Chapter 34

“Did you ask him whether she hurt him or not? Was he awake when you found him? How was he? Was he crying?” I had to shoot impatient and limitless questions. at Lucias. I needed answers for all those questions. How can I ever ignore these. questions or stay without asking them from him? I need to know if Isabella did something to my baby. From Luan’s appearance, I can’t see anything on him. Any bruises or scratches but still I’m concerned and worried about him.

“No, he was fine. She hasn’t done anything to him. She had just put him in a room. with a maid to take care of him.” I bit my lower l*p and nodded.

If nothing has happened to him, it’s fine. After getting his answers, I turned to walk into the room. Why does my heart ache like this? My heart aches in a crazy way and now I feel so devastated. Is it because of Lucias’ s expressions? I can see the painful expressions in his face but I don’t know what to do. When I stop everything and think about yesterday and the things I told him, it feels crazy… But now I can’t take back the words I told him and now I should stop thinkinking about it. However my heart doesn’t let me do it as it always reminds me of how he looked when I hurt him with my words and when I shouted at him saying that I don’t want him to be with me anymore.

Why am I even repeating that scenario in my head? I have no idea why one thought is controlling my mind! What should I do? Should I give him another chance? I asked myself but I had no answer for that question. I sighed and turned to him again. He was still there watching me. I stared at his handsome yet pain. filled face. We were together for months and nothing like this happened. We argued a few times because he didn’t want to tell me about the past but eventually I stopped asking him about it and after that we never had a fight.

I stepped near him and wrapped my hands around his waist resting my head against his chest. I love him too much. I love him more than I would ever imagine. I always thought that I knew the limit of my love towards him but I just realized, even myself is unaware of how much I love him. I was angry and I was thinking about leaving him forever and I even thought the love I had for him vanished. within a second after reading that letter but how can the love I built for

years just vanish within a second? How stup i d I was to think that I would be able to get rid of him and stay away from him? I said so many things out of my anger but I love him. I just love him so much and I don’t know if I would ever be able to stop loving him. No, I will just never be able to do it.

As I hugged him, I felt him hugging me back. His chin rested on my head but he said nothing. I just want him to say nothing. His silence is enough and it helps met

to think more. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. I’m pregnant again… am I going to give the birth to this baby alone just like it happened to Luan? Or am I going to let Lucias stay closer to me during this pregnancy. But if he stays with me, will it cause more problems? I wanted to keep my mind at peace while I’m pregnant. I want to have no problems in my daily life but to be happy.

It was hard for me to give birth to Luan and I always wished that Lucias was there for me and I’m afraid that giving birth to this baby would also give me that kind of pain. I was lost for so many reasons and I don’t know which path to choose. I was just completely lost between him and the peace that I desire.

“What are you thinking? What do you want me to do?” Lucias finally spoke but he didn’t release me from the hug I’m glad that he didn’t. I just didn’t want to look at his face because it would make me even hurt and sadder. I also don’t know what I want him to do. I just want him to hug me like this and stay with me without going anywhere. I want to be in this embrace every day. This is the most comfortable thing I can ever have. The warm and gentle embrace I will ever want to put myself


“You can come to us after you fix all those problems you have in your life. Just get rid of everything you suffer from. I’m not asking you what those are and what happened, I will never ask you again. So it’s on you…” I said breaking the hug between us. I looked up into his eyes. He was looking at me with a sad expression. I gave him a chance…

He can come to us after he is done with all the bad things and threats in his life. I just don’t want my son to or me to become the victim of the threats that Lucias has in his life. He cupped my face and nodded at me. It’s painful but this is the fight choice. Until he deals with all the things, I will stay away from him. That decision. is good for both of us.

“Alright, I also need to end all these things soon…” He said. I didn’t say anything but nod at him. I wanted to apologize for the way I talked to him yesterday but again, I thought that I shouldn’t do it because that was my anger and that anger is not wrong or unfair. With that, I moved away from him and walked into the room. I just didn’t want to have more talks which will lead us to another bad situation.

