Alpha King Versus Vampire King
38.I will get out of here

“Xeres, please release me.” I implored the heartless vampire to let me leave and return home. My wrist throbbed painfully from his unyielding grasp as he dragged me to an unknown destination.

“Dad is waiting for me, Xeres, and you promised I could go today. Let me go!” I shouted, attempting to free my hand from his relentless hold, but his grip remained unyielding.

As his laughter subsided, he attempted to pull me into his embrace, but I resisted, pushing him away. Despite my efforts to escape, he seized me and forcibly removed me from that place, leading me to an uncertain fate.

At this moment, I deeply regretted ever coming here and staying. I should have declined his offer when I learned of his obsession with Wein and his five-hundred-year-old vampire madness.

He’s a despicable individual, possessing pictures of me under the guise of protecting me. I felt repulsed by his touch and desperately wished someone could rescue me. However, I knew it was futile, as no vampires would dare defy their insane king.

He’s roughly the same age as my ancestors from several generations ago, and yet he desires me as his lover. It’s revolting and repugnant, but he still appears remarkably youthful, resembling a man in his late twenties.

He forcibly ushered me into the same room where I had spent the previous night, causing me to stumble and fall onto the floor. Thankfully, the carpet was plush and soft; otherwise, I might have injured myself. As I gazed up, I saw Xeres glaring at me with intense anger, and he ominously closed the door behind us.

“What is the meaning of this? Release me!” I yelled as I got to my feet, summoning the courage to confront him, but he remained unaffected, sporting only a mischievous smirk.

“From now on, you will remain here until I declare you my queen. You’ll grow to love it,” he declared with evident delight.

“Queen, my foot! I won’t be the consort of a vampire, and I’ll escape from this place soon,” I retorted angrily, clenching my fists.

“You’ve wounded my heart, my dear. Wasn’t I special to you? Anord is the true villain here,” he protested, attempting to approach me, but I moved away, keeping out of his reach.

“Yes, you were once special to me, but I can’t believe that the person I once knew would imprison me like this. You’re not the same Xeres anymore; you’re insane!” I shouted at him, my eyes blazing with fury.

“I’m insanely in love with you, and I won’t take any chances again. Once everything is sorted, I’ll make you mine,” he stated, giving me a sly smirk.

“You’re fixated on me, just as you were with Wein. It’s all about your desires and lust,” I stated with a disgusted expression on my face.

“Wein was my first love, and I waited patiently for her, even as she came to be you. Now it’s time to fulfill my desires. Prepare yourself to join my world,” he declared, taking a deep breath and locking eyes with me.

“How could you claim to love her when she was a werewolf, and you’re a vampire?” I asked the question that had been eating away at me.

“I had thought it through. We would have mated, and she would have become mine. We could have lived a happy life in peace,” he said with a dreamy gaze.

“She would never have been with you. She waited for her true mate and, in the end, chose to end her life rather than be with you. You can’t find happiness after committing such sins, which is why you’re cursed to live forever,” I retorted through gritted teeth.

“You seem to know more than I expected. I’m not cursed; I’m simply waiting for Wein, which is now you, Ukrine. Sooner or later, you’ll accept me. Now, be a good girl and wait until I return. Don’t cry too much; I don’t want to see my queen with swollen eyes,” he said, sounding oddly concerned. With one last look at me, he hurried out of the room and locked the door behind him.

I screamed and pounded on the door, but no one came to my rescue. I searched for my mobile phone, but it was dead, and unfortunately, there was no charger in sight.

Desperately, I scanned the room for a window or a small door I could use to escape, but there was none. I continued banging on the door until exhaustion overtook me, but still, no help arrived.

Exasperated, I let out a deep sigh and slumped to the floor near the edge of the bed. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I succumbed to a torrent of weeping, as though crying were the only thing I knew.

I despised shedding tears, but I couldn’t control the flood that threatened to spill over. A sense of hopelessness enveloped me, and there was no one to hold responsible for my predicament. The dimly lit room did nothing to alleviate my irritation; in fact, it seemed to exacerbate it.

I had been well aware from the beginning that Xeres was dangerous and capable of doing something reckless, and now he had imprisoned me. As I glanced around the room in despair, my gaze fell upon something red that glimmered near my pillow.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was a small pouch given to me by a mysterious woman as a small gift during a chance encounter on my way to my room. I tucked it into my pocket and began contemplating my escape. Even if I managed to flee this room, the guards would likely apprehend me and return me to Xeres, who would undoubtedly be furious and resort to further recklessness. I prayed that my father wouldn’t believe his lies and would come to my rescue.

However, my hopes of rescue dwindled as I remained confined within the room for two days without any sign of people, or more accurately, vampires, around. A maid would come to deliver my meals and promptly depart without sparing me a second glance, deepening my aversion to the room, the palace, and most of all, Xeres.

How could I possibly endure being in the same place as this deranged vampire?

* * * * *

“Darling, it’s not healthy to skip meals. You’ll become ill, and look how thin you’ve become,” Xeres remarked, attempting to touch my face, but I swiftly moved out of his reach.

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on me, you deranged vampire! Stay away from me,” I shouted, glaring at him.

“Alright, but not until you’ve eaten. Your father inquired about your well-being, and I assured him that you’re doing splendidly. Don’t sadden your father by looking like this,” he said, placing a plate in front of me.

“Where’s my dad? Has he come to take me? Please, let me see him,” I responded in a hopeful tone, attempting to appeal to his emotions. However, he simply turned away from me and headed toward an old cupboard.

“No one is coming for you, Ukrine. Your father is content knowing that you’re with me, and he’s already discussing your mate. He won’t come for you, so don’t even think about it. You have no choice but to stay here with me as my queen,” he declared with a self-satisfied grin.

His words cut deep, and there was some truth in them. Dad might actually believe him, while Anord wouldn’t care at all.

“You can’t keep me imprisoned forever. I’ll find a way out of here. I’ll resist you with every ounce of strength I have left and won’t let you weaken me. You’re just a maniac consumed by your desires and lust, oblivious to the rest of the world,” I shouted, my voice straining from two days of not eating or drinking.

“I love you, and you’ll love me in return once you belong to me,” he asserted, gripping my shoulder, causing me to flinch at his touch.

I forcefully pushed his hands away and shoved him off the bed with a pillow, causing him to tumble to the floor.

“How dare you—” he began to say, but was interrupted by a loud noise from outside.

“Master! We’ve been attacked,” a concerned voice called out from the door, prompting Xeres to dash outside at a speed reminiscent of Erin’s failed attempt to harm me.

However, that cursed vampire didn’t overlook locking the door behind him, leaving me imprisoned once more.

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