She shifted the focus of the situation to entirely business-related matters.

Alan was stunned, but then inwardly smiled. He knew what she was doing, and instead of being offended, his admiration for her grew.

Pouring her a glass of wine, he said, “Not really. You're both young.

1 just thought the two of you would have a lot of common interests.” A faint smile appeared on Melissa's lips. She guessed that the prospects about financing might not be a sure thing.

If she wanted to get Alan's investment, she would probably have to marry his son first.

In the private room, tension subtly filled the air.

Jaime, evidently fond of Melissa, silently offered her a glass of wine, his actions speaking volumes.

Alan, observant of his son's demeanor, wore a warm smile.

“It's a special occasion for us to be together. Let's set aside business for the evening and simply enjoy our meal” he proposed, shifting his.

attention to the Smith brothers with a playful nudge.

“It's heartwarming to see the younger generation connecting so effortlessly!” Thomas offered a smile in response.

Bears Even Weldon, the typically stoic head of the Smith family, displayed a rare hint of warmth.

Over tea, Weldon's gaze lingered on Melissa, his estranged daughter, noting her resemblance to her mother.

Despite her delicate appearance, she had grown remarkably competent, a transformation he silently credited to Albert's influence.

Alan, ever enthusiastic, chimed in again, “The Japanese dishes here are exceptional! The salmon, sourced directly from the coast, is particularly

fresh” Weldon, maintaining his composure, nodded in agreement.

The group unanimously concurred.

Thus, Alan deferred to Jaime to oversee the meal arrangements. As Jaime gave instructions to a waiter, the room's entrance was graced by a striking presence.

Marcus, clad in a bespoke suit, stood under the spotlight, his nobility unmistakable.

Marcus’ eyes quickly scanned the room, eventually settling on Jaime.

Despite his inherent confidence, Jaime appeared somewhat disconcerted by the comparison.

“What a party you have here!” Marcus announced, stepping inside with Sylvia, who offered Melissa a brief, polite smile.

The atmosphere turned notably awkward.

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