Thanks to Sylvia's arrangements, six poodle puppies awaited them.

They were all so adorable and Matthew wanted them all.

But Marcus stood firm. “We're only taking one home.” Matthew sulked briefly.

But soon, he perked up, eagerly eyeing the poodles before finally settling on a white one. The shop assistant handed the puppy over, and Matthew cradled her carefully.

The assistant beamed. “It looks like he's taken a liking to her” As the paperwork commenced, they learned the puppy-Minnie-was only three months old.

Matthew adored Minnie and was already planning a wardrobe for her.

Marcus intervened. “It's spring; she'll be uncomfortable in clothes.

Plus, her white fur's perfect ass, don't you think?” Matthew cuddled Minnie, proclaiming, “She's not as beautiful as Mom though” Marcus grinned.

Melissa didn't want to quarrel with Marcus anymore. She was supposed to be mad but, gazing at the tender puppy, she couldn't help but feel drawn toi too. Maybe it was because Melissa had never had a doll growing up. Touching the soft puppy made her uneasy, stirring up memories from her childhood.

Marcus observed Melissa petting Minnie’s fur.

Out of the blue, he offered, “If you fancy, pick another one for yourself” Melissa was lost in thought.

When she snapped out of it, she declined with a smile, “No, one's plenty.” Matthew glanced at his dad, and then at his mom, muttering under his breath, “Didn't dad say we could only have one?” Marcus playfully tapped Matthew's head. “Each person gets one. You've got Minnie.” Though it was a bit of a fib, Matthew bought it.

He even thought his dad was being super fair! Melissa stole a glance at Marcus. When he swiped his card, he added an extra $20, 000. “Get the other pups top-notch food. If you can't find them homes, give me a shout” The shop assistant was taken aback. She hadn't pegged Marcus as a big-hearted guy.

But soon it clicked.

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