Chapter 50

– Emilina –

I sat there staring at Isabella who’s on the hospital bed. I still can’t bring myself to believe what exactly happened. I can’t believe that she saved me and my baby risking her own life. It has been four days already but she hasn’t woken up yet. I’m waiting for her to wake up so I can thank her but it’s been days but she still isn’t here. The wounds are deep and dangerous. She had lost a lot of blood. With the way wendigos had bitten her, it was not a surprise. I sighed watching her pale face. I have no idea how to act in front of her. Part of me was so grateful towards her while another part of me was still crying because of everything she had done to make me suffer.

I had to give birth to Luan alone and raise him alone for two years because of her. I had to go through a painful rejection because of her and I lost the man I loved because of her for years. But I know that I have gained everything that I lost back but still.. the pain will never be forgotten. My heart will never forget the pain I went through. I shook my head and put all the thoughts aside and got up from the chair walking towards the window of her hospital room. I pushed aside the curtains and let the sun rays come to the room effortlessly.

-Once I was done, I removed the old flowers and put new lilies I bought in the vase as I turned to leave. I visited her everyday and I didn’t forget to bring her flowers. She’s a woman and she should-recover soon. At the same time, she’s alone in this world now without anyone. Her father, her baby… everyone is gone leaving her alone. I don’t know how her baby died and I won’t ask her about it either but it must be so painful for her to lose that child although the child wasn’t Lucias.

If I talked about Lucias, he never came into this hospital room. He hasn’t forgiven Isabella and I know he would never forgive her even if he agreed not to punish her because of my request. He hates her and he is so disgusted by everything she did. So he didn’t even bother to come and take a look at her. He even asked me not to go but I didn’t listen to him. Lucias won’t understand how scared I was while holding Elena when those terribly dangerous creatures are chasing me. The fear and helplessness I felt at that moment will never be forgotten by me. Even now my eyes get moistened whenever I think about that situation. I didn’t try to explain it to Lucias much no matter how he asked me and how he tried to understand me, because I know he will not fully understand why I forgave Isabella within a few seconds. More than anything, I value her for helping me when I most needed


When I was about to walk out of the room, I faintly heard a whimper. My heart

Chapter 50

raced and I looked back and immediately went near the bed to see that Isabella was about to wake uo. Her eyebrows are twitching and her eyelashes flattered a few times. She’s waking up… thank the moon goddess, it’s been four days. I waited there impatiently until she opened her eyes. As I expected her eyes leisurely opened and they stared at the ceiling above her before falling on my face. I didn’t know how to react, I just forced a smile at her and held her hand.

“Let me call the doctor,” I said hurrying my steps out of the room. I found a doctor and took him to his room.

Then I waited until he checked Isabella again. After the doctor made sure nothing was wrong with Isabella and gave her some medications, the doctor left. Once he left the room, I chewed the inside of my cheek and looked at her not knowing what to say. I felt crazy. I really don’t know what to tell her about this.

“Mm… how are you feeling?” I asked her. Isabella said nothing but stare at me. I sighed… is she still angry at me? I don’t know what her feelings towards me are, even though I have already forgiven her. She might be still hating me thinking that she lost Lucias because of me.

“Why? Why am I here?” she asked me. Why is she here? She’s here because she saved me, it was because of me she got injured.

“You were injured so badly. I took you here… you were unconscious for four days. already.” I muttered, pulling the chair back wanting to sit down. I sat near the bed and watched her pale face. She’s a beautiful woman, she’s strong and she’s literally better than me. I am wondering why Lucias didn’t catch feelings for her during their two year marriage. He could’ve fallen in love with her but it turned out he had only hated her every minute he had spent as her husband. Just like everyone said, she could’ve been a better wife and supported Lucias if he also accepted her as his wife without pushing her away.

The strength she has is amazing and she would be such a perfect Luna for Lucias. but still… Why am I thinking all these things now? Shouldn’t I be happy because Lucias chose me over every perfect woman? He loves me and he has his eyes only on me, therefore he doesn’t find any other woman attractive to him other than me. Yes, I should be glad to experience his love. I pushed the annoying thoughts in my head aside and focused on Isabella again. I hope she’s fine and she feels okay.