Staying silent is just better.

“Luna, you okay? Your face is pale again.. Are you in pain?” I let my eyes fall on Lisa who came to me hurriedly. Yes, I’m in pain and there’s no need to think about it again. This is the fifth month of my pregnancy and it’s killing me already. The pain is something I cannot control or remove from my b*dy. It’s exactly similar to


Chapter 34

the pain I had while being pregnant with Luan. I still don’t know the gender of the baby but I feel like it’s also a boy since the pain and everything I feel is similar to the first time.

“Can I have some water please?” She nodded at me and ran towards the kitchen. In the next second, she came with a huge glass of water. I drank the whole glass and sighed resting my back against the headboard of the bed. The back of my waist is so painful and also my belly. I just feel so exhausted. I took a few breaths that can relax me before glancing at Lisa who’s still waiting for me to speak to her.

“Where’s Luan?” I asked her.

“Alpha took him out while you are sleeping, Luna. he said he’s taking him to the children’s park and will send him back home before five in the evening” Lucias came? I hummed at Lisa’s words and stared up at the ceiling above me. He didn’t visit Luan for two weeks and today he came and I was sleeping but that doesn’t matter. I’m glad that he took Luan out because I just couldn’t take him out. With the current status I’m in, I can’t even think about going out. My whole b*dy aches.

all the time.

“Luna, do you need me to cook something for you?” Lisa asked.

“No, I have no appetite to eat, Lisa. I’m just so tired and want to relax” Lisa sighed. This is the answer she always gets. I really can’t eat much and I feel that the baby in my belly is also not in a urge to eat all the time. However, I want drink juices. I love having fruit juices.


“Lisa, mind making an apple juice for me?” I asked. Lisa smiled as she got up and left the room. After she left, I laid on the bed again, placing both my hands on my belly.

“How is my baby doing? Feeling good?” I spoke to my baby. No matter how painful it is, I am impatient waiting to see my second child. I’m glad that I got pregnant again. Having children is such a blessing but raising them is a bit harder. While I was thinking about all the things, feeling the little movements of my baby, I heard the sound of footsteps. I glanced at the direction of my room door to see Lucias and Luan who’s comfortably sitting on Lucias’ strong arms. He looked happier… he must be happy to play with daddy. He’s seeing Lucias after two weeks.

“How are you?” Lucias put Luan on the floor and came to me as he asked. “Not bad…” I gave him a small smile and moved my eyes to my belly. I will give birth to this baby in two months and I can’t believe that time passed so quickly.

“Why didn’t you visit him for two weeks?” A sudden question popped in my mind.



and I glanced at Lucias again. He sighed and smiled at me…

“I killed Kaleb and got my west castle back…” My heart ski p p e d a beat… he killed. Kaleb? Isabella’s dad? I stared at Lucias’ face. Does that mean that all the problems are solved? Kaleb was the most dangerous problem we had and Lucias protected me and Luan from Kaleb. And now hearing that Kaleb is dead, I felt somewhat. relaxed and relieved.

“What about Isabella?” I put my curiosity first as I asked him.

“I don’t know… first of all, I didn’t want to kill her because she’s pregnant but I wanted to keep her somewhere so that I can make sure she’s not causing trouble but she had gone missing. I don’t know where she went and I can’t find her either Isabella went missing? That’s not something good to hear. Why do I feel that she would come back to get revenge on all of us?

“It’s okay, I legally divorced her. I made her sign divorce papers…” Lucias added making my heart ski p a beat with both pain and nervousness,

SEND GIFTChapter 34

“What do you need? You could’ve called me, don’t get up from the bed. You still have fever” I felt a shudder running through my spine when I heard his voice behind me. Why did he even come back upstairs? I bit my lower l*p and faced Lucias. He was looking at me with a questioning gaze as he thought I needed something and that’s why I came out of the room but no… I just wanted to see him. I know that I saw him a few minutes ago but again, I felt the burning need to see. him.

