Chapter 37


“Ask the f u c k i n g doctors to come! Do they f u c k i n g think that they can leave their Luna like this? I’m gonna f u c k i n g kill everyone!” I growled at the nurse.

She gasped and jumped back away from me as she immediately nodded her head. Why the f u c k do they think that they can leave her like this? I don’t want anything to happen to her so those f u c k i n g doctors should work for it! I looked at Emilina. and then looked at the baby in my hands.

A girl… I had the desire to have a daughter but I never thought about it much because Emilina told me that it would be a boy but it turned out to be a girl and I’m happy but I couldn’t celebrate or continue my happiness when the person who gave birth to this beautiful baby hasn’t woken up yet.

“You need to wake up, Lina. you can’t leave me with two children… F u c k… I’m not good at taking care of children “I whispered, placing the baby near Emilina. Please wake up and have a look at your daughter. The baby girl that you gave birth to. My mind begged looking at her. My wolf has already gone insane. He was crying from fear. I stroked her hair without stopping. I was completely terrified and I felt utterly helpless.

No.. I don’t want to lose her after all these things I’ve done for her. Most importantly, I don’t want to lose her while she’s giving birth to a child for me. What kind of unlucky bas t a r d would I be if something like this happened? The doctors came into the room again. As soon as they came, I grabbed one of them from the collar and growled. How could they leave her like this? Are they f u c k i n g dumb not to know that I would definitely kill them if they didn’t try their best?

“Do you


u want to die? I’m killing all of you here if anything happens to her? How you leave her like that? She’s your Luna!” I pushed him towards the bed and glanced at others. Their heads were already bowed and trembling. They should be scared… all these people know how dangerous it would be if I get angry: More than that, when my wolf is angry everything is murderous.

“We… we couldn’t stop her from bleeding alpha…. We can’t save her… she lost too much blood. We have a limit for everything… We are sorry” One brave b a s t a r d spoke as he glanced at Emilina.

Are they… are they f u c k i n g saying me that they can’t save her? What’s the f u c k i n g meaning of this?

“Do something… I don’t want to lose her… Do something! I don’t f u c k i n g care… I don’t want to lose her on the day my daughter was born! How can I ever celebrate

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Chapter 37

her birthday if I lose their mom on that day? Are you f u c k i n g kidding me? Do something!” I roared.

As soon as I stopped, I heard my daughter beginning to cry. My voice must have terrified her. I picked her up and helplessly looked at her. I don’t even know how to make her stop crying. I already missed this period of Luan’s life and I’m still inexperienced as this is my first time holding a newborn little baby.

“Do something, I will wait outside” I said to the doctor, turning to leave the room after glancing at Emilina. She’s pale and her look was stabbing right into my heart brutally. I didn’t want this to happen. We had our second child together and I wanted to be a good father to them and a good husband to her. I married her again. and I gave everything I couldn’t give her during the last one and half months but that ain’t enough. I have more to give her. I have to fix our relationship to a better one and fix our past.

As I came out, Luan jogged towards me with a smile. He jumped trying to look at the baby in my hands. He was waiting for Emilina to give birth so he could be a big brother soon. I felt the emotions surging into me. I controlled my emotions so hard and didn’t let tears appear in my eyes. I slowly bent down showing Luan his little sister.

“I’m a big brother…. Yay…” Luan S**posed how happy he was as he began to jump up and down while his beautiful eyes were completely on his sister.

“Yes, you have a sister to take care of you. You should be a loving and caring brother for her” I don’t know if Luan completely understood what I said but he nodded at me obediently as he moved his hand and touched the baby’s cheek.

She has already stopped crying and now her beautiful glowing eyes are staring at Luan. Soon she giggled, making my heart tighten. I couldn’t just watch her without feeling the pain. Emilina would be alright… nothing will happen to her. She’s fine…. she’s fine… I repeated. I have no one but her… and she also has no one but me. We created these two children and I don’t want her to leave us behind. I don’t know what to do now. She had lost so much blood and my entire head is filled in that sight and it is so f u c k i n g painful to see her like that. I looked at Derek. He was already looking at me with a pair of confused and shocked eyes. At the same time Lisa also came. I clenched my jaws and walked towards Lisa giving the baby to her.

“Take care of them for a moment… I need to be alone” I really needed to be alone. I know that I shouldn’t be leaving my newborn baby girl while her mommy is still inside but I felt I’m going to lose myself anytime soon so before that happens, I should be alone and calm myself down.

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Chapter 37

“Alpha, what’s wrong?” Derek’s voice followed me as I walked out of the hospital. Why did I forget that this guy would never leave me alone or let me be alone? He always follows me and I know it was all because he’s worried and concerned about me. I turned to Derek and took a deep breath. What should I do now? What the f u c k should I do now? The fear in me didn’t even let me think properly.

“She’s bleeding…. They are saying that they can’t do anything about it… I don’t want to lose her. You know how hard I endured all the things in order to get her back to me. So now… I don’t want to lose her… not after she gave birth to another child… What should I do now? What the hell should I do? I don’t understand…”

I felt the tears were not under my control anymore. My vision blurred and I felt hot tears streaming down through my face. The helplessness in me is something that I am unable to ignore. I wasn’t even helpless this much when Kaleb asked me to reject Emilina but now…. I’m both scared and helpless. I don’t want to lose my Emilina…. F u c k…

“I can’t.. I can’t even think about raising two children without her.. I can’t even think about spending a day in my life without her anymore. What would happen to me if they couldn’t save her? I need to find a way… What should I do?”

I know that Derek also had no answer for me but I just want to release all the pain in me but still I know that nothing will make me feel better. If I want to feel better, I want to see Emilina waking up and smiling at me. Only she can fix me at this point. I can’t even be happy seeing my daughter wholeheartedly because of this. I just feel like killing myself.

No… how can I do it? I should be there for my children. She made me a father and I shouldn’t leave my children. will be fine…” she will be fine? How can she be fine? She had lost too much blood and I can’t even imagine her losing that much blood. She’s somewhat physically weak and I personally know it. Her eating habits are not good at all. She always chooses food before eating.

nha, calm down.. you are thinking too much. She

Although she eats fruits without any bother, she’s just always having a hard time when it comes to eating meat. So knowing all those facts about her, how can I make up my mind to believe that she will be fine and nothing will happen to her? I might be thinking too much but I can’t help it. Losing that much blood? F u c k… I don’t even want to think about it… I covered my face with my hands and walked away from Derek.

‘Will she be okay?’ I couldn’t help but ask my wolf. However I didn’t get any reply from him. He’s silent which means he’s so hurt. I didn’t bother him much. I just stared at the sky for a moment begging the moon goddess not to take away the

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Chapter 37

woman she blessed me with. I shouldn’t go through something like this… It shouldn’t endure this kind of pain but maybe this is the real punishment for hurting her years ago.


“Alpha, would you mind donating blood? Both your blood types are the same.” I turned to the doctor who hurried to me. Is this even a f u c k i n g question.

“Yes……” I nodded as I followed him. I will give my blood as much as she needs to recover. I don’t f u c k i n g mind even if I die losing all my blood if I can see her waking up and getting rid that pale look on her face.

“Why did you take time to say this? You could’ve asked me earlier… get as much as blood she needs” I said walking into the blood donating room in the hospital. Then the doctor began to get blood from me. I can give as much as for her… if she’s becoming well, I would do anything.

“Alpha, I hope she will be fine after this but I can’t promise that she will wake up soon. Her b*dy is so exhausted and needs to be healed slowly” I nodded. That’s fine… that’s totally fine as long as she wakes up. It doesn’t matter about the time.

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