
No, I just got out! My wolf rails defiantly. I want to run more! Let me go!

The kisses cease, and now Sinclair’s fangs close around my scruff, applying pressure.

I immediately realize what he’s doing. If he applies enough pressure – especially if he

lifts me off the ground-Ill be completely immobilized. I said shift!

I don’t want to! You can be a wolf whenever you want – but this is my only chance. I

protest fiercely, snarling as ferociously as I can. Let me go you big bully.

I can tell the games are over now. Sinclair pulls me up, and suddenly I’m hanging from

his jaws, my feet kicking helplessly. Yield Ella! I feel his authoritative growl deep in my

bones, and even though I didn’t agree to surrender, my rebelling limbs suddenly still. I

go limp, and when Sinclair returns me to the ground I roll onto my back, showing him

my belly.

Good girl. Sinclair’s huge black wolf gazes down at me, his emerald eyes blazing with

unbridled emotion.

My wolf whimpers in my head. Why does his praise make me feel so incredible?

Because you’re mine. His gravelly voice answers, and I realize that I’ve spoken aloud

again. Mine, mine, mine.Before I can think more about his statement, Sinclair is

groaning in my head, just look at you, he croons. Al rose gold and sass. I know he’s

talking about my fur now, which is the same metallic sheen as my strawberry blonde


And your little white tummy. He adds, nuzzling the patch of white fluff above my navel.

Mmm, my pup. My Ella. He sounds like a caveman, but his next words prove his mind

is as sharp as ever.

Shift mate, it’s time to finish this.

Finish this? I practically squeak.

Oh yes, Sinclair confirms darkly, his words are so animalistic that I tremble in

response. I’m going to mark and claim you before you can get away again. You’re

mine, and the whole world is going to know it.

All at once, I realize that the Sinclair I know is not in control. This is his wolf talking

now, and suddenly I realize why he warned me not to run from him on the night of the

Wild Hunt. The rational part of my brain understood. at least I thought it did… but it’s

one thing to imagine it, and a very different matter to experience it.

The last time I met his wolf, I hadn’t been able to hear Sinclair’s thoughts. I hadn’t

understood how different the two beings were – though it makes perfect sense that his

most primal self would come out when his inner animal is in charge. Still, I can hardly

recognize the Sinclair I’ve come to know and love in the beast towering over me. Then

again, I hardly recognize myself right now. This is all so surreal.

He wants to claim us. My own wolf swoons, yes, yes, yes!

Listen to her, mate. Sinclair orders, she knows what you need.

I shiver With anticipation, but as soon as I contemplate shifting I realize that we have

a problem. Dominic, I don’t know how to shift. I don’t even know how this happened.

Sinclair’s hulking black wolf studies me for a moment, before nodding once in

understanding and determination. Don’t be afraid, sweet one. I’m going to help.

Before I can contemplate what this might mean, a wave of pure Alpha energy washes

over me.

Sinclair lifts his muzzle and howls into the night, and my body shudders and jerks,

slowly returning to its human form. I feel a sudden and devastating loss to be back in

this skin, but the next thing I know Sinclair İs a man once more. He bends down and

scoops me up in his arms, carrying me back towards the bed we abandoned at the

beginning of the dream.

I’m staring at the bed with wide eyes, amazed to think that we’re finally going to be

together the way I’ve been dreaming about for so many months.

Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for this? Sinclair asks huskily,

dipping his head close to mine.

Feeling far braver than I can ever remember being, I grin. Yes, but that’s done now.

We don’t have to wait a moment longer.

His own beam is full of sultry promise. Thank the Goddess.

My heart is hammering against my ribcage as Sinclair lays me down on the plush

coverlet, and for the first time, I realize I’m naked. My night dress must have shredded

when I shifted, and though I’ve been naked with this man dozens of times before, this

is… different. It feels so momentous, because I know this time will be unlike any of the


Sinclair towers over me, his heated gaze raking over every inch of my bared flesh as if

he’s been starving for the sight of me. It feels impossibly vulnerable, to be spread out

in front of him like a feast to be devoured. I’ve never known a man who could light me

on fire with a single look, but Sinclair manages it without even trying.

I allow myself to peruse his own form in return.

I’ve always avoided this in the past, but now I let my gaze travel south of the

contoured muscles of his abdomen, to the huge, hard length standing at attention

against his navel. I can feel my eyes widen in alarm – I’ve always known that Sinclair

is twice my size, but this just seems like overkill.

There is no way that thing will fit inside me.

Then the wolf’s deep laughter is washing over me. A fresh rush of defiance sparks in

my chest, and I briefly consider fleeing, but Sinclair shakes his head, still laughing.

“Oh no you dont, you naughty girl. You’ve surrendered. That means you’re mine to do

with as I wish.”

“Tyrant.”I accuse, shooting him a sulky look.

“Little wolf, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He responds ominously. “You’re just lucky

I’m not putting you over my knee for running like that.”

“Oh please, you know you wanted to chase me.”I quip saucily, keenly aware of the

way he continues to survey my body, a lethal glint in his green eyes.

It feels incredible to know that I have this power over him, that his huge member is

hard and pulsing just for me. Feęling devious, I shift on the bed, stretching out my legs

and arching my back a bit, showing off my charms. For the first time in a and from

very long time, I’m enjoying my beauty the low purr Sinclair emits, so is he.

“You trying to tempt me, minx?” He rumbles appreciatively, the corner of his mouth

quirking up. “Don’t you know that isn’t necessary? I need no encouragement to eat

you up.”

