Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 4

The days blur.

It’s the same concrete ceilings. Concrete walls. Concrete floors.

For a while, he had his books, but Doctor Porter took them away the other day.

He ran his mouth too loudly, and apparently “upset” the other Alpha.

Well, maybe the other Alpha shouldn’t have committed such heinous crimes.

All he did was remind him what a monster he was. If Kean took his own life, that’s not his problem.

But now he’s stuck with only a cot in one corner and a chair in the other and no reading material to pass the time.

No matter, though.

He doesn’t regret what he did.

This morning was interesting, though.

Gerard, the ever-pleasant Beta, unlocked his door. “Up, Hart.” he barked.

He was offered no explanation, even after he questioned the guard. And now he sits, each wrist and ankle cuffed to a chair as he wonders exactly what the hell is going on.

But the door opens, and instead of seeing Gerard again, she walks in.

It’s such a surprise that he thinks he’s hallucinating. But no, an Omega female enters the room, smelling like fucking heaven and looking like an angel.

Maybe they’re torturing him, but he’s not sure there’s a crime awful enough to warrant this.

Subconsciously, he jerks against the chains, and she regards him with careful indifference, her gold eyes shining in the dim light.

He hasn’t seen or smelled an Omega in three years.

He can’t even think straight, as he’s so dumbfounded that one would willingly come in here to talk to him.

“You must be Erik,” she says, giving him a slight smile, one that doesn’t reach her eyes. “I’m Ellie. I’m a behavioral analyst, and I’m here to speak with you.”

It’s pathetic how he’s acting. Her voice, light and pleasant, sends a shock wave directly to his dick. His cock is painfully hard against his pants, and he’s beyond thankful that he’s sitting so she won’t be able to see his embarrassing erection.

She sits across from him and puts a folder down on the desk, pulling out a piece of paper.

She’s on medical grade suppressants, he can tell that at least. Her scent is pleasant, even mouthwatering, but there’s an undercurrent of chemicals that blends with it.

And she’s wearing a delicate cream scarf to cover her pale neck.

Smart girl.

He comes to his senses as her eyes widen for just a moment as he notices her attire.

She’s afraid.

He will not see her again after this, that’s for sure. Doctor Porter will come to his senses and drag this girl far away from here.

It’s a cruelty she’s inflicting on him, allowing him to bask in her presence, but then disappear forever. Soon, she’ll just be a dream, a memory that tortures him for his remaining days.

Well, he can be just as cruel.

“That wasn’t very smart of them.” His voice, low and even, confuses her.

She licks her delicate lips, and frowns. “I’m sorry?”

“Gerard can’t protect you from me, little Omega.”

She startles, as if slapped.

That got her.

“I don’t need protecting from you, Erik,” she says evenly, her face reverting to its neutral expression. “I’m actually here for you. To see if you’re being treated properly, and if the plan of action they have for you is appropriate and not detrimental to your well-being.”

He barks out a laugh.

Yes. This is definitely a cruel joke.

He shakes his head and smirks. “You’re in the wrong place,” he purrs. “There’s no ‘well-being’ for me. The plan of action is to keep me here forever, beautiful.”

The endearment slips out of his mouth before he can stop it, and he could swear her scent changes.


This is the most fun he’s had in years.

She clicks her pen and looks down at her pile of papers. He recognizes Doctor Porter’s handwriting on them, and her face slowly changes as she reads.

If he didn’t know any better, he could swear they didn’t tell her why he’s in here.

“You’re in here for murder, is that correct?”

Holy shit. They really didn’t tell her.

“Is that what your notes say?” he drawls. “I would assume so then.”

She continues reading, then looks back up at him. Her light eyes have the tiniest flecks of green in them, delicate and mismatched.

They also hold the slightest bit of fear.

“You’ve been in here for three years. And it looks like they don’t house you with other Alphas anymore.”

She’s doing a fantastic job of hiding her nerves, but the slight shake in her voice gives her away.

He nods. “I don’t play well with others.”

“I know the feeling,” she mutters, and then looks up, as if surprised she spoke. “I mean, I think we’ve all been there.”

“Have we?” he counters. “Tell me, where have you been, little Omega?”

He can smell her anger at his words.

She really doesn’t enjoy being called an Omega.

Well, he doesn’t enjoy temptation being handed to him on a silver platter while he’s helpless and shackled to a chair.

“That scarf was clever, though. It adds a nice touch. You could almost pass for a Beta.”

Her eye twitches for just a second, and he’s won.

He’s appalled they let her in here. That Doctor Porter could know who he is, what he’s done, and still pass on that information to this Omega, and willingly let her step into this room.

And the other part of him…

“You’re fucking crazy to be in here with me,” he continues. “This is a pointless endeavor for you. I don’t have a sob story for you, I don’t have any reason why you should advocate for me.”

She bites her lip, and her brow furrows slightly as she reads. “You didn’t know who these men were. You committed a random attack.”

It’s not an accusation. It’s not even a question.

But it’s inaccurate.

“If that’s what they want to tell you, Omega.” He smirks, enjoying their little game.

Her face turns the loveliest shade of pink as she raises her voice. “That’s what I’m telling you, Alpha. Are they wrong?”

The anger of her scent envelops him, addicting and sweet.

Instead of answering her, he sneers. “I’m telling you, you’re a stupid little girl in the wrong fucking place, Omega.

Her reaction is beautiful. She stands up out of the chair; the legs scraping loudly against the floor. Her temper flares, and he’s overcome by the wave of emotions she’s throwing at him.

“Fuck. You,” she hisses, quiet enough that it’s merely a whisper. “At least I’m not rotting in a shithole, you monster.

The flare in her eyes, the anger of her scent, and the soft gasp as she realizes she’s lost herself is what makes everything click for him.

For the first time in a long time, he wants.

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