Chapter 818

At first, Mrs. Ritter was able to maintain her composure. But upon hearing this, she suddenly turned to Allie and said, "What do you mean? I've been worried sick about you being in jail and even sent Ashlyn to contact the Spencer family to help get you out. I did everything I could to save you, and now you're saying this?"

"Keep pretending," Allie coldly replied while looking at her. "I have evidence of the transfer record that shows you paid the man who pushed Jenna down. The account used for the transfer belongs to your assistant. Did you really think I'm a naive little bunny who can be easily manipulated?"

Mrs. Ritter was momentarily stunned before furrowing her brows and saying, "Allie, what are you talking about? I don't understand how my assistant could have made that transfer."

"This is a party full of elites everywhere; do we really need to make a scene here? We're family after all, so why must we ruin each other's reputation like this?" She spoke as if she were the victim instead.

She looked like an educated younger sister while Allie appeared as an evil older sister causing trouble.

"Aunt..." Ashlyn timidly looked at Allie with fear in her eyes; her eyes sparkled with timidity and evoked pity.

The mother and daughter's playing the victim disgusted Allie greatly.

She sneered, "Stephany Newman... after all these years, nothing has changed about how disgusting your behavior is or how disgustingly your daughter has been raised."

Stephany was Mrs. Ritter's original name but since marrying into the Ritter Family no one had called her by it for many years now.

Alejandro stood beside Allie protectively and said, "Your assistant already admitted everything; all of this happened because of your orders."

Mrs. Ritter felt as if someone had slapped her face in public; her face burned hot from embarrassment.

Her heart raced quickly while trying desperately hard not to show any signs of panic or guilt on her face.

"My assistant must have been bribed by someone!" She exclaimed defensively.

Alejandro calmly stared at Mrs. Ritter before pulling out his phone silently.

The curious guests surrounding them couldn't quite figure out what was happening but they knew something big was going down...

It seemed like they were witnessing some sort of confrontation!

Just then, Alejandro played Mrs. Ritter's voice recording on his phone. "Here's $200 thousand; find someone who can sabotage Jenna during finals, so she won't win anything!" "Okay, ma'ma," the assistant's voice responded.

"Make sure you don't reveal anything, okay?" Mrs. Ritter reminded with concern.

"Bitch!" Mrs. Ritter stared at Alejandro's phone in disbelief. She never thought her assistant would secretly record their conversation.

She pursed her lips and maintained her arrogance.

Ashlyn was now anxious and confused. Did her mother really hire the man who pushed Jenna down? And there was evidence...

"You will face legal sanctions for intentionally hiring someone to commit a crime." Sylvia, who had been silently watching on the side, finally spoke up with a faint sense of satisfaction on her delicate face as she lightly swirled the red wine in her hand.

Mrs. Ritter suddenly glared at Sylvia. "It's you! You did all of this, didn't you?"

Sylvia smiled. "Mrs. Ritter isn't too stupid after all. I obtained the recording and found evidence of your assistant hiring someone to commit a crime as well. But I think... what you hate most is not me but your sister."

"It was your sister who personally brought you down, leaving you feeling most uncomfortable and painful," she continued calmly but firmly.

It couldn't be denied that Sylvia could read people's minds very well. She knew the hatred between Allie and Stephany perfectly! She also knew that Mrs. Ritter would definitely not leave early because in her mind profit came before everything else; for profit she forced herself to stay here despite losing face so as to continue expanding connections, which led to this scene today.

Mrs. Ritter was extremely agitated; she almost forgot about herself at this moment. "No! I didn't do it! It's fake recording made by yourself!"

"Don't tell me; go tell it to the police," said Sylvia coldly as several police officers rushed in directly dragging Mrs. Ritter out.

Ashlyn chased after them anxiously. "Mom... let go of my mom..."

The farce ended.

Alejandro walked over with Allie towards Sylvia and Franklin.

Allie took a deep breath. "Miss Andrews, I apologize sincerely for my past mistakes."

"I accept your apology but... I don't want any further interaction with you," replied Sylvia coldly without any extra expression on her face.

She had no interest in having too much interaction with such people.

Allie smiled nonchalantly, "I know."

Alejandro looked a bit embarrassed and turned to Franklin, "Mr. Maskelyne, thank you for your help."