The sound of his pleasure encourages me, and I bat my lashes, adopting an innocent

tone. “You could have fooled me – you’re taking forever.” I trail my fingers down the

valley between my breasts, drawing his eyes to their path. “You haven’t even touched

me yet.”

A fierce growl rips from his chest, and the next thing I know he’s pounced. I suppose it

serves me right for challenging his wolf, but I’m not complaining. He settles in the bed

with me, balancing his weight on his elbows and settling his hips between my spread

thighs. Sinclair lowers his head, his lethal grace belying the crushing force he applies

as he slams his mouth into mine.

Any thoughts I had of teasing him further disappear the moment our lips connect. I

immediately yield to hiş dominance, feeling butterflies that have nothing to do with the

baby I’m carrying, explode in my belly. I give myself to Sinclair freely, parting my lips to

let his tongue delve into my mouth.

I wrap my arms around his neck, nibbling on his lower lip and earning a playful growI

in return. The world spins and freezes at once, and all my nerve endings are frayed by

the surge of electricity he’s sending through my veins. When Sinclair tries to draw his

lips away I chase them, suddenly incapable of remembering how to breathe without


He tsks and shushes me with stern affection, kissing his way down my body. He

pauses to lave the soft spot behind my ear, and then to suck each of my beaded

nipples into his mouth.

I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy, or if it’s just Sinclair, but I swear I could come from

this stimulation alone. His talented tongue flicks over the hard nubs, sending pulses of

desire straight to my core. I wonder if Sinclair is still able to hear my thoughts,

because he sets up camp here and doesn’t move on until I’m whining and moaning in


Finally he moves down and hooks his arms beneath my thighs, though he still doesn’t

show me mercy. Instead he nibbles the inside of my thighs, moving closer and closer

to my center and drawing away at the last moment. Seeming to know exactly how

badly I need his touch, his own mischievous streak takes over. “Every time I’ve

scented your desire, I’ve dreamed of this.” He informs me, “of tasting the source. I

kept telling myself you couldn’t possibly taste as sweet as you smell, but I can already

tell I was fooling myself.”

“Dominic, please!” I finally beg, feeling close to tears.

“Poor darling, why didn’t you ask sooner?” He teases.I want to reach down and smack

him, but before I can he sucks my needy clit into his mouth, and I explode.

For someone who has never reached 0rgasm with a partner at all, Sinclair’s skill is


He’s only just touched my most intimate flesh, and I’m already falling to pieces. Maybe

it’s just been a long time coming, and it’s certainly true that my body has been wound

tight as a spring amidst the s3xual tension building in our relationship. Still, I’m seeing

stars and all I know is that Sinclair is to blame.

The most devastating part is that he doesn’t stop there. I’m still reeling from my

release, panting and trying to push him away from my sensitive skin, when he simply

dives deeper. One thick finger enters me as his tongue continues to devour me, and I

can only whimper. “Dominic, it’s too much.”

Another deep chuckle meets my ears, and I know I’m in real trouble. “Sweet, naive

mate, we’ve only just begun.”

At that, a second finger stretches my channel, thrusting and scissoring apart in a

movement that tells me he’s trying to make space for the massive member between

his legs. I forget how to breathe, and when the vibrating motion of Sinclair’s tongue is

joined by the crook of his fingers inside of me, I fall over the edge again, crying out.

“That’s it.” He praises me. “Come for me, Ella.

Good girl.”

I barely know my own name by the time he looms above me again, claiming my

mouth so that I can taste my own honey on his tongue. Velvet wrapped steel presses

at my entrance, so thick I’m sure it will never fit, but little by little Sinclair eases his

c0ck into me – proving me wrong.

With endless patience, he rocks into my heat, and too late I realize his thickness

wasn’t the true problem. His length seęms endless, and I’m sure I can feel him in my

throat. By the time Sinclair has buried himself in my sheath, I’m a heartbeat away from

coming again – though such a thing should be impossible.

“Fvck Ella,” Sinclair swears, dropping his head to the crook of my neck. “It’s like you

were made for me.”

I disagree, though I don’t say it. Any woman made for Sinclair would surely be closer

to his own size.

And though he is so large that I’m fairly certain I’ll be ruined for all other men, I can’t

deny how delicious it feels to be possessed by this powerful Alpha.

Sinclair begins to move, thrusting in and out of my slick heat with a feral energy that

might have frightened me mere weeks ago, but now I simply wrap my legs around his

back, urging him deeper.

His pace increases, and his thrusts tilt upward, slamming into that special spot inside


I fall over the edge again, and Sinclair purrs,” greedy girl, haven’t you come enough


I can only whimper, because by now I’ve realized that I’m a complete goner. My body

belongs to Sinclair now, and Im just along for the ride.

I lose track of time, so consumed in the feelings coursing through me that I can’t even

remember my own name. I know only that I’ll never be the same – in dreams or

reality. Sinclair encourages and praises me every step of the way, even though he

must know that no woman can withstand this much pleasure – at least, no human


His thrust become more and more forceful, and then I feel his fangs at my throat. He

waits until the moment is perfect, until I’m teetering on the edge of an 0rgasm stronger

than all the others. I’m beside myself, but he seems completely determined. Just as I

topple over the edge, he sinks his canines into the tender flesh where my neck meets

my shoulder, marking me as his own.

White lights burst in my vision, and warmth floods my body. I’m finally complete.

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