Chapter 21 She Was Schemed Against

Pansy knew that Michael tended to sexually harass and cause trouble for female employees, so he was the perfect man for the job..

After that, she instructed him in detail.

Michael was nervous at first, but his eyes lit up immediately when Pansy promised him a promotion to deputy general manager the following year.

“Leave it to me, Ms. Coffman! I won’t let you down!”

“You know what you’re supposed to do. I’ll take care of the rest,” Pansy encouraged.

“Got it.” Michael was eager to find out what the eldest young lady of the Stuart Family would be like.

When Bryce dropped Celia at her apartment after lunch, he couldn’t hold back on the important question. anymore. “Can I go up to your house for a while, Celia?”

“It’s kind of a mess right now. Maybe next time.” Celia smiled, declining him politely.

Bryce sighed in response. “You know how I feel about you.”

“Please, don’t waste your time on me, Mr. Zamora, really. You deserve someone better,” Celia advised.

“It’s alright, I can wait. I’ve been waiting for these three years, so what’s a few more?” Bryce looked at her tenderly and devotedly, without any regrets.

However, Celia avoided his gaze, sighing, “See you.”

Bryce watched her walk away, perplexed just why she would reject his pursuit so adamantly. Just what had Celia gone through in the past?

He remembered the rainy night four years ago when they were abroad. She seemed like she had lost all hope, drenched and lifeless. Something must’ve happened before she went abroad, he thought.

After Celia returned home, she remembered it would be Friday the next day. She really didn’t want to attend her father’s anniversary banquet.

The Stuart Family had always held a prominent position in the business world. Her father owned a publicly listed elevator manufacturing company with a decent annual production and sales volume.

However, Celia lived a miserable life despite such a wealthy family background. Her father was busy with work outside, while Pansy controlled everything at home. Sometimes, she could only afford one meal a day, and when her father came home, she didn’t dare to tell him.

Once, when she did mention it, Pansy deliberately picked a fight with her father over it. Celia saw her father eventually comforting the woman, and she knew that speaking up wouldn’t lead to a better life.

She didn’t want to dwell on those days when Pansy treated her maliciously. After her grandmother’s sudden death, she had to move back home, facing Pansy’s cold violence and Yana’s mockery and bullying

In the carly morning, Celia received the banquet address from her father. It was the banquet hall on the tenth floor of Silvercrest Hotel, a five-star hotel in the city center. The banquet was scheduled to begin at




The dress Bryce got her last time finally came in handy. She didn’t want to embarrass her father.

At the same time, Pansy accompanied her daughter to a high-end evening gown store to pick out a couture evening dress.

“Mom, how do I look?” Yana asked, wearing a seven-figure evening gown, twirling in front of her mother.


“I’ll make sure Celia plays my supporting role tonight!” Yana couldn’t wait to crush her so-called half-sister.

“Naturally. She doesn’t even deserve to be your sidekick!” Pansy sneered.

Yana smirked. Tonight, I’ll have everyone at Father’s banquet know I’m the only daughter of the Stuart Family! Prepare to embarrass yourself. Celia Stuart!

However, there was a deeper sense of amusement in Pansy’s eyes. That very night, Celia would encounter. the same calamity she had escaped five years ago.

Five years ago, she was saved by someone, preserving her innocence. But tonight, let’s see where she can escape to. Who

will come to her rescue?!

At 6,50PM, Celia arrived at the hotel entrance by cab. She didn’t have an invitation card, but she was welcomed inside when she mentioned her name.

“This way, please, Miss Stuart.”

The banquet hall was bustling with activity. In addition to the company’s top executives, Callum Stuart had invited many guests, totaling about a hundred people. The entire banquet hall exuded an upscale atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Yana stood beside her parents as they led her to toast and introduced her to the guests, and her voice was drowned out by the praises until…

A clear and melodious voice rang out. “Dad.”

Yana turned her head, her eyes widening with shock. How is this possible?! Celia’s wearing a couture gown!

It was clearly not an ordinary dress, for every detail exuded an air of luxury.

As such, the guests who had just praised Yana were instantly captivated by this late arrival, surprised that Callum had another daughter who was even more, if not equally, stunning.

Celia stood tall and graceful, the spotlight shining upon her like a dazzling black swan, stealing everyone’s


Pansy turned grim too. She had believed Celia wouldn’t even have a décent evening gown. But unexpectedly, she made a stunning entrance.

Callum, on the other hand, was overjoyed. He went up to the young woman, took her hand, and introduced her to everyone. “Everyone, this is my eldest daughter, Celia.”

“Wow! You’re so lucky, Mr. Stuart! Each of your daughters is more beautiful than the other.”

“Yes! I thought your younger daughter was beautiful, but your eldest daughter is even more stunning!




Their comments made Yana turn grim. These guests were openly saying that she wasn’t as beautiful as Celia.

“Celia, you’re here. How wonderful! It’s so nice to finally have the whole family together!” Pansy immediately approached with enthusiasm.

Celia glanced at her and remained silent, not saying anything in front of the guests.

“Come, Celia, let’s introduce you to a few of my elders,” Callum said as he took Celia to another group of people.

Yana seethed with resentment and approached her mother. “Mom, am I really inferior to her?”

“Don’t worry. She won’t be able to stay proud for long. She can never surpass you,” Pansy reassured her daughter, then beckoned discreetly with her finger to a certain someone.

Michael immediately approached, holding a glass of wine. He had also noticed Celia, and now his eyes were gleaming, fixed on her figure.

“Ms. Coffman, is this the eldest young lady of the Stuart Family?”

“Proceed according to plan later, don’t mess it up for me.”

“Don’t worry! As long as the plan goes smoothly, I will follow your instructions and enjoy myself.” Michael couldn’t wait any longer.

Although there was a risk in dealing with the eldest young lady of the Stuart Family, with Pansy backing him up, he had nothing to fear.

Moreover, not only would he get to enjoy the young lady, but he also had a chance to secure the position of deputy general manager. Why wouldn’t he go for it?

After being introduced to several elders by her father, she wanted to get it over and done with and leave.

“Dad, I have something to attend to later, so I might have to leave early.”

“No rush. Stay with me a little longer. Callum didn’t want her to leave, and thanks to his eldest daughter, he received admiration from many people..

Meanwhile, a black sports car drove out of a luxurious villa halfway up the mountain.

After dinner with Jeremy, Hugo also prepared to attend a business engagement. He usually acted low-key and never voluntarily participated in anything unrelated to work. He even rejected numerous invitations to high-level summits and business forums.

In the business world, he was known as a stern and formidable decision-maker. To outsiders, he was distant and aloof. However, his life had already been simplified to the bare essentials-work, family, and his son-except for necessary social engagements.

At the company, he was a dignified and wise decision-maker, but at home, he was a good father who devoted himself to his son, discarding all aspects of his personal life. He didn’t need any other identities. other than the two.

However, he couldn’t decline this night’s dinner.

It was a foreign client that someone else had initiated contact, and an important business project needed


to be discussed. Coincidentally, the meeting was set to take place at Silvercrest Hotel, the very one the Stuarts were holding their anniversary banquet.

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