“Who kidnapped Luan?” Instead of letting my feelings take control, I changed the whole subject.. His jaws clenched, he let his eyes fall on the ground as he slowly parted his l*ps to speak.

“Isabella…. his words made me sigh. Of course, it must be her because as soon as she came here my son went missing. It was all because of her…




Chapter 34

“Did you ask him whether she hurt him or not? Was he awake when you found him? How was he? Was he crying?” I had to shoot impatient and limitless questions. at Lucias. I needed answers for all those questions. How can I ever ignore these. questions or stay without asking them from him? I need to know if Isabella did something to my baby. From Luan’s appearance, I can’t see anything on him. Any bruises or scratches but still I’m concerned and worried about him.

“No, he was fine. She hasn’t done anything to him. She had just put him in a room. with a maid to take care of him.” I bit my lower l*p and nodded.

If nothing has happened to him, it’s fine. After getting his answers, I turned to walk into the room. Why does my heart ache like this? My heart aches in a crazy way and now I feel so devastated. Is it because of Lucias’ s expressions? I can see the painful expressions in his face but I don’t know what to do. When I stop everything and think about yesterday and the things I told him, it feels crazy… But now I can’t take back the words I told him and now I should stop thinkinking about it. However my heart doesn’t let me do it as it always reminds me of how he looked when I hurt him with my words and when I shouted at him saying that I don’t want him to be with me anymore.

Why am I even repeating that scenario in my head? I have no idea why one thought is controlling my mind! What should I do? Should I give him another chance? I asked myself but I had no answer for that question. I sighed and turned to him again. He was still there watching me. I stared at his handsome yet pain. filled face. We were together for months and nothing like this happened. We argued a few times because he didn’t want to tell me about the past but eventually I stopped asking him about it and after that we never had a fight.

I stepped near him and wrapped my hands around his waist resting my head against his chest. I love him too much. I love him more than I would ever imagine. I always thought that I knew the limit of my love towards him but I just realized, even myself is unaware of how much I love him. I was angry and I was thinking about leaving him forever and I even thought the love I had for him vanished. within a second after reading that letter but how can the love I built for

years just vanish within a second? How stup i d I was to think that I would be able to get rid of him and stay away from him? I said so many things out of my anger but I love him. I just love him so much and I don’t know if I would ever be able to stop loving him. No, I will just never be able to do it.

As I hugged him, I felt him hugging me back. His chin rested on my head but he said nothing. I just want him to say nothing. His silence is enough and it helps met

to think more. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. I’m pregnant again… am I going to give the birth to this baby alone just like it happened to Luan? Or am I going to let Lucias stay closer to me during this pregnancy. But if he stays with me, will it cause more problems? I wanted to keep my mind at peace while I’m pregnant. I want to have no problems in my daily life but to be happy.

It was hard for me to give birth to Luan and I always wished that Lucias was there for me and I’m afraid that giving birth to this baby would also give me that kind of pain. I was lost for so many reasons and I don’t know which path to choose. I was just completely lost between him and the peace that I desire.

“What are you thinking? What do you want me to do?” Lucias finally spoke but he didn’t release me from the hug I’m glad that he didn’t. I just didn’t want to look at his face because it would make me even hurt and sadder. I also don’t know what I want him to do. I just want him to hug me like this and stay with me without going anywhere. I want to be in this embrace every day. This is the most comfortable thing I can ever have. The warm and gentle embrace I will ever want to put myself


“You can come to us after you fix all those problems you have in your life. Just get rid of everything you suffer from. I’m not asking you what those are and what happened, I will never ask you again. So it’s on you…” I said breaking the hug between us. I looked up into his eyes. He was looking at me with a sad expression. I gave him a chance…

He can come to us after he is done with all the bad things and threats in his life. I just don’t want my son to or me to become the victim of the threats that Lucias has in his life. He cupped my face and nodded at me. It’s painful but this is the fight choice. Until he deals with all the things, I will stay away from him. That decision. is good for both of us.

