Chapter 54 


“What was wrong with him?” 

As soon as Lucias walked out of the room carrying Luan, I asked. I didn’t even hesitate or think twice to ask the question. Luan looked fine but his eyes held the tiredness. I don’t know what happened with my boy so suddenly? I don’t know… I moved my eyes back to Lucias taking Luan from his arms. I touched Luan and found that the burning temperature he had a while ago was completely gone. It made my heart feel relieved. “Mommy… I’m sleepy..” Luan mumbled wrapping his hands around my n*eck. He’s sleepy? Of course he must be sleepy. 

“Let mommy take you to bed.” Instead of going back into his room, I took him into our room and put him on the bed. I waited there caressing his hair until he fell asleep. Once he was sleeping, I left the room to find Lucias. I don’t know what he did to Luan in that room but whatever he had done made Luan recover. As a curious mother, I need to know what he did to my son. 

“Lucias… can you explain what has happened with my baby?” I pulled Lucias from his arm and asked him. Lucias sighed. He didn’t say anything immediately, he just sighed looking at me. His expression made my heart skip a beat with nervousness. Was that something serious? Why isn’t he saying anything? Doesn’t he know anything to do when I asked him a question rather than staring at my face like this? 

“What’s wrong with you? Tell me! Don’t stare at me as if you want to eat me! Just tell me what was happening with him! Why was he trembling?” I hit his arm and asked him. I get so angry when he acts like this. I don’t know whether he’s doing this intentionally or unintentionally but it makes me angry. Why can’t he just utter an answer when I asked him a question? I sighed and hit his arm again, parting my l*ps to scold him. Then suddenly he chuckled. 

“You are beautiful….” pressed my l*ps together. What can I say? I have nothing to tell this man! He’s crazy… I don’t know… I sighed and raised my hands with defeat as I turned to leave. But he didn’t let me leave, he pulled me to him by my hand and hugged me from behind. 

“Why do you always get angry at me? If I don’t say that you are beautiful, who else would?” He k*ssed my n*eck with sweet flirty words that he always uses for me. I sighed… “I asked you a question Lucias… you make me angry by doing that!” I complained to him. I still heard him laughing sweetly. He did that intentionally for sure. I don’t know how to handle him. 

“Okay, what do you want to know? Tell me” I turned to him with a cold gaze. 

“I want to know what was wrong with Luan!” I said pushing him away from my b*dy. Lucias chuckled and pulled me to him once again as he began to speak. 

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It was his wolf, Lina. His wolf’s soul was appearing in him. When that happens, it’s become pleasurable to the human. Since Luan is still so small, it was hard for him to fight the soul and make it enter him. So yes, he was trembling and his temperature rose. Now he’s fine. No need to worry about him anymore. You are always becoming so worried over every little thing.” Wolf’s soul? At this young age? Oh… why did I forget my son is coming from the strongest alpha blood? No wonder why something like that happened. I hummed at what Lucias explained to me and again a question popped up in my mind. 

“What did you do to make that go away?” I asked him. 

“Do you really want to know that? Isn’t it enough to know that Luan is alright now?Lucias picked me up and entered a guest room. “I do! I want to know…” I sn*ked my hands around his n*eck, replying to him. How can I stay without knowing it? 

“Well, my wolf asked me to feed Luan with a few drops of my blood and I did it. Then Luan became okay..” what? He fed blood to my boy? I wanted to shout at him but I held myself back since it worked out and Luan became better after having his blood. As I didn’t say anything, Lucias pressed me on the bed and climbed to the top of me. “What are you going to do now?” I had to ask him. 

“What should I do with my wife who was away for weeks?” He put his hand under my skirt and touched my thighs. I felt his hand running upwards through my legs. I was awake for weeks? Well, he was right. 

“But didn’t you get a substitute of mine? I heard from Isabella that you were so good with her and how you couldn’t find it wasn’t me immediately? Did you sleep with her?” I punched his chest. Why did I forget to discuss this? Because of all the things I had on my mind, I couldn’t ask him about this. It’s good that I remembered about it. Lucias said nothing but smiled at me. Why is he smiling? Did he have fun with her? Is that why he’s smiling? I bit my lower l*p and tried to push him away from me but he didn’t even let me move away from him. 

“Why are you so dumb? If I slept with her and spent time with her, I would’ve found that it wasn’t you in a few hours. The thing is that I didn’t spend time with her, I didn’t even sleep with her on the same bed, Emilina… why are you so angry over stupid things?” What he said makes sense. He must’ve realized that it wasn’t me if he spent more time with her. His answer somewhat satisfied me. 

“Are you satisfied, my queen?” A blush appeared on my face and I lowered my head without saying anything. I’m satisfied but that doesn’t mean I would be so easy on him. I averted my gaze but I swathed my hands around his n*eck inhaling the pleasant scent that comes from my mate. 

“Every problem we have is gone, don’t you think so?” He pecked on my l*ps and then on my forehead. Yes…. the problems we had were gone and he was right about it. Everyone who was planning to hurt us is now gone. 

“Shouldn’t you be happy?” Lucias asked me. I should be happy. 

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I’m happy… I’m happy that we are going to live without a problem but still I can’t predict the future, Lucias…” We can’t say what will happen in the future and what kind of things that will come to challenge our lives. 

I know but still I will be there for you unchanged… I will still love you and take care of you.” Lucias k*ssed my l*ps. His words were like honey to my ears. I always wanted to be like this. I always wanted him to love me and be with me like this. For the rest of our lives…. 

“I love you too… I will support you with everything….” 

I k*ssed him back as I whispered against his l*ps. After countless painful emotions that we faced, after countless troubles and heartbreaks here we are… Here we are loving each other the same way we used to years ago… I’m glad… I’m glad that I could have my mate back in my life… Thank the moon goddess for giving us our second chance. We both deserved it… 

“I swear that I will never ever do something that could hurt you. And for the things that happened in the past, I’m so sorry. I love you.” Lucias continued while k*ssing my face. I’ve forgiven him. I’ve forgiven myself too… 

“I love you so much more… Thank you for coming back to me again” I k*ssed his l*ps hugging him so closer to me. 

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