Chapter 98.

Chapter Three: Will We Ever Meet Her?

Kayden POV:

“Oh yes, please, alpha, please…” hear the she-wolf moan under me as I thrust into her without abandon.

Her voice was getting annoying; usually hated when she- wolves made exaggerated sounds during sex, it ruins the whole. vibe, but no matter how much I tell her, she doesn’t listen.

Pulling out and flipping her over on her stomach, I hold your waist, bringing it up in the air. With her a*s sticking out, I thrust in one go and muffle her scream by shoving her head into the pillows. Her screams and my wolf’s nagging drove me crazy, and I didn’t need my d*ck to flatten out. What would people say if they ever found that, that during sex, I lost my hard-on? Such an embarrassment.

I chased my release, concentrating on the plump juicy a*s in front of me, giving a few hefty slaps, admiring the handprint on the she-wolf’s white skin, while I watched my d*ck thrust in and out of the she-wolf’s p*ssy. I was over this and wanted this she-


wwolf gone. Not long after, I finished in the condom and pulled out of the she-wolf; getting off the bed, I put on my basketball sishorts and ran my hand in my hair to fix it.

Kavaycan) that was amazing.” I heard the she-wolf purr from baishindie on the bed. I wasn’t the type of guy to entrain a girl afteteththe deed was done, and it wasn’t like she didn’t know that. She knew that dididn’t do relationships. If you wanted to give it a labelel, was just a one-night stand of a guy; however, I always stefcickatoneelshe wolfi The one that was currently eye-f*cking.

I juston oddielé dadd/went to grab a shirt from my walk-in closet. Hopefullylyhaelshewolf would get the message and scram. Howeverethaawwasn’t the case when I came back. Chrissy or Christara whereverenden name was still there, buck naked and looking atmyiglab with lustful eyes as I put on my shirt. It wasn’t like this was berefienstordeleo)we’ve been f*cking for some time now, and she knows/s dolon’t like when she sticks around afterwards.sNowadayaysiabis’s been getting clingy; I’ll probably have to get rid offerescoon.

“Alpha..”. before she ecold diminish whatever she was about to say, I interrupted her and daidid,

CChrissy, get out. You knowwhhed

Don’t bother corning back here if you don’t stop with theeldingy amitude.”

Kit’s Christan..I heard the skewwwwwhisper. Well, at least I knew it was either that on Chrissy looking towards her, I saw dears well up in her eyes as she telepad d clown and wore an

overside hoodle that I had ripped off her body.

oddess, please! I don’t need the drama right now. I’m already tressed about the coronation tomorrow, and I don’t have the mental capacity for a she-wolf’s tantrum right now.

“Why do you do this, Kayden, we’ve known each other since high school, and we’ve made love for the past five years. You don’t bed anyone other than me. You know me, don’t you think we should take a step further in our relationship. I promise to the goddess I can make you happy, I’ll be a great girlfriend and eventually Luna…” but before she could continue, I let out a low

I warning growl.

“First of all, Christan. We never made love; we f*cked, and it was purely just that. Lust and rough sex, never love and can never be love. You knew that very well when I first brought you to my bed that we would be nothing other than bed-buddies, and you were okay with it. The only reason why I never bedded anyone else was that I don’t need the whole wolf population thinking I’m man-whoring my way through every p*ssy in the kingdom. So I suggest you leave now before I lose it and do something that I might regret later.” I said, my alpha aura rolling out of me in waves, which caused her to squeak and lower her gaze in submission to her prince.

Understanding the heat of the situation, Christan doesn’t say anything, bares her neck, stands up, gives a little bow, and practically runs towards the door. Before she can open it, I turn around and say.

“Also, remember one thing you or any other she-wolf will never be mine and Jayden’s luna. That title belongs to our fated mate, which will never change; if we don’t find her, we will rule alone.” I said, my voice gruff as my wolf surfaces, making his presence known.

Christan nodded her head; I could tell she was shivering; her ffright was rolling off of her in waves. She opened the door and bbolted out of my room. Mind linking our beta, Tim, I asked him to get an omega to change the covers and sheets on my bed. I wwent into the shower, deciding to cool off; that drainage she- wwolf had almost made me lose it; I needed a cold shower. S Stripping off my clothes and adjusting the water temperature, I hhopped in. Soaking my hair, I put both of my hands against the wwall and looked down; I couldn’t help but think that it’s been a lalmost eleven years since my brother, Jayden, and I turned eleighteen, and we had yet to find our mate and Luna. It wasn’t uunusual since wolves were gifted with eternal life; we stop agging after turning twenty-one. Even though the majority found thheir mates between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, there wwere also a few cases where they found them in their late thinirties or forties. However, it’s been eleven years and still no maate, dayden and I kept ourselves chaste for our Mate, promising that we all would be each other’s first, but as time wwent by we both got frustrated. However, that still wasn’t the finalatialail in the coffin; on the night of our twenty-fourth birthday, we werere out with a few friends at a club and drank a little too molthoone thing led to another, and fifteen werewolf vodka bootele talavery which happened to be the final nail in the coffin, I wassdoodchimbed with Christan and Jayden with her sister, Chrisissyfifhhatsis even her name.


Jayden and I were flabbergasted the following day, it was usually hard for wolves to get drunk, and on top of that, we were the future kings; our tolerance should’ve been astronomically hihigh, but we still got drunk. No matter how many times I looked b back at it, it hurt my heart. I wanted that to be my Mate, our MMate, but that wasn’t the case and won’t ever be if we didn’t fifind her.

DDespite the aching heart from our actions, we became

hyhypocrites and tended to invite both girls to our beds from time toto time after that. It wasn’t out of love, but when our frustration lelevels peeked, we had to take it out, and it was better than banishing things around the palace, our mom, to be kings or not, would kick our as*es.

Quickkly/shampooing and washing the scent of that she-wolf off mybody, fifinished and wrapped a bathrobe around myself befeferegoing out to my room.

“Heyebroraasaw Christan crying. What did you do this time.” Said Jayajelaasscoon as he saw me coming out. He had a smirk on his sps; sicheamstard probably knew why I was pissed at her and was just poloiting my buttons.

“Little brothered would suggest you zip it; not the best of moods. atthe moment!’ sasaidywalking towards the walk-in closet.

“What wer up yours?Anyhow, dad wants us in the throne room in tere minutes elevevants to go over the oath with us tomorrow. V hearddalayden say as pulled on a pair of basketball

shorts and a white tee.

Oh, right, the oath. Our father, Alpha King Rowco, would be stepping down, and Jayden and I would be taking over tomorrow. As scary as that should’ve sounded, it didn’t, we had been groomed all our lives for this moment, but it still felt incomplete. Dad had found mom before he took the throne. Therefore he had his luna queen by his side. But Jayden and I didn’t. I knew Jayden felt the same way; it was a twin thing; we always knew what the other was thinking. We were identical. Therefore we were one alpha in two bodies which was also why we knew we would share a luna and mate.

‘Yeah! let me grab my phone, and we’ll head there now.” I said as I went to take my phone from the side table.

Both of us walked side by side, quietly lost in thought down the corridor.

“We’ll find her brother. I know we will.” Said Jayden

I hope so, brother; I really hope so because we may become alpha kings tomorrow and possess everything, but our hearts will always remain empty without her. Our Mate, our luna queen.

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