Franklin and Sylvia had discovered these things together but they didn't personally intervene. Instead, they contacted Alejandro to handle the matter.

The Spencer family owed them a favor.

They probably wouldn't dare to collude with the Ritter family again in the future.

Ashlyn cried as she rushed towards Alejandro like a damsel in distress, "Mr. Alejandro, please... save my mom!"

"Are you out of your mind?" Alejandro sneered at her with anger in his voice. "Allie suffered so much injustice in prison because of your mother's actions and now you have the nerve to ask me?" Ashlyn's heart sank into an abyss.

Didn't Alejandro show some interest in her before?

Why was he acting so indifferent now...

She was shocked, confused and felt ashamed all at once.

It was as if someone had stripped her naked right there in that banquet hall.

Her blood seemed to flow backwards through her veins while all traces of arrogance vanished from her eyes. Tears streamed down her face as she could no longer bear this kind of humiliation; she turned around and fled.

Alejandro said somewhat headache-inducing words to Franklin. "Mr. Maskelyne, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you need assistance from Spencer Group, don't hesitate to ask us. The Spencer family will be happy to oblige."

Franklin's gaze fell on him deeply, "I hope there will never be such a day when we need help from Spencer Group."

If anyone else heard about how they owed the Spencer family a favor, then they would secretly rejoice inside but... Franklin's resounding response made Alejandro feel awkward; he rubbed his hands together uneasily before saying, "You're right, Mr. Maskelyne, your company must be thriving without our tiny contribution."

His words were humble beyond belief

Mrs. Ritter was behind bars with irrefutable evidence against her

Ashlyn bought a ticket back home to seek Donovan's help


Donovan's heart broke seeing his daughter looking so disheveled. "What did you say? What did your mom do? Damn it!"

"Franklin, Sylvia! And the Spencer family, I'll make all of you pay!"

"Dad, you have to save Mom." Ashlyn's eyes were red. Her mother had suddenly been trapped in prison, and it was a fatal blow to her.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way."

Thirty thousand feet in the air.

The sky was clear blue with white clouds. The sunlight shone through the clouds and spilled into the window.

It fell on a woman next to him. She lifted her head and revealed an overly beautiful face. Her features were delicate and charming like a fairy in the clouds outside.

Beside her was an incredibly handsome man who had his eyes slightly closed with long eyelashes that covered his eyelids. Even sitting there could feel his strong aura emanating from him. They attracted many passengers' attention.

But they seemed accustomed to living under other people's gaze as their demeanor remained elegant and noble.

A flight attendant walked over, "Do you need juice?"

Sylvia withdrew her gaze from outside the window and smiled slightly, "Juice please, thank you."

She also ordered Franklin a glass of juice.

The plane smoothly traveled through the sky for about three hours before finally landing at Aettosa International Airport.

Franklin led Sylvia out of the airport while Jasper followed directly behind them.

As soon as they left the airport, they saw a black Land Rover parked there with its door open. A handsome woman stepped out of it.

She wore camouflage overalls with a belt around her waist that accentuated her slender waistline curves even when wearing camouflage clothes which still looked very charming on her figure.

On foot she wore tough military boots that wrapped around long legs tightly.

"Miss Andrews!"

She saw Sylvia's face light up with joy as she stared at Sylvia intently wanting to pounce towards her but someone quickly blocked between them before anything happened

A pair of arms separated Mollie from Sylvia immediately after seeing Franklin's tense handsome face scanning over at Mollie fiercely "This is my wife."

"Mr. Maskelyne, I'm female!" Mollie felt more frustrated.

"Let's deal with the Hipps family situation first and get in the car," Sylvia rubbed her forehead, annoyed that this man was still so domineering and childish after all this time. Whenever it came to anything involving her, he would become jealous and embarrassing.

Mollie took a deep breath and smiled at Sylvia. "Miss Andrews is right."

She opened the car door and got into the driver's seat, followed by everyone else.

During the ride, she explained everything about the current situation of Hipps family.

"Hipps family has been seized? What about old Mrs. Hipps and Mr. Hipps?" Sylvia frowned.

"They moved out and are now living in a small apartment. Mr. Clare Hipps is in jail, as well as Mrs. Andrews and her daughter." Mollie spoke of Clare with a bit of pain in her heart. "Almost no one dared to intervene except for the Fox family who went to see the President..."

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