or Al moved as she shot the gun and the bullet went through one of the guards walking by, making him fall atop a table, bringing it down with him. Dean watched her emotionless eyes on his as she dropped down from the pole, standing directly in front of it, and letting her hips move with the beat of the music and finishing her dance. Only when the lights completely shut off did she let a tear drip down her face. She was quick to swipe it away before the lights came back on. Once they did, Dean’s eyes were still on hers. Davina couldn’t sense what he was feeling, but he could sense what she felt. She was ashamed and disgusted with herself. Dean wished he would’ve respected her wishes of keeping her life private, no matter how much he thought her past would tie to the inconvenient situation he’s in. The men around began cheering her on but she paid no mind as she pulled her clothes up from off of the floor, earning a few slaps to her behind as she approached Dean once more. Al grinned and cupped both sides of her face, bringing his lips to her forehead.

“Good, Darling.” Al cooed as he stared into her eyes. The contact was broken when she went to eye Dean who looked like he was about to tear Al’s head off.

“Oh, no, no, no. I’m sorry. Did you think you were leaving with these?” Al asked as he took the clothes from her hands, tossing them in whatever direction.

“Do come back some time, please, my Darling. It’s always a delight seeing you.. all of you.” Al said as he took one last glance as her half naked body. Davina didn’t say anything as she pushed past Dean and Al. Dean followed after her almost immediately as the two went back the way they came.

“Davina, I-” Dean went to say. Davina turned, waiting for his response. Dean was going to say he was sorry, the words having never left his mouth before, but nothing came out. Davina scoffed and turned away. Dean quickly took off his leather jacket and caught up with her, wrapping it around her shoulders and walking behind her in case anyone was there to see her body. Her hands went to her shoulders to hold it there to keep it from falling, but found that Dean had yet to remove either of his hands from her shoulders. Her blood started to curl at the thought. Unlike Dean, she was certain about how she felt at the moment. She turned and pressed her hands against his chest, shoving him hard enough to get him away. Dean didn’t fight her nor did he argue. He allowed it. He realized it was a poor choice to have his hands on her in any way after what had just happened. She glared at him before finally turning away. Once they reached the car, Davina climbed into the backseat in search for something.

“Davina, what are you-” Dean started, using his hand to cover her bent over body so he didn’t have to see anymore of her than he needed to. Davina had cut him off by pulling out a submachine gun she had packed in her bag.

“Woah, woah. Wait, Davina.” Dean warned and stepped in front of her. Davina exited the car before kneeling down and pulling a phone from out of her combat boots. It didn’t take her long to dial a number and for the person on the other end to pick up.

“It’s time. Get it done.” Davina said through the phone, making Dean frown.

“Don’t you forget, you owe me, Elliot. I’ve given you all details. It’s the same fucking building, get it done.” Davina gritted through her teeth before tossing her phone into the car and heading towards the building.

“What are you doing Davina?” Dean questioned her. He was growing more and more curious by the second. Dean wondered if she predicted arriving back in this town and if that was why she carried the gun with her.

“Something I should’ve taken care of myself.” Davina simply stated. Instead of going around to the back, she went to the front of the building and took the end of her gun, smashing it through the window and shattering it in the process. All of the men turned at the sound of glass shattering. Their laughter came to a halt. Al stood up, holding his arms out.

“Back so soon, Darling?” Al asked with a grin. Davina wasted no time aiming her gun at the man. Just as she did, the lights went out.

“Who turned off the lights?” One of the men called out. A scream from one of the men was soon heard. Instead of the buildings main lights turning back on, the disco lights turned on instead. White, sporadic lights filled the room and the screaming man could finally be heard. Davina was latched onto his back with a knife slid across his neck. She jumped off running over to one of the other men. Dean sighed knowing of her intentions now. He sensed a man running up to him making him turn. His hand wrapped around the mans throat immediately and he held him up with just that. The man kicked his feet around, begging and crying to be let go. The man was in disbelief that Dean had the strength to lift him considering how much smaller he looked in comparison. Dean threw him in whatever direction before heading over to Davina to help. She stood atop the bar, kicking and slamming bottles into the side of one of the men’s heads. She took her gun to finish him off before jumping down off the bar to find the girls hiding in the corner.

“Listen, I want you to head out back. All of you. The guard will not stop you. Run as far as you can, wherever you can.” Davina said after kneeling down behind the bar with the girls. The blonde woman in red immediately threw her arms around Davina’s neck, embracing her tightly.

“Thank you.” The woman choked out, trying her hardest not to cry. As did all of the other young women there, she saw Davina as a sister. In her time there, they all knew they’d only survive if they had each other. They built a bond. A sisterhood, and were very protective of one another. As much as the blonde wished she never returned back to this place, she was very thrilled to get the privilege of seeing her one final time. Once they pulled away, Davina looked between all of the woman, giving them a genuine smile.

“Go.” Davina said. And with that, the women all stood, ducking down to keep from getting hit by stray bullets, and exited the building. Davina stood to see Dean was taking care of some of the other men, giving her the opportunity to find Al. She hopped over the bar and ran up the stairs of the tall building. Just as he was about to make his escape through the fire exit, Davina stopped him and pulled him back into the building. She kicked him hard with her knee in the gut, making him groan out before she flipped him over onto the ground. She then straddled his hips and held her knife to his throat. He held his hands up in defense.