“Alright, I also need to end all these things soon…” He said. I didn’t say anything but nod at him. I wanted to apologize for the way I talked to him yesterday but again, I thought that I shouldn’t do it because that was my anger and that anger is not wrong or unfair. With that, I moved away from him and walked into the room. I just didn’t want to have more talks which will lead us to another bad situation.

Staying silent is just better.

“Luna, you okay? Your face is pale again.. Are you in pain?” I let my eyes fall on Lisa who came to me hurriedly. Yes, I’m in pain and there’s no need to think about it again. This is the fifth month of my pregnancy and it’s killing me already. The pain is something I cannot control or remove from my b*dy. It’s exactly similar to


Chapter 34

the pain I had while being pregnant with Luan. I still don’t know the gender of the baby but I feel like it’s also a boy since the pain and everything I feel is similar to the first time.

“Can I have some water please?” She nodded at me and ran towards the kitchen. In the next second, she came with a huge glass of water. I drank the whole glass and sighed resting my back against the headboard of the bed. The back of my waist is so painful and also my belly. I just feel so exhausted. I took a few breaths that can relax me before glancing at Lisa who’s still waiting for me to speak to her.

“Where’s Luan?” I asked her.

“Alpha took him out while you are sleeping, Luna. he said he’s taking him to the children’s park and will send him back home before five in the evening” Lucias came? I hummed at Lisa’s words and stared up at the ceiling above me. He didn’t visit Luan for two weeks and today he came and I was sleeping but that doesn’t matter. I’m glad that he took Luan out because I just couldn’t take him out. With the current status I’m in, I can’t even think about going out. My whole b*dy aches.

all the time.

“Luna, do you need me to cook something for you?” Lisa asked.

“No, I have no appetite to eat, Lisa. I’m just so tired and want to relax” Lisa sighed. This is the answer she always gets. I really can’t eat much and I feel that the baby in my belly is also not in a urge to eat all the time. However, I want drink juices. I love having fruit juices.


“Lisa, mind making an apple juice for me?” I asked. Lisa smiled as she got up and left the room. After she left, I laid on the bed again, placing both my hands on my belly.

“How is my baby doing? Feeling good?” I spoke to my baby. No matter how painful it is, I am impatient waiting to see my second child. I’m glad that I got pregnant again. Having children is such a blessing but raising them is a bit harder. While I was thinking about all the things, feeling the little movements of my baby, I heard the sound of footsteps. I glanced at the direction of my room door to see Lucias and Luan who’s comfortably sitting on Lucias’ strong arms. He looked happier… he must be happy to play with daddy. He’s seeing Lucias after two weeks.

“How are you?” Lucias put Luan on the floor and came to me as he asked. “Not bad…” I gave him a small smile and moved my eyes to my belly. I will give birth to this baby in two months and I can’t believe that time passed so quickly.

“Why didn’t you visit him for two weeks?” A sudden question popped in my mind.



and I glanced at Lucias again. He sighed and smiled at me…

“I killed Kaleb and got my west castle back…” My heart ski p p e d a beat… he killed. Kaleb? Isabella’s dad? I stared at Lucias’ face. Does that mean that all the problems are solved? Kaleb was the most dangerous problem we had and Lucias protected me and Luan from Kaleb. And now hearing that Kaleb is dead, I felt somewhat. relaxed and relieved.

“What about Isabella?” I put my curiosity first as I asked him.

“I don’t know… first of all, I didn’t want to kill her because she’s pregnant but I wanted to keep her somewhere so that I can make sure she’s not causing trouble but she had gone missing. I don’t know where she went and I can’t find her either Isabella went missing? That’s not something good to hear. Why do I feel that she would come back to get revenge on all of us?

“It’s okay, I legally divorced her. I made her sign divorce papers…” Lucias added making my heart ski p a beat with both pain and nervousness,


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