Chapter 805

A beautiful melody flowed out from the small harmonica.

Upon hearing the sweet tune, Ashlyn's expression immediately changed. She gritted her teeth and muttered, "Why does this bitch have to compete at a time like this?"

The fall was so brutal that she needed to go to the hospital instead of staying here.

Allie was also shocked and thought to herself that Jenna's willpower was truly strong, making people admire her.

The beautiful music sounded like flowing water in the mountains, immersing everyone in it.

The harmonica is divided into low-pitched and high-pitched ones. After playing a section on the low-pitched one, Jenna suddenly took out a high-pitched one! She actually switched between them back and forth, expressing every aspect of the song perfectly.

Although it may not look impressive at first glance, when played well, it has its own charm that rivals other instruments.

However, few people consider it as a professional instrument. Now it appeared on such an international stage - how shocking!

As time passed by, Jenna's face became paler and paler until finally finishing her performance with thunderous applause from the audience below.

Jenna felt dizzy but managed to hold on tightly without fainting away completely.

"I... I still have talent that needs showcasing," she said while struggling with her shaking body before continuing, "In my world besides music is painting."

"I can't sing; I couldn't even speak up before because I had mild autism."

She paused for a moment then added. "Please bring me my paintbrushes and canvas."

A staff member brought over painting tools as requested while she turned around facing away from everyone else, holding onto her brush tightly and trying hard not to lose consciousness again. She quickly sketched out an outline of someone before collapsing onto the ground after adding eyes, saying softly, "Sister..."

Her trembling hand lifted up slowly and she fainted after drawing a pair of eyes.

"Jenna!" A man yelled frantically as he ran towards center stage followed closely behind by others who were just as concerned about what had just occurred moments ago... "Damn it!" Sylvia immediately rushed over to Franklin.

In an instant, everyone rushed towards Jenna. At this point, no one cared about the score or the result of the competition.

Everyone just wanted to know how she was doing.

At the same time, both local and national media in Vienna were releasing this news.

On the stage of the finals, a crazy fan appeared and tackled Jenna to the ground. Her head hit heavily on the stage floor.

She tried her best to continue with the competition but has now passed out.

The Wright family was watching live online.

Mrs. Wright kept her eyes fixed on it all times. Although she couldn't go abroad with Jenna for competitions, she had been sitting in front of live streaming platform at home and never missed a game. When Mrs. Wright saw that crazy man rushing towards Jenna as soon as she stepped onto stage, her eyes turned red with anxiety.

"Oh my God! Jenna must have been injured! Why did that damn trash rush up?"

"Is he really a fan? I don't think so." Vita also watched live streaming with Mrs. Wright. Although she was very impatient deep down inside, she pretended to be interested.

"If he is really a fan, he won't hurt Miss Shepherd."

Mrs. Wright didn't have time now to care whether that man was truly a fan or not; what worried her most now was Jenna's physical condition.

She immediately called Brayden but no one answered.

Panickedly standing up again and calling Sylvia when phone got through, "Sylvia, how is Jenna doing?"

"Jenna is being examined right now; there's severe impact at back of head which may cause bleeding if any then it will be more serious otherwise swelling can be cured by rest for some time." Sylvia had touched Jenna's head before and made some judgments at that time.

"I want to go Vienna right away," Mrs. Wright said anxiously, "That guy is really too bad; he did it intentionally."

"Dn't worry too much; let's wait for examination results first," Sylvia comforted her softly, "We are all here at hospital together; She should be fine."

Vita also became anxious when hearing Mrs. Wright wanted going abroad.

"Mrs. Wright, Miss Shepherd has good fortune on her side, she'll definitely be okay."

Sylvia comforted Mrs. Wright for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone. Mrs. Wright sat heavily on the couch, "Jenna has had a miserable life, and now that she's finally gained fame and status in the music industry, she's been hurt again..."

"She had autism when she was younger..."

Mrs. Wright became more upset as she spoke.

"Don't be sad, let me make you some tea." Vita stood up and carefully poured a glass of water for Mrs. Wright.

Mrs. Wright was so immersed in her worries that she didn't notice Vita's nervous expression.

The girl stared at Mrs. Wright's hand holding the glass of water and urged her softly, "You should drink it now; it might make you feel better."

Mrs. Wright sighed and took a few sips of water without noticing any difference because of her bad mood.

After drinking the water, Mrs. Wright anxiously checked Twitter again only to find out that the man who attacked Jenna had been arrested by police on suspicion of being hired by someone else rather than being an actual fan at the scene.

"I knew it! Someone must have been jealous of Jenna winning," said an angry red-faced Mrs. Wright as she watched a video clip posted on Twitter showing him shouting repeatedly, "I'm innocent! I love Jenna; I want to marry her."

But he was immediately taken away by police officers while reporters rushed over to ask questions like, "Is there someone behind him?"

The policeman kept his face coldly indifferent, "We need to investigate this further before we can release any information." Then they drove away with him in their car.


In Middle Evroya, the heated election finally came to an end, and Michael Hayes was furious," What happened?"

Why didn't his plan work out when he sent someone to drug Isabelle?

He planned to find a man who would drug Isabelle first and take advantage of her while filming everything, so they could post it online later, making public opinion humiliate and insult her. And he would become prime minister smoothly without any obstacles!

But after one whole day passed, nothing happened at all!

Isabelle won the first place in the prime minister's election.

Harold had won first place in the presidential election.

Michael failed to achieve his goal and returned empty-handed.

He's gone crazy with anger!

Just as he was throwing a tantrum at home, the sound of a police siren could be heard outside the door, and with a bang, the door was kicked open from the outside.

Several fully armed police officers rushed in.

He stared at the police with a pale face and asked, "Why do you have the right to arrest me?"

"Caught red-handed, does Mr. Hayes still want to deny it?" The leading police officer sneered, "You are suspected of malicious competition and even hired someone to intentionally harm Prime Minister Isabelle. You will now be arrested and handed over to the court for trial."

Michael stared at the police in horror and exclaimed, "It's impossible!"

How could it be exposed?

"If you have anything to say, go tell the judge!" The police officer said coldly, "Take him away!"

Isabelle watched as Michael was taken away, a hint of relief flashing across her delicate face.

That night she was drugged, fortunately she protected herself, otherwise... the consequences would be unimaginable.

Darius acted quickly and decisively by directly exposing the mastermind behind the scenes.

I didn't expect it to be Michael after all.

"Are you feeling relieved now?" The man reached out and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

The scorching breath brushed past her earlobes.

Her face turned red and she said, "Um, let's go back."

Darius's lips suddenly blocked her mouth, and the man's hoarse voice sounded, "The election is over. Shouldn't you fulfill your promise to me?"

Isabelle blushed even more. "You saved me for our child, didn't you?"

"Who said that?" The man suddenly grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest. "I like you, ever since I first saw you five years ago. And now... I love you. You don't know how much pain I feel in my heart when I see you, especially when I know that you're not doing well. I swear, I will protect and love you with all my heart."

"Isabelle, trust me."

Isabelle stared at him blankly.

The eyes are filled with disbelief, what did he say? Did he say he loves her?

How is that possible?

"Isabelle, I won't let you and Bethany down. You two are the most important people in my life," the man's voice echoed in her ear, causing a stir in Isabelle's heart.

Can she really trust this man? She was confused.

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