“Tell me, Is there anything you need me to worry about? I mean about your health? Any pain? The doctors removed all the venom from your b*dy” I spoke again ignoring her silence. I wanted her to speak. I wanted her to say something. I wanted to ask her why she helped me, why she risked her life, when we aren’t friends, siblings or anyone but enemies.

10:55 Mon, 1 Jan D.

Chapter 50

“I’m fine..” Isabella finally gave me an answer for all my questions. “Where… where’s Lucias?” Suddenly she asked something which made my heart flinch. I watched her face for a while and clenched my jaws. She’s asking for my husband, the man I love and my mate. It feels weird to face this because we both love the same person. I clutched the skirt of my dress and forced a smile.

“He’s with Luan and Elena… must be doing something funny to prevent Elena from crying.” I smiled. I don’t know if I said those words to her hurt feelings or not. I could’ve just said that Lucias is somewhere else but I intentionally said these words to her. I didn’t miss the way her face was covered with pain and agony she nodd at me and looked away from me.


She stared out of the window for a moment and let out a deep sigh. After waking up the first person she asked about is Lucias. Does she love him so much? I don;’t know how to understand this complication. She loves him so much and at the same time she hates him too. She hates him for doing those painful things to her but I think the love in her is powerful than the hatred. She’s just like me. I also couldn’t stop loving him even after he gave me the most dangerous pain in this world. He rejected me, humiliated me and he just literally abandoned me but still I loved him dearly because I couldn’t bring myself to forget him or hate him. So she must be the same…

“Isabella. May I know something? I want to know why you helped me. You put yourself at a high risk. Why did you do that? 1 know you hate me and there’s no need to think about it but why? Why did you ask me to run when you went to wendigos?” I asked her. Isabella took some time to look at me. As she looked at me, she stared at me for a long time. Her eyes roamed all over my face and finally she parted her l*ps to speak.

“I don’t have anything to lose but you do, right? Children… a husband…. and everything” Her words had my heart crushed. I felt my eyes getting watered. I lowered my head and said nothing. I just simply tried to control my emotions. She has nothing to lose but I do… I have two children, Lucias. I don’t want to leave. them or lose them.

“But you hated…. me. You.. blamed me for everything, right? Wasn’t it because of me you lost him?” I asked her. According to her reasons, I was the one who made her lose everything in her life.

“Yes… you caused everything… He became so aggressive and even more heartless. because he saw you again…” She answered, making my tears betray my eyes and fall out.

“I’m sorry… we both have so many reasons to hate each other but you know… I’m.

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Chapter 50


grateful. I’m forever grateful to you. Thank you so much… Thank you so much for saving her. You didn’t save me but my daughter… I am weak and pathetic as you always said. I have no physical strength anymore after giving birth to her. I would’ve definitely been dead if you weren’t there” I said. Isabella remained silent without saying anything. I don’t know how to turn the gratitude and pleasant. feelings in my heart to words.

“So, what is Lucias going to do to me now? He must be furious at me” she added with a faint smile.

“He’s furious… but he can’t do anything to you. He will not. As a father, how can he bring himself to hurt you even after you saved his daughter? He will do nothing to you… what do you want to do Isabella? I mean, do you have anywhere to go? If you are willing you can stay in this pack… I swear that Lucias won’t be a problem” I muttered. Isabella hummed but didn’t agree with what I said.

“I have somewhere to go… I will leave soon, “she said. I didn’t ask her where she had to go. I just smiled and nodded at her. “You can go after you are fully recovered and don’t hesitate to find me if you ever need help” I added.

“I’m sorry… I just… I couldn’t endure the defeat. I didn’t want to lose Lucias… I’m sorry for hurting you..” She uttered. She didn’t have to say sorry because I’ve already forgiven her.

It’s alright… No need to apologize. People make mistakes…”

“But… will Lucias forgive me? Tell him, I’m sorry for forcing him to marry me knowing that he had you…”

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