“Woah, woah, Darling! Let’s not go crazy!” Al laughed nervously as his eyes remained on the knife pressed against his skin.

“Besides, if you kill me, you’ll never really know why I chose to take you in.” Al replied. Davina rolled her eyes, pressing the knife deeper into his skin, making him whimper.

“You took me in because you’re a sick freak and wanted to make money off of me despite my young age.” Davina gritted through her teeth. Al immediately shook his head, keeping his hands beside his head.

“That may have been the case with the other females, but it wasn’t with you. Believe that, darling. A man- he came to me! Asked me to take you in. I had no choice in the matter. He told me he’d come find you one day, that you were significant to him.” Al said. Davina narrowed her eyes at him. She had always known he had been a terrible liar and hardly ever told the truth to anybody, but right now she couldn’t sense a lie.

“His name.” Davina demanded. Al didn’t respond. His eyes went past Davina, growing wide. Fear filled his features and he shook beneath Davina like a leaf. Davina didn’t have to look behind her to know there was a 6′4 tall beast behind her. She slowly stood from her straddled position and walked the other direction, ignoring the sounds of Al’s screams, hoping Dean was giving Al what he deserved. She had soon made it outside and waited by the car for Dean to arrive. When he did, he was transitioned back into his old self. He knew Davina hadn’t been apart of the organization for long and didn’t want to frighten her with his full appearance especially considering the two were allies despite their distaste for one another.

“I sure hope you packed some extra clothes in your bag. The weapons took up all of mine.” Davina said as she leaned against the car with her arms crossed. Dean huffed at her and stared in disbelief. She took off his jacket, tossing it his way. He caught it and put it on despite his arms being covered in the blood of his victims. He made his way around the car and entered the drivers side. Davina soon entered her side and the two drove off. Dean had given her a shirt from his bag that went down to her mid thigh. She didn’t receive a pair of pants considering it wouldn’t fit due to the height difference the two had. The two once again had a silent car ride. Dean decided she had enough of revisiting her past and decided the two would stop off somewhere for the night. He then turned to look at her. She had a few scratches on her face and hardly any bruises or marks from the battle. She was mostly covered in blood from the men she killed. Dean’s eyes drifted down to find her leg, finding that she did get a more serious injury. Her tatted calf had a gash along it, but it didn’t look too serious.

“Eyes on the road and not on me. I may have incredible legs, but they aren’t for your eyes to see.” Davina spat. Dean scoffed.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t waste my time on women of your kind.” Dean stated making Davina snicker.

“Of my kind? Do you mean quick witted? Strong? Fearless? Do women like me intimidate you, Dean?” Davina inquired with a smirk.

“You are none of the above.” Dean said, rolling his eyes.

“Then what am I? Why wouldn’t you waste your time on someone like me?” Davina prodded further, making Dean finally make eye contact with her.

“It’s not about what you are, it’s about what I am. And that is a beast. You fail to recognize me and my kind and that most of us are more human than the majority of your kind. It is for that reason I would never waste my time with you.” Dean replied. Davina frowned at him.

“Why do you say it so apologetically?” Davina asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Because, I think that you were made to believe that. Not through your family or the organization. I don’t know what exactly. But, I think that there’s some correlation with your sister’s death.” Dean said. Davina stared blankly at him, as did he. Rain began to pour outside, catching Davina’s attention to make her turn away. Davina was upset that she had turned into a project for Dean. That she had pushed her way into his life in search of her brother and now was being examined very closely. Dean turned his head every now and then to find Davina deep in thought. Curiosity itched his mind as to what weighed heavy on hers. He was starting to grow more and more frustrated with not knowing at least a little of what she was thinking. Dean finally pulled up to a motel and parked the car. Davina looked outside, chuckling when she realized where they had stopped.

“Really? The infamous King of Beasts whose insanely rich is going to stay at a shitty, rundown motel?” Davina asked. She realized then she never knew what exactly he did for work, or that any of the beasts worked outside of the clan. She understood that they were somewhat of a mafia, and that they mostly stole to earn their keep, at least that’s how it was in the beginning from what she read in the books back at the organization. But she never knew what exactly. She considered asking until Dean spoke.

“A King gets treated luxuriously. The obnoxious brat doesn’t.” Dean stated. Davina scoffed at his reply. She knew deep down he only said it to mess with her. It however didn’t make her feel any less annoyed with him. After they got the key to their motel room, the two headed upstairs to the room they’d be staying in. Davina followed Dean inside, scoffing and crossing her arms when she found only one bed.

“Liar.” Davina spat. Dean rolled his eyes at her.

“I don’t sleep.” Dean reminded her as he went to turn on the only lamp in the room. It was small with only the one bed, one night stand, a chair sat in the corner, and an area for the TV. A short hallway led to a small bathroom with a mostly rusted over sink, a shower and bath, and a toilet. Dean lowered himself onto the red chair in the corner and leaned his head back.

“Shower’s yours.” Dean simply said as folded one leg over his thigh and rested his eyes. Davina’s breath hitched as his head leaned back, his Adam’s apple becoming more apparent. She stood admiring his tattoo’s when Dean’s voice rang in her ears.

“Look whose staring now.” Dean said after a few moments. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, knowing that he sensed her when she first begun to stare but didn’t call her out on it until a few minutes after.

“Ass.” Davina muttered before heading to the bathroom to wash all of the blood off of her body.

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